Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1991, p. 8

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IPM»8. IWH~BFEEEPIRSS, WEDNESD)AY, MAY 22 '9 The. nuXnber of people visiting nesof ail of them," says Solly. the centre ba dropped this yé'ir The centre also has maps for since the recent opem'ni oëthe sale. Po ervy and Newcastle infor- mation cetres. «Theyre really quite popular,», «But. we'have the most busi- says Solly. Region and Que bec -st"udents' oexe.hangéeý during .Julv 'hOy Toufist Informa- tion Centre wants ta, remind Whitby residents, that it's not only there for visitors, but resi- dents as well. "We'r trying ta enlighten resi- dnsby saying 'PMease corne in -this^ is your building"» says Denise Youing, tourism clerk at the centre. .The building not, only has in- formation about the Whitby area, but also. has essential informa- tion that can be used ta plan a vacataon anywhere in Ontario. The centre has over 1,200 con- tacts that can answer just about any tourismn question about Canada. «W. get inration from the governinent, taurism boards, the Chamber oif Commerce, _you name it, if they're in the tourism business and we have something fromi themn. says Lorna- Solly, assistant marketingY and econo- mic development officer for the, Town of Whitby. The »centre is open- seven days< aweek, 9 a.tn. until 6 p.m.,'and has just hireéd three students for st4mmer staff. Students have one training day, and theft on-the-job traiuingý wlh Young. 1'hey are trained on how to do a- lot of research because the main thing we don't want themý ta have- to say is -1 don't know,' » he stdentsare also traied ta record statistics and souvenir sales,,firat' aid, how ta, handle eèrgencies and public relations .'The centre is actually quite'a Wouar, stop for those isoiting, The average weekend atten- dance last year was .8,094 and the total daily. average was 66. -t partlcipatein theéxhne he de dîle; for patip4or, has' ~ ~ ow bin xt dnbeaue r bers this yea-J"'ays Toui-afeiWüW Alapplications must be in "as soon as possibleàtgeta & spotbon the exchiange, says Tourangeau. .While the, Quebec stùdeý tu adèe here, they will be- v;iitnjSoca taurist sattractions, -such Canada'9s1, Wonderlâùcl afl attendinq, a presený*tà'ion à Tii.exchngeexpienceis Tourangeau.. «rThey, work on leadership skille -sapwell ,as,,their renh skils ndyou makea-lo à frienda a t ,the sme tm ,ays Tourangeauù. eao"rgnéu;bas, par-ticpted in th"ixe sun'e'-d describe9 i as «great» ,V m-,et-.a, lotof wonderful people-and Ireally improvd-imyý THE wH1TBY Tourist Ifrmton Centre is ready. for another sulmmer holiday season. Slmîmer staff finclude (from left) Jennifer Cl aringbold and Veronica Filo. 01w!.Bu>viephoto Spani sh students to visiýt 1Whitbyý B y aureen Quinlan Students spend the Week wlth Whty will- be soonreceive- the other exchange members some "honourar ctizens.» from Spain, «doing ail sorts of On July 2, more than 45 stu- th!ngs,"sysSwasn dents from Spain arrive in eé only had ta plan to, do Whtyt enjoy some Canadian thinga on the weekend because clueand improve their Engl- the school took. them every- ish kidlîs.1 where,"» says DeLeo. «They're cominq from just This year the group will b. about everywhere in Spainý.It's visiting Canada's Wouderland, the best group cf klds I could Niagara Falls and aIl sorts cf wish for,» sâys Sandra Swanson, taurist spots around- Durham local co-ordinator c f. the Region and Ontario. exchange. 1 Tuhe Spanish students will live Swanson thinks that the pro- lu a hoist family's home for a gram «l excellent. month and becomie another mem- «Its one cf *those experiences ber cf thefaly that you can't put inaWords «Ifts just a terrific experience., until you've experienced it.» says Maria DeLeo, a. past host The exchange la also good for for the exchanige who is partici- taurism in Whitby because uest patin g again this year.< students familles often want ta DeLeo- found eut about the visit where their child stayed, exchange last year at Holy Fam- and many students corne bck to ily Romian Cathoic Church lat visit their host familles. year when the priest asked if «It really brings a lot cf money anyone was interested in takmng inta our economy,» says Swan- in a student. son. "I said sure. I thought it would To become a host family oe bego for mpy sou who was must hold a home -visit with studC'ingspanish,» says DeLeo. Swanson. Families with children Anid se Deleo welcômed a stu- are preferred. dent inta ber home and she stili «Vie flnd that families with keeps in tauch with hlm ncw. kids or whose kids are grown up là fact-he may b. returning ta make> great hosta,» says Swan- Canada tbis year ta, stay withi son.> DeLeo aam it's just suh a great, <'H bcae a part cf oUr experience, not osu frc h su family,"say DeLeo. dent or the host faniily but for e"W.dnt want the hast stu- the ommunity as weh," s» ays- dent te feel that they are a guest Swanson.. fin thes home, but to< have .a Ayn interested in becàomina oeMýtotWý e«t y 'ot cun ntact .Swmnon_ 'ProfitLJ Training'» The, Durham Region Action: Commnittee for Training (ACT) willillustrate 'thatpepePoi Through Training, e thee f its fifth annual.general meeting. With guest. speaker. Jimn Bennett, Ic-we-president and, genieral m anager of the Canadian> Federation 0f Independent Business%, the proceedings will start, at 11:30 ami. on'Thursday, ' May 30 at Cullen Gardens in Whitby. AS 'one of 'Ontario's 57 Cornmunity Industrial Training Committees (CITCs), the non-profit organization'is funded by Canadiar Job Strategy and the Ministiy of Skills Development. ACT, comprised of local business, industry, labour and specal interest groups, acted on $1.51 million for the, fiscal year 1990-91, offering its memibers 73 DELORES BETAM(lé training' courses ranging in > as the Nationial --Bam complexity from basic sicils to ,Pentgzh high tech. *eset-n te i ACTe endeavours strengthen manager E n Bîbeauj the industrial and business base Dàvid Garton.' in the Region of Durham, _____________ ensuring that it is, in a more competitive position in fomebuy rse Those interested i attending the meeting* should contact tb.e The Royaleakof Canada wvill, ACT office at. 430ý-8511.: holdafls-in home buyers, Chamnber-holds 'Business.After Hours ýTue, Whitby'Chamber of Com-' merc wllhold-<Business'Mafr Hor,'ad-I laby - local' buiùsuson - y, May By Maureen Quni There are those wh o m ay Lthi nk English-F,,rench relationships are crmblinqi but someWhitiy, stu- dents don t seern ta think 50.,' >ý,*ý lu July, 43 students -from'Dur- ham Region and-'43e s tudents frorn Neufchatelý,Quebec ïill be twinned for -a one-monith 'Frnch- e«change. »Studentà ýwill'spend two 'Weeka- in each province, living in each other's homes. "It's ageat chance ta, improve your, Prench'language akilis ý.and-ý cultural , understaudig,» says, 'Robbin Tourangeau, a. SEVEC,. monitor. SEVEC, the Society or, Educa-, tional Visits and ýExchanges- in" Canada, is helping ta co-ordinate the exchange. To be a part of the exchange one must b. between ages 13 and M6 There are no other qualifica- tions te join up, with the excha nge. But there is, a fee of- $235 ýta ýIj whimtby business ijý

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