Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1991, p. 9

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.: ... : : . ~ : . ... ,..: ....777tAUtIaW.erTýs~ &~{ aa~ By Mike Kowaloki Whitby voters fed Il -wth Canada's thrçee traditiona politi- cal parties could hv nte opi in the next federal elec- Pending' theý outcomeà of ani internai referendum in Juneù', the -western-based Reform -Party , Of Can ade could soon be expanding if pryebersreldster their appovaReorm canddtes will be on the ballot locally and in other parts of easteru Canada for, the, federal election ,exp cted, in-,, 1992. 1 In anticipation of a. favorable, vote.from the mnemnbership, the- party, has> begun organ*izing n' earnest in i regions east of 'the Manitoba-Ontarjo border. Several ,information _and rec"tment, meetingsavebeen' hmld m arions lcales iii Dur- ho. egonand sroudng arps p ecntmonthï. Ihink ~'tyofficiaIs'-repoût that al av& met , iresounding, c&ssfvoýters searchinig-for_ ,ernative-te the New-Demo6-' a,'à -IÀbérals -and Pogressive ,And if public opinion polIs are ah ýaccuéraîte reflection okf .the* elec- L6iýàtes mood, the party will be ai force to be reckoned with *when Prime Minister Brian Mulroney interi pess agent-for te party pH'srobably,typicàl. of:theý acosleth jatyis îattracting kAdri-ier education intrue or Perr. Èrçw.J,",disenchantedith ', Aprty - fitfulysupported atË,theplis.. 'Istaàted quesitioning wýhat my p4a'ty\Wasal about. I looèked at ýtb;eIrs and they" r. h s à~e'aid Perr. k "Ten I read a -storyý in Màcleah's about (party ,leader)' P.ýeëîon.,Mannmng and Wàs-qudteî k.~cled the Calgg&y office and. t)iey' .put,- me ý in t ouch with (interim 'ridin'g presiden)Dave Barber. We've been at ýit tbree iTothe' now.» T~he Party has about'300 mnem-ý iei4sinOntario ridinsd The South Durham Unit of the Canadian,Cancer Society will preseint ".Fahions for Everyone, an, afrernoon -of fashions, muaic and pizes at,.2 .p.m.. on Sunday, Jtine2,"!itHepydenshore Pavilon. $--aïnd wompn's, cau, l b rsinssand ormi Iweaéwillbe pýesefited by .Cross Ciaada of the Pickoring Town Centre, and The hase Boutique Ladies Fashions o-f -thé -Stations -St. Commercial Centre in, A.ax. hideisplyer schôëol and formnaI clothes will le ~sented OrigialbridaI, -madid f-Ihonour Sprvem lp.hors 1'h.rs lll aI a ba friËà A -founding meeting is planned for early September. «Were. just holding informa- tion meetings now because were not; officially recognzed by >the Refor Pary," saidP.erry. Whlen te party was, founded in 1987, it was strictly a wes- tern-'based- movement, Perry Iutat its convention this year, delegates, agreed> te put the ques- tionof eastward e.pansiôn te, a vote of the ýmembership.- "I expectit tego through...I think ,things will just snowball. ]Pm told. we now have more' mem- bers Canada-wide' than 'the Liberal party.» -According te Perry, Canradians, want: «more say in what their country is ail ab-out.» He points te, the overwhelminq public response te the, Citizens Fortm on Canada's Future -and says the Reformn Part a enun- ciating. these.compintsyears -"Bef ore anqyone heard of the Spicer:commission, we were, say- ,:ýinigthie sanie.things, ol r "tired of bein teld whaio pý Perry, i eormers demand constitutional, reform, .fiscal .re'form and, parliamentary reform.» Party policies include: * ending officiai bilingualism and multiculturalism.'->1 *firing up to 15 pier. cent of Canada's civil servants', *halting subsidies te farmers *ending handouts and grants te private enterprise., selling m'ost Crown cor- porations *reducingforeign aid *opposing the goods and, ser- vices tax -*'support for free trade ,«One thing Canadians must adjust te is that social progranis cost môney, we- can't h ave our demnonstration by Valentino's of Whitby. 1The event will be hosted by CFTOs Jennifer Ward- and Bull Hutehison of Newsbeat Today. AMongý the ýprizes are an elect-rnc, keyboard, a gourmet dinrfor four in onels home, a European' Womens Health Spa membership and'jewelry from M4appins. 1Tickets are $10 Plus GST. ' Theylrçe available -.at, the stors -involved in -the show and -at the Cancer -Society office in Ajax on Westney ýRd S., phone 686-1516. cake ùnd-eat it too,» said Perry. «We have te have tax breaks to attract business teoOur countryý and wèe have te bring down the deficit. «We will end up a third world county unless we get lit under conitrol. One of Perry's_ «biggBt fears» is that the GST -willbeome a «new !cash cown for wvhatever Party is in -power. «When the well runs aà littie > ryte1lljust turn it (tax) up a Perry said every year Canada's auditer-general suggesýs areas where money can be sE4ved, but the auditer-general's recommen- dations' are always ignored. MHow come we have te balance our own -cheque books and the government doesn't?, hle asks. Perrysfai'd the party is working towars ,500 members in, Ontario .riding. ,,the 'number necessary te field,,a candidate if- expansion is approved. He said the sanie -holds true for neighbouring Durham riding which*tâkes in Whtby northo Rossland Rd. An information meeting for Durham riding will be held June 4> at Eastdale Collegiate iný Osh- awa. 'It's beeon a teugh go,.'iost. of the people were not rnvrolved in politics before,» Said Perry. "But its amazing te see what's taken _place. I think people are ready for somethingnew,! IFaàial$ $3.0.O0with this. ad, reg. $4000 Manicure & ,PedicUre Special $32.50.with'this.ad, reg. $37-09- [Landscape .Retaîning Wallsý 655 7.474 advertdsement: Enjoy your p'ool :this suý mme AI Richards & Brad Robbins (coe-ownéts of Taunton Pools & Spas) are proud of the'iore 'than 45 ý years 0 f, combined talent at fheir business. Many yearsago they ,purchased an existing. business that wias declining and with, the, cooperative -efforts of their staff, built- itý into the* success that it is today. The staff at Taunton Pools wants y ou t1a ENJOY VOUR -POOL THIS SUMMER and suggest that proper usage of chemicals and pool maintenance, are .the ways to insure a carefree summer. AI Richards says that educating the customner is, more than just supplying them with chemicals but also advising themn on what, not to do, so as to, avoid potentially' dangerous situations. Toiclo fumes and substances can be' formed from unsafe handling of chemicals. Ail productsat Taunton Pools are tried and proven by usage in the staff 's own pools. TutnPools is'theplace to go for expert advice and guidance to. maintaining your pool. When;,you make yourpurchase with' Taunton Pools,, whether IR be. an inqround,;àn,Élrund -or' àave ground pool, you will not only get a top yualty p roduot but alsoîý expert ongoing servie with regards to caring for your pool. -,"Our business is 1based' on rapport and long standing trust with the customer." Ail the staff..at Taunton Pools live locally and each person is respective expert In. their own field of pool, s'e'rvice. Your complote. installation will be handled from excavtio tofinal comfpletion by. their own personnel (noý subcontracting here). and an ongoing fol low .up service-l.s provided toaail customers. Spring &Fait Pool:Seminars <The largoat in North, Amèrîca): are also. proVided eveëry .-year to educate people so' they can maintain and enjoy their Pools. Check out -Taunton- Pools and seewhy they are the Iargest pool1 dealer in Durham Region. Pictured below fromi lefl ta ý right are Paul Aubertin, Rêta Boyle, Gord Lake,,Rob 'Atchison. and Debbie Brown., O I '-I 'J -H CancerSoci.ety.to, hodfashion show DAVE .BARBE 11

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