PAGE 16, WH1TY FREE PRESS% WEDNESDAY, MAY 221 1991 Mini stry announces peere otefrHw0#Y < 5 y Mke Kowalsi A preferred route- for the futureý Hwy. 407 has'been unvei- led by the -Ontario Ministry of Transportation. - >.Government- officiais announ- ced details of the $1 billion super highýway from Markham ta New- castie before a meeting of Dur- ham, Rejgion. council last week.. A se'r'-sof public information meetingsà wil aiso be held next nxonth in the five miunicipalities alongthehighway's path. W*itby's neeting will be June 25' at the Lut her Vipond Memrial Arena in Brooklin rom 3tWo9,P.m. Later- this yearý the ýministry will also announce how it plans té liUnk the highway with Hwy.. 401lin the south. As noéw proposed, the 61-km. Hwy 47 will bean ull 1-anefreeway.from Hwy. Markham te, thevicinity ci han Rd. 34 (Courtice Rd.) Town of Newcastle. The remaining section to 35/115 is pianned as an lane freeway. A transit of-way is also art of the 48 to DurhamR.34 sectioa >This right-of-way wiIl al some type of rapid transit 1 decisjion about what form take has yet been made. According ta the ministr highway will follow a' thro1gh Whitby on bath aig It will cross Durham R (Lakeridge Rd.) north of H but south of Conc. 7. The highway wiil slowly southeast and, paso overH <14linhete rCtag Opena5 use Sat. May25' Sun. Mi~ay 26 10Oa.m. - 5p.m. !R.matic (im, a pair of 2<ý5sng Cfieru6s or a beautifutswag or wreati are perfe iu~yweu oig'rdings andsifiowers. W}e a(sofiave a u4kzvaiey ofVictorian accents andkeepsakjpjust ng/i for thiat speda(fii~r ohrffgm cain 76 %rtdwtere rookin vu rasfom oea) WHISTLE, STOP at Myrie Station 655-3541 M n . I ....... . ...... Break that Corne and enjoy Our trench tries evenlng or and !ce cream cones. weekend boredom See our plants, flowers and crafts. timate . 48 i n )f Dur. in -the 1Hwy; eightf low for but nÃ" it wilý ry, thé nath west of Ashburn Rd. It wiIi run south of Brooklin in a southeast direction until reà ching tAhe hydro corridor nearhicksonRd. Then it angles ta the northeast as it crosses the Whitby-Oshbawa border south of Hwy. 7. Iný addition, interchanges are- proposed for Lakeridge M., Hwy. 12 and Thicks'on Rd. As project xnarîager Patrick Reynoids' explainied te kýÉe Free- Pzess that.i'the p> oposed, route circulated for ,coniment from the 'public, Municipal- coun- cils and other'agencies. Further. modifications could then be nmade te the, route's location, said Reynolds. The study's next1 phase will provide detailed Plans outlining potential,, t'rouble s ýpots, if- any, and recommended, solutions. The resuits ýof ýthisfinal phase will be made publicý in 1992 -prior to preparation and subniission- of an ýenviranmientà fal ssessment- (EA> of the entire project. SER PAGE 31 Bike Safexty Weikin Brooklin dëso Ma 19ta 25 is Bicycle Safety AwarenessWeek in Brooklin. Id. 23 ý The highlight of the week will [wy. 7 b. Saturday, May,25, when'the Optimist Club of Brooldin will angle hold a bicycle inspection, [wy. , registration and rodeo for the <childrený of the community. The event, whichstarts at 10 Boy scouts_ hold pancake brçakfast The annual boy> scout pancake breakfast will be held Sunday, June 2, 'from 8 arn. until 1 p.m. auring the Broolin Spring Fair.' Last year about 300, people attended'the event ' which is held at the Brooklin conununity centre, on' Cassels Road in Brooklin. Proceeds from the event go M towards oôutdoïor' aictivities and Campig quipment fior the 75 Iyouth agedl 5 to 18 who are niembers of the .Brooklin scout group. Tlhe breakfast will. include juice, coffée sausagea and all-you-can-eat pancakes. ickets are available at the door.1. l anwiHl be held:inm the parkcing ltat LutherVpn Mmra Arena on Winchester R. Brooklin. Bicycles bee'gitred* lwith, the. Durham Regional'Police, for, identification if recovered from a theft.> Every' year tlýe local- police, department aucti9n udeio found biyls that cannot b. matched up to their owners. Enhssthis I,yearill ib. dlacédon te ixoeacof icycle helmiets toâieduce the ri*sk. Of'seriÃ".us injuîy iýfail." At» 1 p.m., the annual bicycle rodeo Will "start' .i-, testing rules, of th ra siand.agility.,' Prizes, will b. handed out to, the participants-Y S iFor further information,.ea« Optimnist. Byron, >Grace at 654-3677.1 Receptipn for Rev. Pouwels Rev. Louis ,Pouwels Was ordained at St. Michael's Cathed- raI, Taronte, on. Satra.?y 'Rsidents attended an infor- maltë ta ad-,receptiononMay19 i thé meeètingrom ft. leos rectory, in, Brooklin where'Bey. .Pouwels parentsreside. CratBrooklin SrnFairI Crattp baby. show nregré'itration Entries for, the homecraft sec- tion of the' Brooklin Sprinig Fair will be received, on Saturda, May 25 and Monday, May27, fromh 2 te 5 p.m.., at, Brooklin, United Church. Anyone wantin gteor oýanize the. homecraft' ii)aysection'on Friday, M a 31,.fcaïI contact Maureen Jacks on at655-49. Baiby show registration will'be held on Satgtirday, May 25, and Mondayl,.May,27, 2 te 5 p.m., at the. church. A f:inal registration Idate ýill be Wednesday, ,May :29;, ý7-ýW 9ý p.m., at ,Lutherionarna No registration',will b. takeni on the. day of-theý show. Registration fee is $4. Master, Gardeners hITrainin will ýattend a -plant cliniç in th FcsoAgriculture tent at'tIi. Brooklin Spring Fair, May 31, June 1 and 2. Scout s t o hold _ lst Aqhur couts ffl'»l hold a bottie, drivei the Ashburn .and M le eareas -on Saturday; Mýiy 25,9:3.0 a.m. tenoon. Scouts will go door te door te colleet refundiabe botties ý and beer cana. 50 Years of Professional 1Service URNITURE UMITED U> TÃ" 70%b OFF ON ALL FL( ki ,[S 1S Skiar Win,- Chair - Velvet $299.00 Cooper Bro. Sofa & Chair $1998.00 - Off Wliite Flair Sectional $2689.00 \l < il' 1011 - l misi i Collect* Future Sofa - Green Stripe $998.00 Basset Sofa - Conteniporary $699.00 Concorclian Love Seat $699.00 - Light Green Decore Rest Sofa, Love seiit $998.00 - Stripe Henry Link $599.00 2 Wicker Love Seats We Are The, ý-M