ARE You LOKING FOR, QuALiTY HME AYCARE? The Wee Watch systeffn prdvides supervised private day Care for childreri 6 weeks and'aider, fuit or part timètý * Uncheuledhom viits nsuo eRellable, local back-up coves quailty care for your chlld Provider lllnessor holldays. *fully tra:..od Providers recelve o omplote, Insuranlce coverage ongolng A90ncy, support' Incarne fax recelpts For more infôrmnation cali IPICKERING HYUNDAI I ý-.-PICKERIflG ý' HYUflDF ' r %Inuaiurr OfThe ies Ds 0MB hearintodce fture of recln depot BY MiKowaloid The Ontario Municipal Board must decide tefate o ap pllyrnorth ofZhe W aibY'éu'gpg. It.heoarding,~on its, ruling, the boa do.adcision could lhaie far-reaching* ilication, beon ,merely the legality of a busines venture. Theo- level' of -devlopinent per- mitted in" the environmnentaly sensitive -O&i3c Ridgos' Mora-me nay hhige on -the board's dock. sion. Residents in bothWitby and Scugog, are worid aj'reoedent Municipal Board) allows, the recycling business 'te continue, in itspresentlocation.' DogPckriù, owner of Please Save &Rcle Ltd., has'asked the board te overturn a Scugog Township resoltation denying him a rozoming aplication for 85 acres northf Town Uine Rd. Last yoar ýScugog council unaniimously rejected changing the rural desigkiation on the site from rural te commercial. .The, rozoning would have per-1 mitted Puckri-n te store trucks and ceontainers used in bis recy-i iUHA PUBUC INFORMATION C CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT E) TRUNK SANITARY SEWERS TO SERVI COMMUNITY 0F BROOKLI N THE TOWN ibe ReionsiAihinoipff Durham is in the process oiffrsii fo'h itu xtnsonoatik sa*niaysewer req~fud ID nityoaiBmokln ID fe wastngsanitay seweragesyslmmi hil hieproject s us ltct ta M hieObsEnihixnsguiAum Sewaump uWalor Pnujc- Scdm C and aplnigm teo iWisry of the Enwornment is bu boeed Apikk ni ~,ate red algnmentfor 'ho, trunk sant" ysewera WEDI1ESDAY, MAY2Z10 2:00 PJI. bD5:00 Pi. md 7:00119. b 9:30 P. BROOICIN OMMUNITY CENiTRE 45SCASSELS ROAD EAST, BROOI(IN. 'ho Region ai Durham and Procto & Reclem L engineeoefor "uéprojeciMI be in atincanceID aiswer Cque inteoed a buief presentahion Wil hoien ai 300 p.m. ad at~ ding busine decision, P 0MB calhe-ar itorim injui activity êon tù rin had boo] the proper z Mious fall.' -Howevor. Judge RicAýi nod-the pro (no datesot;f ing ýthe outc hearing.1. While Puci able for 'oin dent Hilary homeowners N the ruling. Parker: 0wr modiately sou business, She, is ale< Ridges Aroa F] tion which, owners in nri arker sait was hoping Ju THE REGI0NJ MUNICIPALITY 0OF E ~s. decide in the Townshps favour. With co ni-sA rl Althogh hie recognized t a ~ki plied for an Puckrin a4pea~ tbe in viola- JùeN ae tion of' zonint bylaws; Judiéle s et for the hearng. Liovekififound that ýà 'number',of e,9 1atSetnbeaqusins were flot answered mg -Washed befre dringthe'eal n ourt of Justice. In bis r l te judge noted sbhip had souight an >.that Pucrin fxid, beôn under à ction te, stop further contract ýwith Durham ýRegion'te e site bcaue Puck- provide recyIlin evcs n oporating without (ADrhm Region- works moing since the pro- departmnent sipokesman ,-said the contiract was flot ýrenewed aftor it thîs pastL March, expired in Decemnbe.) trd Lovekin adjour- "It is difficultte. imalgine that ceedingsUine die» the Region would enter a con- for a dec'ision) -pend- tract which wouId violate muni- come of the 0MB cplbylaws," said- Judge crin *as not avail- Wieho foît Puckrin would tment, Scugog rosi- 'benefit financially from the, con-' Parke said area tract the judge foît' waste deli- wiere «fiustrated"by very te, an approved -land fîl site was in tho public interest.-'» ns three -acres im- "Tii.e trucks used' in' such- a Ath of the recycling :contract have te use publicý roada and have te ho 'parkod' some- Ã"Jpresidenit of the where,» said: the judg. - tatfepayers' Associa- Ho ,also 'oited out thatPuck- roprsent hoo- rn deiedin an affidavit that th Whitby and Scu- recyçling and processing ofwaste 15 flotcarried out- on'the .site., ýd the, association «Dows the zoning prohilbit'tho idgo Lovekin would. parking- of truckse or sortig of M déean waster theojudge aske. e ' (Although.adviertised _as .a 0 transfor: stain>or paÃpe; .card- iS > oard, glss ad:tin, opponents ING woa ut th1e yps ogr )Irs "ne ' m~i.kpaty , can pro- IITS * secutethe do'fonà dant and *penal- JC izeit by way of*finos,'ie stafé8. sale grant an in unction atthi SaIe* tim, ,could w1l-do 'irrepiWrèblo l leasesl' harm te theýdofendant." redl* B ut- Jud e L v :k1in a ro $5 there wore <'valid -'sses.hich 53.13 , mu8tbereoîy.%IdatmR.,où Pa~krs~~uid.t~ aa precedent miçht b. set for comn- mercial or imdustrial'dvoop moent in the. moraine. * ut she. hopes theo OMB# Ill * take' direction~foiito which - s s ,,the' ecol ca im potacofthemorine )URHAM reohtéarls Athr ediedapbi o WHITBY Chsides-thur ~Byll d aghs 19Mo ies 7 zai~ 'o aîgnent El a ( br husban' n d e B Il4 #ET REn ai913y b n ie fWhitby9an' Car ~yn (an ber. -sbMnd'aho uni fr Mmicèu BritiCliBl. ICEa THEpBellb (and bis umbiasns Dfog 1 OF WHIife Beverloy) offWhitby md ID ~< Britih Columbia, e ghrad WM the agne chlenr and for gret-and-ll enu th cmu- from hte Town ner ad He,f Tne Cofl5hlfy. v B essd*'ie Lane- coitýYnducing. 005. OI~ 'O5( nte ea rovsià de m-îA o ri13, 0p.m. snsD PICKERII1G HfYLfDFI BEARLY USED CARS &&ski j r Unoer fthernis of Rie Glass EnironrnentEl Assessrmt writtn or cml' commients ftom hiepL d Io eview agencmes wl be meîed and adckssed, ln tie En*wmtal Study Report befig preafo r the p-m.Fwi i publceehng furhercomments wl be moeived unti June 7,1991. SIJ~GC IDComent mcive asa mulof ihis notic. Mho RdgqSnwE. prooeod wit hie lamg orhpmjctandanEnwionnrnstud Report wl be copeEdidP edon pbome an, Fulw iebnma" ~ican be obtaned fmm: MR. KEN lIMPSON, P.Na REGlONAL MWIcPALJY OFDURHAM, WORUoDEARTMBIT IELET4PONE &eô) OU-7M 6 Generatii ons of Serin*oe, QUaly&Trust *Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markers, *Cneory Lettering *Sandblasfing StaffordMo met LAKE'MRIDGE MOTOF * WHOLESALE & LEASIl DI VISION HAS OPENED DOORSTO THE PUBI Ail sales are treated as wýholec. Finhancing available- on short term M il lease a icatiosconsidei THIS. MONT, 'S FEATURE,, ail taxesincludod) M9B M»nteCarbucwsutosoer ses&mr 1* S Bfllfllb6>i*i. .ses asme& mma( 196 m lOMcyTpazGS..a,, wd dmero(blus (b"se n 24 fmnhs wilh $1.50W dmw) 1795 Vicb tor LW., Whlth 430-090 ý-- ý-- - M - ihlir- nntlrn rm lkl;r, 1987 STELLAR CL Auto, 1985 CARAVAN MAGIC powersteering, lovv mileage, VVAGON Auto, air, Ilke nevv' MUST BE SEEN only $5,950 $4»0 1989 SONATA GL 5-speed, 1990 FORD AEROSTAR XLT Shovvroom condition Loaded "Only 25 km" only $7,950 MAKE AN OFFER 1987 EXCEL CX 4 dr. ý0 1986 CHEV. CELEBRITY sedan, auto, lo.vv, low miles V6, air, only, 61,000 km only $4,950 only $6,250 1987 EXCEL 4 speed, 1985 TOYOTA COROLLA sharp car LE Auto, snows Iike new" on ly $3,950 1 only $4,950 OVER 25 BEARLY USED VEHICLES IN STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM m