~HYlBY FEÈ RsS WEDNESDAY, MAY 15j91, PAGE 21 PatosIndbaklconies fuli, obubfowe<rs -'.Sunmmer-flowering bulbe, are popping up'ail over -the Canâdian landscape,..1 mnwindow ,boxes, conitainers and -planters of al oorts. These tender plants thrive on sunlight' and. many like -to be pot-bound, maldng -them ideal for sunnïy balconies, -terraces and. patios. Annuals, low-growing peren.. nials, smali trees an& shrubs al are naturals for container gardening, too. Add a few tubs of sunimer-flowerinig bulbe 'and you can achieveé themmne efect on a balcony that-many etrive for in. an open garden. Some of the best bulbe for. thie purpoSe are begonisa., dahlia (especially'Mignon and Topmix varieties), Eucomie bicolor' (the pineapple plant), and dwarf Advntuouegardeners expert- mjent- with Crinum,* ooehotetammd hies, douible-flowering Eranuniculus and Oxalie deppei (the four-leaf c'lover). WMen -planting 'm' containers,' gooddrainage is. the Ãmoot critical, factor. Notixi je more ýfatal;7" têt plante thà an ecese water which doeà s not drain off quicly enough., Corne In andl meet John"ww ln Nis new soie venture as owner/operator of the GARDEN MART. "I'm'Iooklng torward to meeting many of my old and new> gardenin f rlehds. If irmIy believe the Gardon Mart ogo, QOuality need flot cost more". Having spent more than 20 years ln the Gardon.Centre indus 'try, most recently'as manager of the John Brouwer Gardon Centre, 1 do knoW what quality is." DOORCRASHER JOHN VAN STAVEREN GRAND OPENING.PECALS STAFF 0F OGS Garden Gallery recently planted tbree rodmaiples at ,Centennial Park in Ohawa. Above, Ray Van Staveru, Jim Butland and Ken Crawford are shown planting one of the trees. Fre Pr.. photo SPREADING EVEROIREENS, OLD GOLO JUNIPER,,, -beautiful golden foliage ear round, will spread 3-4. Ver~ hardy, excellent landscape s'eciman. ~ *Reg. 16.99 Garden. Mail 9.99 LITTLE GIANT GLOPE CEDAR -no pruning needed Grows in a perfect bail, dwarf. 2* In height. S*Reg. 19.99 Gardeni Marl 14.99- 1100%YUARANTEE FLOWERING SHRUBS 1 0's To Choose From Starting As Lo'w As 100 CA Low. Maintena Deep Green *R eg. 59. Garden Mart *nice With iColour. .99 BEDDING PLANTS PETUNIAS MARIGOLD* COLEUS PORTULACA PHLOX VERBENA ONIONS PEPPERS CABBAGE BROCCOLI CELERY TOMATOES 1 *Reg. 1.49/box Garden Mart 1.29/box 1(moat with 6 plant8 per box) MIX & MATCH -12 BOXES/FIAT; O0NLY 14.9,9 2.99 GERANIMS N.*eg. 2.69 MGURNTEDRA11ENA ýGarden Mart19. QUALITY NEED NOT COST IWORE. GARDE N BDur Owfaelt VIA RT Bulk Soils/Aggregate Centre M rg l' Di SCOUNT M tie.y GARD:)EN'CENTREg Open7Days aWeek 89qe 7Taunton, Rd .JrE9 g W flIt D y 4 3 4 m 2 5S2 p p y T e B a g ' O S T h o e F o 3f4* crus lk"WonI *W hv Ie lhtt tutufliie *ae rce uefotWhlquntrSal espcshogd?"sioalfrOlS ARNTS TOPSOiL FREE iDo-It-VYourseif Unlock - Interlocklng Stone Seminar Saturdlay June ist <at 10:00Oam FOR QUICK RELIABLE SERVICE CALL 683m 0887 eTop Soli - Sand - Curbs- Rockery Stone - Gravel eFlrewood - Limestone - Pine Mulch - Patio Slabs - Treated Timbers 1- w a &W ana swagýo a