jr AIhMMan: peace ,céhiw/ll 1fôrm inWbtby onSatrday, June 15 iii clebratiorj, of -Gýood "Th~j~ge hain forme at,2 p.~,~ ai 'a iMcCorkal exect~fretôr cfilhe 'Whitby Seniord, Activity ,Cîentre and an or~i~er flheevent. ar« -uring groupa, and indlvýidu4ls3, tW 'participate in, the chain, as well as the many other events planned for the day. "Those..taking part in the chain wiIb'be egiven tee,ýseedlings -which .The 'Od Neghbors program Wa luthed 'e arlie r this year by the 'Mii ry of ,Citizenship_ offie'ýl wl oan activeý inte program. -The> June 14 progm W4,)allow people totakéaà step bec in time, to the' dayq when ,eople *ere more hi toucéhwith people the oezunit.says. evenitý,'han Nighbourà a~yg ibeât i an. at Rotary. Centennial .Park: Dave Deval, wyeatherman for. CE1IOP., will be1 master of cerenonies. Mayor Bob Attersley will officiate at the cake-cuttingý ceremony. Activities include performances in Memorial Park by the Coiunty 'Towîn. Singers, OslËawa, Barberahoppers, WhiVAtby' Brass Band, 'Vital 'Spark Polk Group, Studio of Dance and Perforingî Arts and. the Jubilee Choir., Ini addition, a largénumber of, schools from the . ]'ublic and sepairate, school boards will provide musical entertainment. Events will take place at Rotary Centennial Park, West Lynde. plaza, the four corners, Woolco Mali and at the Mr. Grocer'Plaza, aIl between the hours of il ar.. and 2p.m.' Special attractions include Correction There was au incorrect* tele- phone number in st week'é article about a Spanish exchange program. Anyone interested in becoming a host cau eall Sandra Swanson at 666-9634. BinWinter, as, Whitby's founder, Peter;'Perry,, who wilI conduct historiai -walkipg tours; face paifting by the htZ jà cette;, Kids -,on 'the USI 2 pp pevé/how; bike r9deo; çhispla of ý the Durhamn Reg onal Polie Assà ciation's antique. police car. 1The Oshawa Generals 'hockey te am has: been invited to take part.. Volunteer booths, with information'on groups serving the peolple, ofWVhitby Will be set up in, the Park and Woolco Mail. On hand te delight -the younger set will be Ronald McDonald who wili hand out McDonald's coupons and the Slioppers Drug Mart Life:ý Bears. -As an added treat, the TD Bank will be serving popcorn and Shoppers Drug Mart and the RoYa Bank will serve free donuts and coffee at their Whiutby locations. Communications for the day will be provided by the Telephone Pioneers of Aierica. Although the officiai opening is at Il a.m., events hegin in the early morning with a pancake breakfast at the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre. .Good Neighbours is an initiative created to maximize the goodwill found in communities,, T'heprogram 18 designed te make people aware that taking time to talk with an older porson or raking a disabled neighbour's leaves can help make communities more friendly and caring. TheM é informi sérve /à a supplPitt rd Iing it easter, Thé rgrm1 b.tweeirirthe sütitô existing spons me, -the -Royal, Bank, ~ci : sevje% Shoppers Drug Mart and Toda ir seniiors aiyd Seniors Magazine. [abilites /to Anyoýne wishing1infi'mation on, è. in tXeiir participation in the human-chain is asked to contact the Witby Seniors' Centré' at 668-14424 or a partnership the Whitby Informatio Centre at ministry, 668-0552. o *Officiai Opening 7:30 p.m. *Miss Brooklin'Spring ýFair Pageant *Parade 10:,30 a.m. *Dog Races 1:00 p.m. *G.T. Freestyle Trick Team 12:.30, 2:00, 3:30, 5:00 p..m. *Baby Show 2:00 p.m. *Demolition Derby 8:00 p.m. *"NEW" Craft Shnow & Sale 5 p.m. , Truck & Tractor pull 7:-30 p.m. *Cruisin' Day 11:00 a.m. e"A lime to Read" with Cindy Cook 'l2nmon & 2p.m. *Harness Horse Races 1:30 p.m. *Fiddlers & Stepdancers Contest 4 p.m. Me trinTr~ Mwy ~hlls ~ I $h~w~ ~ni~i ru r~ ~~e Aduits $5.00 Students/Senirs $4.00 Chilren 12 - FREE tu' 4 Day Pass $10.00 Cars $2.0 <G.S.T. Included> For Information cali 723-8602 BMING VOUR FAMILY AND F.RI.E..N..S.! . MA To the Whztby Flua Market EVERY SUNDAY 9:OOAM4OO3PM» 1910 Dundas St. E., Whitby (Corner of Garrard & Dundas) -Whole Sale Jewellery -,Carpts.- Rugs Sportswear a Antiques anid much,- much more $TLLSACE E OR lEN OR For Further information Contact Ken Peters 655 -391'9 or 720-5844 Paul Loukas'416-745-8042, NMultîple, Scierosis SOCIETY, OF CANADA' asks you to Open up the way for everyone.- SUPPORTf ACCESS AWARENESS WVEEK May 26 - June 1, <René, I have a question Vox]POP Forum. (Town Hall Style Meetig with René Soetens,,M.P. Ajax Council Chambers Friday, May 31,>1991 7:15 PM - 9:00 PM ONTARIO CO MPUTE.R FA.IR Over 50 exhibitors offering savings & se lection in computers, software, games, training, related products, computer clubs. Admission $4; children 10 & under free. For information cali 416-535-3761 Sun. June 2 -Il a.m. to 4 p.m. Bowmanvllle Recreation Complex Highways 2 anSI 57 FA'. ________ _______ fl.~h. ___________ I Iftjcj [0,0... I 14.y 401 DEALER FOR: Roland, Yamaha, Rhodes, Casio, Fender Gibson ADA Ib'-iriez, Jackson, Marshall, Peavey, Audio Pro, Fostex, Tascam BBE- 1 Shure Atari, Tama, Pearl and many more 1 WHMZBY MRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1991, PAGE il I pea'ce chai' to epart of Go Nihbus0a Bô k .n . . . ..P . .. , ýl, Lm 1 6 »-* ýÃ