Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1991, p. 7

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WI~1T~ FEk PRESSWEDNESDAY MAY 2 9PAGEI<OV~ f)~ IPAGIE SEVEN Hadlinr Tii. Whitby Fr.. Preas, being the. stable$, sober* ne-wspapI- tha it i%-a,ïas sucessfily kept the. filo wing atories out fie headlines in recent we.ks. Canadian PM insandrd Americans hbave tb.ir secrets, on. of whicii end.d laut w.ek. Présidént'Geûrïe Bushposd onthi.-over, cf -a su= aret thirow pimamndsri I an anrowCaaiadw Tfii. truth tlcl.?ocf Sussex Drive with runmr4t .BM ii.PM-bad fallen-ethe*wagoninto a vat cf scotch. due ýéî BLcuidt ry .ndw In public erfoedrmance due tofalticicuîry An êthe PM 1is p thte u~a warrant perioimanufacturer. have agr.ed to, ithe pob~ as.re"Warmaintenance., Kind cf, eplaif. trade, Meecb L'aka, a whole lot elsea% h Mysteriows rixà' bit sburbs Cropmrcles: Ylbùlvr"odabout'them iEnglancL You'v. sn phots fiom Western Canada. Theyre commSui m any Oa~ f theworld reached by supermarket tablomds. Nowthyv reacbed Whitby and Dunham Region.. >Thes, are amail circular bald. spots in tii.middle cf suburban bock yrs 'Trst time Iswon. I neyer thouglit much .of i, says George Sanda, an imaginary homneowner. in Whitby. "When my wie pited it out I had t6 admit it was flot cnly. bld but rountPhelip." viste<i the.site, the. circuar pattern w.., visible, altiiougii grasu was b.ginning ta, grow aan Says Mrs. Sanda: "Oûzir first sigiiting came igbt afteiý w, 'moved -our son's Yerle the, Turtie sandbiox, ta the, far cornrcof the lot. Next daytus mysteriou iceapae. ~"Twdweekslater tii. Sddeidtam eti.Tr, sandiiox one 'more time. ý.,."And,«once agaý'ntus myste'rious'circi, appeared again, riglit whÈiereti.sandbo* hadbeen. Concidence?,I tbink not." Mm' hiiomdvoqurs ' ckyard. A gantùmushiroo thr.a,àtened ta éonsume, a Whitby family last weekend. "ixteen fet acros, three stories"tail," Ferdi, Funkus told tirep 'Thàtwai on Monday morning. And it kept groving. It be >gan Saturday morning Ferdie took délivery of five cubic yards of mushroom compostta, spice up bis backyard garden. Says bis son, Ferdieý Junior: "Wh.n' I eaw that pile cof compost, I thoghft' it ýwaa the- larg.st, grossest tbinI ever saw. ,,even wantedame tôlîêlpshovel thatnsuff. No way!O Somehow the. compost got moved. Férdie Senior dug it ,dutifuil inta tii.flower beda and vegetabl. garden. "Andthen I planted a few planta, seeda, you know the. kind of stuff. And Sunday night I turned the. sprinkler on. To wet the. crop down. You know, give the. plants a good start." Tii. fine moilsit miat gave freai id... ta a few muabrfooni spor.un Monday-mornhing. This huge fungusl was péeking in thi e con& foer.bedroom window. It was likea science fiction ýmov'of Polioe,,lire department and social services ail spurned hlm. Ferdie even tried the. emergny hot lin. for four- difféent garden cent res. ', F'ôrget'it. Eveiy 'garden centre w.. too busyselg .-ýimpatiens- and petunias. Se, meanwiil., I got'this intelligent 1alien 1f. growing i my back yard. Kept saying George Bush b.,hd summon.d hWm His solution? "Essentially, I gve up. Then I d.cided, if we!re onn'a go, wee gonna igo in style. .1 got out a few steaks and fired up the, <barbecue. Riglit away, -w. noticed the. fungus shrink." InAtii tim.it took ta devour a T-bon., the, musiiroom was ne More. W"You ever eaten a steak, sandwiched b.tween two huge slices cf fried musiroom? What a taate s.ensation!" A Wh;it43tweman admit. keeping ber huaband for 'a year ia backqîàid sandbox "It started during tii.Stanley Cn.apnfinnaa" Mo, (irja I k a 116TH BAITALION MARLCH1NG ¶IIRUGH BROORLIN MAY 25,1916, Tii. soldiers cf the. llGth Battalon marched through thei. ful I ength iOntarloCoùnty to', fre~er service ini the First World War, and receivod civic greetinga in'every commnunity in tCcouny ontheir arrivaI. 10 YZARS AGO from the. Wednesday, May 20, 1981 edition of the, warayFREZ PRESS *Mayor Bab Attersley is proenoting Whitbylis industrial program to the Toroeto media. *Constructaon of the. second phaeof Pringle Creek Sewage treatment plant will b. put off to next year. *WhitWe> boy scoute will plant 25ý00 treos in the. Lynde Shores Conservation -Area on May, 23. *Durham Regional Police want thi. town coundil to regulate pinhail machines in Whitby. 25 YZAR8 'AGO from the Tliursday, May 19, 1966 edition of the, wHI'IEYWEKLY NEWSB " Gerard Brooks bas been named chairman of Whitbys centennial clebrations committe. Jim Gartehore is -ice-charman. " Gen.ral Motors bas donated $25,000 to the. Whitbhy General Hospital building fiind. *Whitby's- first murder ainm 1914 occurred last week when a man was charg.d with e hooting bis wife. Dr. Kenneth Hobbs has been named chairman of Whitby's centennial prcdect board. 75 TZARS AGO from the. Thursday May 18, 1916 edition of the wHimy GAeTTAND CHRONICLE A Acivie reception la planmed by the. Town of Whitby for th. 1ll6th, Battalion .wben it marches througii town'on May 25. *Cattie waiting to b. weighed at the, town scales have wvand.r.d onto ILW. Willcoxes front anresplting *iiconsiderable damage. * ilam M.krl flnsibascSupris aap for 25 cents and tiire. packages cf ammonia for the. same prie.. - Mr. Luke cf the Temperance Huse in-Broôklinwa building a cernent foundation and aidewalks for hishotel.

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