WI]1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22,1991, PAGE 5 ...... MW -- ----:- By Mike Kowalid White charges that' federal <Truck drivers,. who 'blocked governrnent policies are respon, Hwy.41 et week have valid sible for the problemseplaguing pievances, according to, Durham the industry. Centre MPP Drummond White.' He said there is littie the But White does not condone. provincecan do in this area T, their actions in' tyirag' up- traffic "Th'.(truclcers) had a meeting for ,two days on. the province s with thL mimester of transport maLjor trensportation route. (Ed Philip) and he agreed toi put Hie also feels thle federa.moratorium, on new licences, geenentis té o lni or n eaid White. ofthe probleme fcig Ontai But' White notes that even truckers.. with al the. difficulties truckers "think they hv legitimate have encountered in' recent conernst, althouçh rm not, im-. yearp, "thiey (niinistry) have ,a PresedWith, t eu.,mthod,' said, -tremendous increase in, (licence) Traffc on the 401>- and 'éther . t-à dtemjrpolr roads in- the Toronto area weas stems from. deregulation (remov- buhto a virtual itandstill for. i g government control) of . thé asfrutrated- truckers vented industiy by the~ previous Libéral'- their en~er. government "wth the supoto Opposition téo higiier. taxes, the Conservative caucus. fuel cose, e.tradad ereu- H. also said free tradehas had lation of the trucking indus~ major impact. were 1.behind the. protest .wlucn - began ,in DIurham* R-egin md «Oiir truicks can't go, acrose the snowballed- actýoss southérn, - border as they cen here, -this' le .Ontario. . - grosely unfair,' said.White. Whule',thleblockade ended -in Deepite ,,thé probleme is et time, for the Victoria Day ' week- by the 'truckers' action; White, end, and, after police -bégan lqy. - aid ..therýe may. ýb. a positive ing chargestheré emrereports. aspect téthe blockade.. of truck convoya forming .again aInt' ehow'Vn uswe have to, have. yesterday(Tueeday)._,ihnproved*a«ccees routes in- our area, yu jam up the 401land everyrting stops in Durhamn,» 'W. need to look at improving the transportation infrastruc- ture"> Conet. Dav. Kà yte of the Ontario riicilPlc said 50 officers were in volved with -the 'bocekide wlule another .250, were on- standL -He'lied no estimate of costs atý Kyte said- offices with the, force'. Whitby1 detechment laid 14cages imder tiie Highwa TrafflcAct. The charges, ail involved un-' necessery slow. driving, said Kyte. Staff Sgt.. Bey Grahamn of Dur- ham Regional, Police Whitby, divi- sion said ofl¶cers were posted'at, DirectorY for women Women who own. or operate a business In Durham Region are invitedté liet their.businesses in the second directory publishhed b4y the Durhiam' Business & Pro- fessional Women'e Club. <> L 1isting aà re ,$10 fgior onmem- bers, fre. for club members. Tii. dirk~try, 'DiùÈhani ýWomen lm Busines, is .pubihéd -frée.of charge thrughout the region.« Send busiessa cardas und brief desritions of company to: Dur- hem BPWC,, c/o <Mijorie Freen, 25 Burcher Rd., Ajax, Ont.,LUS 2P8. <strateffic points"onlocal .roadéd Wereaware of the blockade. said. to, keej> tiaffic 'moving on the *Gralamn. f ret day (Wednesday), of the pro- » tesLOn duty persnnel were able, toý But problema w*ere: lès. hectc handi. thé, situation locally,. h. on, Thursday, because motoistes added. Centre getsfnding Grandview Chuldrens; Treat- Treasurr Floyrd IaùÈlrn.t ment Centre inOshawa. WMll ýEighty health car. facilitie, rece ive ,.,$116.700 for general hicluding hospitals and childrenls ronvatonsandto pgrde tii. mnt <,.ntr esgini59 Ontario' hpital's vefltllatiofl., commuijies will b. participating Ti.healthmistye'ain $39.7 million. available ýfor n,hithe1 prograr.i. One hundred, capital, projects ýýacrose the forty-two pro I ects areexpected to province as, part, of the $700-- begin. within the- next. three. million anti-recession monthe and- b. -completedý by the. announced in i r i byvendofd rch1992. the winner of four Michelin Ali Season Tires. She was J the- Iucky person Whose name was drawn from 'a raffie-"eId at:Scotia T7ir . Services, 12?80 Simficoe St. N., Oshawa ý(436-3730) . ~ on Saturday May 11lth. The raffle helped raisemonley for the Oshawa General 'Hospital Bùilding FuÙnd. With Mrs. Ryan :is Lynn Van De Walker of. Scotia' Tire.. LESIE McF rlià ne public school draina depart- ment recently preseented the musical play ý Jacob- Two-Two Meet the Hooded Fang.' Abovç, Child Powert ( played by Sarah Harqpe) discovers Mrs. Foéx (portrayed'by Katie Shea) in the toy boa.gt ZDANOWICZ FARE FLOVWERING BASKETS - 4& PLANTERS BEDDING PLANTS Rl. 4 or Taunton I .~ Nl1-R1I W#E s -J WHTB VL~xI WY.2 N.W CORNER AT TAUNTON ANDI CORONATION ROADSII ,QaI ~6-5Q-for more înformatimnJ TWO We- are, so confident in- our to elpyou.successfullyIlose'- thtweaegiving you te ,.rare. opportutnity to try us- free 'of 'se rv'ice'- cost for two weeks. Join the, over ONE MILLION cient s who are helped by us> each y ear and experience, the .resuits. years of perso nalized seivices. weighit YUhave nothingto lose but you weight. Ouï client. Lynne Miller lost 12/s (Expires June gth/91). A RIGHT WAY TO LOSE WEIGHTM Speclal ofi'er applies.tao egular smivce. Dées not Include cas: of food or dials. 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