WH=TB>1FMEEPRS%, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1991, PAGE Ifl Allergy-information.associa tion formed i8n ,Durham Regio ,CHANGJNG ATTITUDES 'Canging ýAttitudes' ,was- the theme of ýthe 1989 Recycling Week canipaïgn, and the neties is the decade to prove we can, -do It.-Filhing-our blue boxeach week gives us satisfaction. However, recycling alone will not solve our garbage woes. We must also strive towards personal responsibility for waste reductioni and reuse. "Let's face it," said John Hanson, executive director -of the Rey c ounilofOnaro,"if we're really going to solve the gabg crisis,- we have to reduce per capita garbage gneration. That means changnpeopl es, attitudes' and behaviour patterns whether the'reat honie, atwork, at school.. or travellinV. It's clear that recycling is nolonger-enough." So, what s next? We have to look ca'rellly t the! closed loop in everythingr we do. If an item is disposale, weshould ask ourselves, qWat is the alternatie?, Toitert, e.neé.ed flot look 1any further than at our own liftleýcorner of the world. One corner of, ever!yone's worldis. Lhe regular, visit-,te, the dentist. Most dentiste ."'provide a ml ipsE cufo mouthrinsng. es Çhe problemà With AIDS ý dentiste are reluctant. to pfferara, lecyp, even witi proper sterilization. How«êwLr;'pg-Mu~saouin Now a smallFsýingle çupdostee'le a lot f grae but a dental hyjpnist told me that lun her, office (one dentist and one hygimt hyd~adbteen 10ad10cps per week. The llo-pages of. the- Regionaà l Munù'i'ipaty of Durham tele 4~directorylhst 3O deMï9s9' offices. Multipl thi by~onê.1 jvie figref10 ups-per office and you have approiitiýafoy 30,OodiPosable upsgoing in aldfIl weekly. Most dentists.récycle ama]lgam (silver fillings), gold crowns and znercury. I' thermometrbek in your hm s toothp ick or piece of cardboard te push the xnercury -cioplets together and place them into a glassà arto'take te your dentist. Neyer put a nïgercury bail in your handiyoarwein rings, às gold..will cruibleon enntact.' Clean, ttnwanted ýlankets, sheets, tewels and bath mate are a welcome donation at';the-Pïckering-Ajax-VWhdtby shelter and any animal'cini-, 'pet saéloný or veterinarian's offie. Blankets keep animais warm after sùrgery, sheets and towels are used at bath tiniean4dmats are useful asbeds. Bulk buying help's the shopper avoid a lot of packaging and saves money, too. I ln minany cases, those film bags can be used ag*in. Take your own bags, boxes or plastic hampers1 with you when you go shopping. Lug-a-Mug i f you enjoy a beverage on route. (A ssoc iate 'Broker)i ,. and Jackie Wright (Sales Representative) R&M X céanaan lanld realty nc. 55 Baldwin St. Brooklin, Ontarlo (416)655-8444 "POWER 0F SALE"' ý lnvestmhent Property Whtby ý$329,900 "~ Commerciat/Resldential mix G2/R-4,zoning, approximately 11,850 sq. .lad+3br Board & Batten house. Situated on the corner of Brock St. &, Baseline, approx. 400 ft. from GO entrance. Cail Brian for further informfation, ist of permitted uses& showirigs. SByMaureen Quinlan Durham Region now has, an AII&y Information Association ,to help deal! with' allergy po blems and solutions. p "We want the public te be aware we are here te educate and poide nformnation," says Sue Driver, president of Allergy Information Association (AIM) The group of 64 members plansto meet three to four times a year and exist 'as. a reference for people who have queastions and concerns about allergies. «Its like a library. You name it -- I have the information," says Driver.: Driver wants te, focus' on allergy awareness for caregivers, day ,cares and teachers. ' The A has been'responsible fore such- breakthroughs as the labeling of ingredients of food at somne restaurants and the label- ing of what fibres make up Our clothing. f For a limited time certain re staurants in, Toronto Çad a îist of what they p ut in their food, for people who h ave allergic reac- tions te certain food types. «When my son and 1 go out the only thing hie can usually have on the menu is french fies,»" ys Driver. Driver's son has anaphylais, and if he eats so much as one peanut' it could mean the dif- ference between life or death for him. He has a card that hie carrnes te -restaurants that identifies him as a person with anaphy- laxis and déscribes what he can anid cannot eat., But Driver says the proble m is that many restaurant staff aren't aware of what's in the food that they serve. «Some of 'them have no idea -if something has been cooked in peanut ouf or not, and I just can7t take. that' chance because he could die,î'» says Drivier. SAnother problemi that -Driver finds is that there is no labeling on the drugs that she buys fo6r her son. 1But the *A is working out waysthey can help those in the community with anaphylais. Information booklets' about allergies are 'available free of charge and there are buttons that saLy 'Stop - don't feed 'me Fm special for lkids who have ana- he lsor anization is determined te make May, 'Allergy Awareness Month, successful in ternms of educaig the public. 'THE-TOWN OF'WHITBY (Ž CQMMUNI1Y SCHQQLS / PALMERSTON-COMMUNUTY SCHOOL 400 Palmemton Avenue WhitbyOntario 666:095 Palmierton Commnunity Sohool will be holding iecm for children ages- 3 - 5yéairatiwm locaionsthis summer. pecm Monday & Wednesday Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 - 11:*30 a.m.. 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. 1:00 - 3:00 p.m'. Register at Palmerston Community Schoot on 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. .or Saturdays 9:00-ý12 noon. Palmerston Col. Farewell Palmerston Col. Farewell Tue)sdays, or Thursdays, pon't Iet your child miss out on the fun. Would you beieve your chflde ctull Slearnto0lovemah The KUMON method'mnaes it possible. ince it was developed over SI30 years ago in Japan, the Kumon individualized, self- Slearning.system has helped 'Aover 7,000,000 children to master mathematics and b uild confident study habits. Give your child the chance to try the most successful math learning method in the world-the Kumon Method. Affordable programs are available for ail children 4-15, cail now. TM Cetresin 35 other locations I(1JMON Cnrsin Ontario. K U M 0 N EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE STUNNING ALL BRICK HOME IN PRESTIGIOUS FALLINGBROOK. ..* A I know Whitby! I live in Whitby .and have speciaized n Whitby Real Estate for many years. - -. EMRYBOW. if hl * u IF QUESTIONS YOU FIND, PLEASE KEEP ME IN MvIND, ROSEMARY BROWN, SALES REPRIESENTATIVE IN VOUR TOWN.] BUS: 433-2121 RES: 668-3504 j, OPEN HOUSE PRESENTATION Bring.votirchild 1'()i-aFREli'ý 1-7) minute diagnostic lest. TU ES DAY, IMAY 21S'I', Starts 7:00 shai-p - 8:00 II.M. ýVliltl)v curling Club 815 Brock Street N., \Vhitby (il 16),134-1039 Instructor, Ms. Jan martili ASK ME ABOUT 9.9% MORTGAGES! v wyp,