Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1991, p. 34

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PAE34, WITBYi fREEPRESSI EDN )DAY,MAY2, 1991 AUCTIONS j r PW~ONALS I PERSOI(ALS i NOTICE TO CREDITORIS AND OTHERS Al caims against the estate of ROBET COFTOSBORNE, late of the Town af Whitby, in the Regianai Municipality of Durham, who died.on or about the 23rd day of March, 1991,, must. b. filed wth the undersigned on or before' the lSth day of Ma, 1991, thereatter the undersigned wiiI distributs the- assets of the estate havig regard oniy ta the claims then fiied. - >Dated at Whitby, this 9th day of April, 1991. HUGH T. NICHOL, Q.C. Barrister & Solicitor 101 Dundas Street West Suite 206 Whitbv, Ontario UN 2MI RAFF SUPPLIES & LESSO$JS nch ombroidery - Fabdc peints k art suppUos ' Lace e Fabro 1T-shilrts, Soashrts lie Craft Connection" 430-3957 SEE OUR CERAMIC workshop. %ApIn--houssa Monday "ta wodnosday in May and June. Kkds wth parents wome. Call 668-545 BARN SWALLOW POTIERY Geenwood Sprkg Open Hous S St., May 4, 10 a.m. ta 4:-30 p.m. Sun, My 5. il a.m. ta 4:*30 p.m. DeannaJonea Top cf the hîli, 6 ConrmusIn, Gîeenwod: <WestneyROM, Hwy. 7 aiea) 427-0598 77is Mothers' Day qie a gift of handcrafted si/k flowers, alTanged in an array of spring colours. Just like your feelings for your mother, these flowers last and last. This Saturday & Sunday noon to 3 p.m. Elizabethosr Place 60 Bagot, BrookIin GIVE THE4 AUCTION SALE WKAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" EvsryWsdnesday at 61~0 p.m. Loaled on Brook Rd., Pickering, 3 mies- north 0 f Hwy. 401 (Exit #399). Fsaturing evsry Wed. an excellent selection 0f antiquesfine furniturs, glass, china, collectibles primitives, and the unusuals. S join us every Wsd. and participate in oneloaf Ontario's 'truer auctions wth no buy-backs- or reserves. uConslgnmient and estate selling aur spsciatty.w 0.11 us today. Previows from 1.00 p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES <416) 683-0041 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN TUESDAY,, MAY 7 -6:30 P.M. 6 po. modern pine dlnlng roocm ste., automatic washers & dryers, 30" oloctric stoves, chosterfield, 5- pc. walnut- dining room ste., roclining chesterfield, oak glide rocker, modern dressers & chests af drawors, parlour tables, coff se & end talefla-top trunks, console colour TV (with, remote) .Iawn chairs, odd wioodon chairs, Inglis dryer, chrome kitchon stos., pilus lg. qty. of good qualty hausehoid items, tooLs, china & glass. DON & GREG CORNEIL RR.F: #1, LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 SATUJRDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT., MAY 4 0:30. P.M. PETHiCK AUCI ION BARN, HAYDON, 10 MI. N.E. 0F OSHAWA, EVERY SAT. NIGHT AT 6&W PM This week ta include items ta be sold for Mackie Van & Storago and Mm. Russeli, plus mahogany. & walnut dining room stes., pins harveet tables, pins chatrs, fit-to-wali, bedroom stos., lots of box lots, Iimited edition prints, signod Maorecroft pcs., rear tins plick up w/cap. plus lots more antique & collectibfe pos. Small ad, larg sale. For mors info cati 416-263-4252. Terma are cash, chaque or Visa. Sale managed and GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS NEED HELP'PLACING'your ad? Cail Joanne, Whtby Fr.. Press, 668-0594. MAY 1991 AUCTION SALES SaturdaMy 181, 10:30 a.m. Sals for AithurCatton, RR 2, Port Perry - a lg..collection of antique tractors, ant iq ue gas enqines,. cast Iran seats, lots of engine parts., Mani-aisanmoe Monday, May 201, l aÏ.m. Pethic Auction 'Barn. "Lg. estate sais ta include lots of quality furniture and antiques. Saturday, May 25,il a.m. Si af horse-drawn bugies, cutters, wagons, wicker govemess. cart, show wans, show buggies, show harness, hosetraller, tack & much more. Same cansignments will be acceptsd for this sale. To be heid et Church St. E, Columbus, Ont. CORNEIL'S AUC TION BARIN FRIDAYq, MAY 3 - 6 P.M. Contents of local home: 9 walnut dining room ste. (nee le- point seats), walnut teawagon, 6 refinished press-back chairs, aak hall seat, pins open-face cup board, refinished maple hoosier kitchen cupboard, aimond- 2-dr. Inglis fridge, almond 30w Moffat electrie stove, pin. drop-leaf table, antique hanginq light, solid oak sideboard, china cabinet/buffet combination, organ stool, 2 single walnutbds 2 pc. refinished antique oa bedîoom ste., oak washstand& dresser, pine wash- stand, Sharp VCR, portable colour TV, upright freezer, ýGE washer,, antique cast iron loveseat &. 2 chairs, fiat-top farmn scales, pins counter lap desk, walnut vanity dresser & stoal, wicker chairs, ty. 0f~ ~ ~~~i bas chn & terestun ofaneis.Acfuinaturn excellent condition. One of 'the best sales of the year. Ail from ans home. Also consugned.ta seIi at 9 p.m. qty. of hockey cards &- farmn machinery, including 135 Massey Ferguson diesel tractor, »3 ,PT H snowbiower, 3 ý PTH mear end loader, 3 PTH 6 ft. utility bade, cernent mixer, 10 HeP Ailis Chalmerps garden tractor wllawn- mower, snow bliwer. Part sets of hock.g cards 1970-73, 1977-789 DON & GREG CORNEIL R.R. #1, LITTLE. BRITAIN (70R) 786-2183 HOLY.- SPIRIT PRAYER - Moy spirit, you who opened my-eyes ta the beauty of this world amd gave me the divino gift to forgive and forget the wrong don. ta me. You who showed me tho way ta roach my ideals. You who .nover beave me. I want ta thank you for everything and confirm once more i nover want ta be sspareted from you, no metter how great the material desire may be. i want ta, be with you and my loved ones in your pempetual glory. Amen;. Thank you f or loving me and my loved anes. Pray this prayer- three consicivedy without asking favour, third day wish will wiii bu g ranted. Promise ta pubilsh this dialogue as soon as favour Is granteèd. HV. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heait cf Jesus for favour eceived. AC. 430-6550 O Pero ae hitby IF YOU WANT TO DRINK thai's your business,.If you want ta stop, that's Ours. Cati ALCOHOLIOS ANONYMOUS L akeshore Districts <416) 728-1020. i r i -For mare info on any of thise BAHAIS BEUEVE. Love la sales, cati: heaven's kindly light, the Holy Spirit's ete mal beeth that vivifisth I GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS1 the human soul. For information F L F '416-263-4252 and discussion cati 668-8665. ABORTION refeiral informàtion. Cai 430-1663. cou yopur Welcome Wagon Hostess now. Phono 668-6653 j BIRTrH-CONTROL -and, famlily planning couniseiling. Fre..àand confidentli, avlabe èvona Frlday 830 am ta 4:30 p.m. Clinlo every 1rhursday «3.00 p.m. ta 6 p.m. For further informatio n, cati. 420ý-8781 or 433-8901. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE" relationships. For help, cati. the Denise House for Women an)d Childrsn. Toil free. 1-800-263-3725' or 728-7311. Canfidentialityý assured. (FormsrîyAuberge.) THANKS TO THE HOLY sprit Sacr.d Hnrt of Jo'Ss and 0St. Judo for fwvours rocoivod. RS. Wengby- Dawn er *Legs.Facials 0 8 n_ Fôlfts without surgery, etc. 43-128< DO YOU'HAVE a apecial service or product? Cati tho clssiflodsand' find out how ta sou tk. Whitby Fr.. Pr,~ss, 668-0594. PSYCHIC ADVISOR Monday toFridayI 9a.m. to '9 p.ým. 430-1328 Pur Fai pur Tr Piesa check your advortisemont for orrors an theo firat day of publiation. The Whtby Fre Press wilii not b. hiable for failuro tao publish an ad, or for typographic errais ln publication boyond tho coot of the spaco occupiod by the orror up ta a maximum cast ' f tho insertion. Tho Whitby Free Pross'resorvea the rlght ta ciassifY or roject ail advotsomentsW. PRE-PAID (Cash, VISA, choque received boforo doadiine) $5.00 for 20 words; ($5.35 includes G.S.T.), 120 each additional word; (130 includes G.S.T.) BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each -additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS8 810 per agate lune (1 4.agate Unes per inch) minimum charge: $5. prepaid, $7.50 billed_ DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS '(Ada with bordera, picturos or graphica) Regular.display rates apply - 860 per agate line inimyum aize 1 column Inch $Î2.04 (14 agate linos per lnch) I PLUS 7% oG.S.T DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wedne sday publication. 668-0594> ý' r- = 0 - '0 - --F -0 ip V Y $$$Sffl Mur==

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