Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1991, p. 15

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WIBYRE PRESSWEDNESDAY MAY 15, 199 ~PAGE 15 rdu e opensdoorforpcl-B.*tra!ns frt VhyIyr o site. -FROM PAGE 1 He would be, responisible forall transportation, site . preparatiân and 'anennecoets -snd b. requ ired -taÃ" post a bond, White White did not know if- Rbn son or him iawyer,had, agreed to these tenns. Nethr Ebnon.,rbs ai citor were availabie for comment. iBut 1shouid 'ýRobinson -.baik at thýëeeconditions, hé, could in da 'e f 8rosecution, from Enyonmnt anada. S fderal, spkesman said Monday that alf PCBe and con.- tamnatd' ateialabordthe 'vessel hbave been!designated as waste andmustËbereunoved. ý Failure ta dôo o culd resuit in ..c'ar'es.gansRobinsBon., ý1ee- sn pressing reason frtho 1?CBs ta romnain'on, the <boat, 7'iWhite -tald "a, .grèescon- ference aàtbis Wýhîtby consti- tuency ,offce. - "If it's bis will t remnove them - h pening la there for that to Terming. it,'an «extraordinary precedent» onbehaif of the p)ro- vinoe, Whitereminided -reporters thatthéPCBs "re stililin federal -(Federal la4 1 has .,authorit ovrer, the -POBs while, on the bot and dock. Provincial regulationsï .apl*hen- the, PCBS are noi Ion5çr on federal property,)- wieto6> concerned ta allow it to coôntin'ue were talking about 'a major heaith, risk,~ said White.. .P CBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) have been linked to, cancer in laboratary animaIs.-< .Production -of PCBs; used as a cooling agent for electu;,al- trans- foriners, ws»banned in the '1970s. Two transformiers onhe-fierTy ~tanùrer contains- mineral ail *with i ow-Ievel -.PCB contamination, slightly above the, ,accptablo stanàdard of 50 parts .;er million. In a.dditon, there are two 40-' gallon-duis on the boat which co;ýntin PC-cotamninated bu e water taken from, the vessels' White said. the 1POBa would hav! a b uoveyba lcenced carrier, liHe*did-,not know ifthe tasormera or only the ail would be stred at Hydro',ste. If ]Robinson agrees, ta the' tem, àhe Sitecan..be prpared in a mater f daya, saidWhite. Shouild" Roblnin cirefuse, he cannot' sell thé boat with the 'PCBs stili on board, said White. ThIlere is aIma pending lèga1 action from -thé. -nunicipality PIanf "0 Sfeed CORRECTION On Wednesday, Ma y 8, 1991 in the ýWhitby Free Press, the advertisement for the Re9ion ai Durham's Recycle, Rlightl campaign was .incorrect,.IR should have read A wa«e rmnagemsnvt k*<matlon progm of the ýRegh>n of of PwknA by 0shvaý NsMaa, Uxbddigè. this may have caused. a-aina t hlm,ý White added. ,We've doeyevrythingw poosliy can," said W, te., ,..Attersley> said the ordei4.in- council is a ,,"step'ýn, the right direction" but would hlot embrace it Il ",WhitýbyHydro has ta sign the agreement,. as of ,t#ùs mori ing (Mnano "ment bas b Bn awaiting <carification" of 'the cabinet order. He did not kno if3at o Ilydro's.ts weri me *if furrther negotiations must ake pace. Ifit gesaiongwihOur agreement I will be happy tej et it «(boat) out.'of »there,» , aid Attersley. "As .oi. now theres no signed agneement, until, then' notbiing ,willhap . A spman 'for' the. Ontaro Minisr of Envîronmentwaý not availablo todiscuss specificýs of the, order., Meanwhiie,ý the federal, goÏ~ern- ment could soon ho taking action. Environmeént-CàxîÎda spokes- man Bob Krauel said-Rie ~son did* not fu'ycomply with -iast Friday's deadline'- for roper storage of c onteninatedrbiqgo water. KraUel1 said ministry officiais inspected the ferry on Saturday and were not satisfied "Ho was: not il, compliànce with ail the requirements," said "W. 61ld hlm previousiy if ho had nat compiied, ho was ta remove it. Krauei - 'eatimated there is about "55 ta 75» gallions of con-' tan'inated biige water continfed in two drums, in addition ta, the transformrers. Hoea d Robinson must remove ail PCBs and contaminateëd oual rnmthe 'vessé], since its snow ýèn rule4 ta b. waste 'material. (As 1onÈ as the boat was con- d .oéabe' federal officiais erd o actuniless .an 'emer- <ncy exisýed. <But witb thé.removal of the, ta a's nginsm- preparation for îtapending sale, the lega! aspect Krauel. said foderal officiais were atteimpting ta, find out the, Oetâils, of the provincial order. «We're itillI trying flnd out .nore about the Whiby Hydro Mite, .Wed'ý like ta' see 'it moved there,» s *aid Krauel. 1,But itcould mean the tra.nsfor- Mers and'ibilge'"water may have ,o be. storedl in temporary con- tainerson the dock, said rauel.', «We're 'lookingf at remqvingi it in a matta fays, not Weeka,» ho said. If Robinson does not agree ta the Hydro deai, federal authori- ties are prepared ta step in,, said Krauel. epoe. ngwt «We will b rceigwt aOur enforcement and compliance policy,'" ho. said. fo th Onriginall 'CaribbeanI as a floating 'generat- üig station, a local couple intend ta taw the * boat ta Toronto and refurbish the veasel 'intoaa museum and restaurant., ý-* . However, the :ouple's plans camne as news t a* a spokesman for' the Torontoa Harbour Commis- sion. I aà recent inter-view, public affaira officer John Jursa had no knowiedge of the ferry or the" Wehaven't heard of them,» said Jursa, «They would have ta get permission from the harbour master and they haven~t done that. * Confronted with Jursa's com- menta, prospective owner Mary Ellen Donneiiy was flot concer- 1360 KINGSTON RD. (HUB PLAZA) SPRIG -SAL!! $40. OFF WITH PURCHASE 0F FRAME & LENSES (Complete pair of glasses) CALL NOW 889-9244 Sale ends May 31 st191. Eye examinations arranged. For Saturday appointments CAIL 839-9244 13GOINGSON 'p1 Q1p P LAZA) Contact Lenses Rx up ta.+ or - 5.00 dioptor PHONE 839-920-,... I.. ned. "W ~ave rmi*saion'ta take" tho! ' ~ tth r g' aid Donnelly, butw wh would hot produce évi- dence ippri abr am She ddlndj* rthrcomment, oathe.matr With -thé orôrdr-in-council. thé Iast ,chapter of h e.I ýsaga may,. T7he rustinàg '¶sel bas; been -a featering w6n or Whitby coun- cil ince its arviin the mari- gold muünicipalfity. The Tawn tried ta farce Robin-, son, ta ov o ittbreyears agafo but waa 'thwar 'd in: its forsb thé federa o-vernménL war Ottawa ýýwas-',collectmfg .doëcking fees fromi Robmtson. But last, year the harbour was reclassified as a amaîl craft bar- bour ftoin an Izýdustrial p rt. The nuniipaltten laid treâpassing -cýhargesa aainat Robmnson.9 Btif convlcted, under théý pro-. vincial, Trespans Act, Robinson can only be fied. 1A justice of the peaco bas no poer ýta order the boat's remno- Thereforo 'the Town in also 'sSekinq a court im~unctIon. Ifa juge grant ,ed h nuunc-. tion, Robison wouidb. in con- tempt of court'and'sub*ett fines and/ar imprmismrgent. if 'ho failed ta comply. Meanwhile, 'Town officiaIs have expressed 'conco rn -ta federal authorities 'about the. boat' o--njginies.,andohr machinéry being kept on: the dock." AÀttersiey said Fishenies -and. Océans Canada han not yet, in- dicated that it plana ta addroas this problem.. «Orbiggestconcern, now in the PCBs, we, will get after, them once they"re gone, aaid Atters- ~~Lr THE REGIONAL DURHAMUNICIPALITY, 0F DURHAM PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE. CLASS ENVIRON 'MENTAL ASSESSMENT-EXT'ENSION' Ã"F .TiRUNK SANiTrARY SEWERS TO SERVI10.E THE, COMMUNIT;Y 0F BROOIKUN Il! THEiTOWN 0F WHITBY Te RinalMwic ofty Durhm is in the pmcess of fhiWizru tOe aignment frOeftume extnsin o a tnjk sanitury seer mcpked t, seroevice commu-. nity of Brooklin tb dme estig snti e eesyslem hi the Town'ofWhitby. The project is sutWect: taOie ChumaEn*cgnu.I Ammmu for Mwi*slW di sfaerP Isol- SchshC oand a plarvi pr c'ppmwvd by' ofte Enwomiet is beunç foloweci A infomiation centre t,' tl :dx<>d algnfment for tie thunk sarutaiy smw and Io seek public WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1991 2:00 PJI. bD5: P.M. td 7:00 Pi. lb 9:W PU. BROOIN COMMUNITY CENTRE 45 CASSELS ROAD EAST, BROOlCUN Staff of tie Region ai Duihan and Proctor & Redfem Ljmited consultng engmneeers for the pmject will be. in attenciance ta answer questions. For those intereted a brief prnsentation iAUi be given at 3.00 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. Under Oie ternis af Oie Class Envwonniental -Assessment wuitten. or oral comments trom Oie public and meview agenaes vidU be received and aclckessed in Oie Environniental 51u4 Rleport besng poepared for Oie project Fofloing Ou. public meeting furher comments wll be rici until June 7,1991. Sbeot ta comments received as a resut At oi is notice, Oie Region wlll Proeed 'i thOe plannin for Oiis projeot and an Environmental Study Report wUl be. completed aid placer! on public record. Further unfoiaion can be obtaned tram:' UR. KEN THOIiPSOtL R.ENG. REGIONAL MUNICIPAITYOF DIJRHIIA WORKS DEPARTUDIT TELEIHONE <416) 668-7721-. -8m&wALT0400 Pli, m53AYToFUDAY. - G HE RRENIAVA SI£LGAIU PENG.- MURMUMMI- LA 1 ', ;à 1 - - - - - - - -1 - --- - - - - - - . , 1 . - 1 » m'Pl m6dbd-tàî

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