Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1991, p. 23

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WH1BYFRE REe WEDNESDAY,.MAY1&' 1991, PAGE 2 nuals n yoursummergarde DYIB MaséQ C èuiers For the showiest- display of i#lin yoiur t*rbes à, walk pround your de, tdé PîwI l,-,wn whether >it 'is a eunily 'oray area. Most annu.4s iprefer.,,îug4.,but :isornUke eliade. You .ght,:think '4but the îýpartic3larjcçlour you ~want, [an,..cer4aiipart miyor ~~ Doyouneed ýhot o t orz~, qr sqme o16bth? 1-Meîxibr,.that .annuels make tebeet, displa f lnti largeMpasses cfone clour. Çorsider théee preado .1,P ink -impatienàsbeside w hite A!brçius begonias,.yellow 'man-igolds behid a group, 0f. blue ageratum, whte alyssu in front of. red geranlume, or blue cornfowers next to white or pink petunias., White flowers <ivide colours that> clash. Dusty miller with its grey-green. foliage adds interest and contast to your flower bedÀ. You can, use tail cosmos, leome, tithonia or dahlias- as background plante. Cleome attracts butterffiee to your garden. ,Tithonia ise a tail, busy plant with bright orange daisy-like flowers.- trcet nasturtiums, and others, espeiaily if they are red. Annuals can be plantod as a border for your vegetable gardon, in, perennial beda, foundation plantinge and ini iland beds. Some annuals such as geranium, mnrgold and nasturtium flot only provide colour along your' vegetable gardeni, but mayprotect:smorn f ,your; vegetables -from harmful inset plant annuels among your epring flowering" bulbe and perennials to give continuous colour after these have finiehed blooming. Foundation plantings cen be very attractive in summer if you use some of these: geranium, dusty miller, alyssuin, ageratum, dwarf marigold i sunny areas, and impatiens, tuberous begonia or coleus in the shedy p arts. The end of May and first wek of June is the time to set out your Beedlings. If you have, grow Ur own,1 they. should have n I outeide in their flats to be hardened off. If you are buying from a nursery, they have likel1y been expSed tu outdoor conditions. It is best to pinch biorns from these eSedlings ini order to encourage aide branches to produce many llower stalk. Chrysanthemum; -enapdragon, aster and geranium are:somecf the plants that wil, benefit from this pincbing. After planting, eoak thoroughlywidth Wate2, If .:you apply a liquid or granuler fertlizer, use one with a hihmiddle number te promote V1AUl 1 BROOLI RETL L for ail your Iawn & garden rentai needs. Serving-Brooklin ý& -Whitby ku8 4e o w throughout the sum mer, There ar many summer flowering. bulbsi, that can gîvý attractive ,diisplays. Tuberous -begoiias tatd indoor iii peat moBsa. inl March, are ideal for shademeareas Dahlis were mentiond iearlier; gb'l alsaire best planited in the -vegetable, garden. >H ave, you ti* 4 < idantera , ,ranuncultu or ismene? Ail of these must be dug and stored during the wintor, but. their summer display is w6rith the, extra work. 1Have funri hiyour summer -garden. If y ou have *questions -about,. or. -problemeswith, your garden, write td BrooklÏn Master Gree Box 095,'Uxbridge, Ont. LOC 11(0. y y~c~MM > '< MIN, Garëdeners The Master Gardeners in Training _progratmbegan in Durham Region in JTanuary 1990. The programe originated in WashIngton state. in 1972, and, as df 1987, there were 45 states involved i the program. It began iB C. in 1982, and a shuilar one began in P.E.I. in 1983. The Ontario Master Gardener program began -in 1985. Experienced gardeners are recruited by horticultural societies. The Brooklin Horticultural Sieyad the local Ontario Ministro f Agriculture end Food (OMAF) agreed te co-sponsor a group of 15 People interested i-beconing master gardeners. The Broollin- society then submitted an application te the provincial master gardener eteering committee,' for approval. As soon as- the application was approved, an orientation meeting was arranged tetake place at the OMAF office in Uxbrdge. GrouIp members corne from ail walks cf life, but have a common interest. Ail are, in varying degrees, experienoed gardeners. Members are required te paso an eligiblit test, so an independentlstudy course, set up by the Universxty cf Guelph, was begun. Studies include peet manageme nt, use or non-use of chemicals in the garden, composting lawns, trees, flowers Mndbulbs. Also, during the first- two years cf training niembers are enicouraged te f'ufil epeaking engagements at various local church and service groupa schools and on television and radio. Méembers st updiplaye at local -malle and nurseries answering questions and, providing gardening infor- mation and fact sheets supplied by the local OMAF offce, on ail facets cf horticulture. For speaking engagements, members encourage audience participation through a questicnand-answer' period, and. deal with various gardening probleme. There are elso displays at local agricultural faire. Ail activities contribute te a minimum 60-hour volunteer comimitinent for two yeare. Master gardeners aïm te, increase the profile cf the sponsoring eociety.and provide a v ale service te, the conmnunity by enccuraging intereet and'improvement in horticultural practices. Mezubere hope to improve their public relations and communications ekilîs. With the current- emphasis on încreased awareness cf ecolagical and environmiental neede in ail areas, members not only help themeelves but the general public as well, and hope. that the effecta cf this programn will be felt in future generations. Choosing a backyard pool MRM PAGE 20 cleaners which do over 80 per cent of the job cf cleam'ng a pool; heat-retaiming pool covers; élides; whirlpool spas and bot tubs, and additional fencing and landscaping items. For the naine 0f a CANSPA dealer in your area, contact Cenadian Spaý and Pool Association, .6303 Airport Rd., Suite 305, Mississauga,,ý Ont. UAV 1R8, or cail tell free 1-800-263-6103. DISCO VER SATISFACTION CEAITRE LTD. *UJ1 ~ Check Out Our Green Eýarth Wall!! 576M239 OU D HE A r YIC~Ei.[ 5îo* ~aNi ItMrifc 'Fe-ifiUig-r'-q 100'l res & hus read for e.nine 9kg Weed 'N Feed Covers 2960 sq. ft. $ -0 or 275M2 GREAT FOR ALL LAWN WEEDS ESTABLISHED SINGE 19'80 ýWe' are now open for pastu re ui. -Par 3 golf., Fun -for the whole,*fa'mily. R entais available. 15 files north of Whitby, on Lakeridge Rd For more Information, ca11655-3091 ZDANOWICZ FARER i4klFLO0WERING BA SKE TS & PLANTERS BEDDING PLANTS HWY. 7 BflOOKLIN E! Rssland -i WHITB N.W.. CORNER AT TAUNVTON ÀAND Cal668-5509»for more information, CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN-0F WHITBY NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNIERS TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS; Notice is hereby given to ail pemoèns in pos3so f 1and, in accordance wîth the Weed Control Act 98 1tutes cf Ontaro, Chapter 51, Sections 3, 16 and 23, that unlesse mxi weeds roing on their lands vvithin the Municipality, of the Town of Whltby ae destroyed by Monday, June 3, 1991, and thrpuqhout the season, the Reguonal Weed Inspector mayetruote said lands and have the weedsdestroyed, h e caste st the land, and that such, amounts shali be clcted in the same manner as- taxces under the Municipal Act The cooperation of ail ctizens is eamestly soicited. D. ADAMS REGIONALWEED INSPECTOR FOR THE TOWN OF WHITBY <DONALD G. McKAY TOWN CLERK TOWN 0F WHITBY Annual lowerin Paka MiX &* omato Food Match Plant Booster an 3 for - Plant Finisher *Tree7Shrub /Evergreen s4ooeSea Meal .Soil Acidifier ~Aflfl * rennial Food Reg.$40 Each Garden Special CUSTRE LTD. 800 Taunton Rd. W. Oshawa 1 .0 S *S Amp- mmuni Àe- À

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