SAFELY wîth RANDY RANDY MoLEAN 1 A PROFESSIONAL ENGINèER WHO SPECIALIZES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY. »i. Mcteanà has revlewed 'thousands ol lndivdtýw motor vehicle -accldent,,,reports -and- hiSeýclos'e working relatlQnhips with police.agencies, governments, safety associations,, lndtryan the public, have given hlm a trus ý!overview oýf tirafflo safety Isses, problee n Woutlon inCad, SUER SýLF-DEFENSE A well-known traMIc safety fact: Winter is the worst season for fender-bender accidents. 'The hieghest monthly totals for ýproperty-danagfe accidents are,- recorded, in: November, Deécember« and.January. A little-known, trafflc safety fact: Summer is the worst season for 'fatal and personal injury accidents. More -fatal and ixijury accidents occur in -uneJuly and ýAugusf; than 'in anyother .three-month ' period >of theyVear., -Why? fronicaiyï, one. of 'the, reasons there:are somany serios, accidents in the su.mmer. is that so few people are aware of the potential dangers.' Areality of. summier driving isthat .theIfe are mre inexperlenced drivers on the rond. Summer is the most popular time for pe ople, of al ages ýta learn it6 driveý., Therl e a lso mn an!y part-turne, because ofthe poor weather,-and rond con'ditions Fatigue1 is another citical 'factor. -Hot, -humid day-,, physical activity and- thie.ilaeo the sunm can, drain a lot of energy fo die.Yo o' haveta be sn ori ebe ailepathwee.t onl itan instant a blin of aneye, to MI seehiastop sign, atrafic si nlturniing eor- to- slide acroUs'the icentrelinâe".YVet or &nygvn night, any jmoi ri ,swilbel blinildnkterY down te higjxway, 1pi9 a rrie afly Sed' _ etheran, rond, conditiomi enouag gher eda. Hher sP 1 edsý red ce the- amount ft you 1ýave ta . react ,ahid increase the con nences of, driver erro and collision. Inexperience, fatigue and, sPeed al combine ta increase the tisk of eumxner drng ,What =a yen do ta redulceg your risic of accident or irgjury? The firet mIrue, of defens'ive driving, is - recogmze the -hazard. Beaware: of the dangers of summer drivlnhg., They may be less obvons than the dangers <f 'winter'drivin, but statistics show Èhere aise r' ore deadL&y. RCecognize1 the poteéntial hazard- in yourself. :Understanid.-irogr own,. limitations. If you have eonly'a ,few years oCf'driving, experi .endo' pretend you'Iiea Formula 1 instructar. Regardlesq of yonr experience, if you find yourself crltiçizing everyone eloe'. driigbuno you ow, 1~ikgain. Weailmak istakes ,Good, drivera see their own mistakes, and learn frm- them. Bad drivers don't believo they make mistaoes anc!, therefore, neyer learn. Fatigue, is a forni if impairanent. The effects can bethe egme as with alcohol -- blurred vision, slowreflexe, poor judgement. Don't drive drunk, and, don't cjv fatigued, either. t makes. little difference 'ta the- occupnso the other ývehicle-' whether -you i croSêd t entrehine bcaseyen Yeedrn, rbecause you were tird Pecognizei- the 'potential. ,hasard, in;:other drivers.-Thiilcabout the poeple yen s.hare tfhe. road'.with.1'They are probably not al as experienced, alert or responsible as you. Expect them, .ta make niistakes,. and be prepred ta respond. Dont let someone else involve-yon in thefr -accident.- Practice summer self-defense. >DRIVE SAFELY. Passpotnm obe srappe'd General Motors wifl à oeap the lershipé across Canada, includ- fusion about the Pspr ae à Passot ernta At.igPassortWhitbY, oPerated by 'We stili have people, calling here ~pblenme~ Mn urs. hinking les a travel agency,,w The naine will; change tôe -GM 'originally setfupthe PaSs-, Nurse said. Saturn-Saab-Isuzi Truck. <-port daeahp aseli1mprted "The change will be a- good *The change will affect 70 dea- carste;a those Who )wouild no buy move for the community.» from aremlar GM dealer. Like its U.S. *onnterparts, the £ ,g Nurse ls looking forward ta the -Geo name wilI be aded ta the ,Peace oIfl'min change and is. assured1 it will, Chevrolet-Oldsmobilefianchis;e., when tra velling he4~ls The change will.officially tk eehas been .some. con- place et.*26. FROM PAGE 18 *If yon mue'tleave,your vehicle unattended, keep'it locked a2nd store. al valuablesont of sight. 0 Protect yourself from burglary. Have 'your 'mail ýcollected by a friend or put on hold and turn Your <lights' on, preiferably controlled- by' a timer. Your best protection is te have, someone stay at your bouse',while you are ay.Mke sure that doors and windows are locked before yen leave. *Protect yourself from theft. While on vacation, keep a close eye on your meney. -Travellers cheques can be m'ore easily replaced than cash. CMA offers fee-free Amnerican Express traveilers cheques as a service .te, CAA members. a When travelling overseas, ask your travel agent about inoculation 'against :unfanuliar diseases. OAA travel experts cm inform 'yen how ta, arrange for inoculation. Il Make sure ta, carry enough medical insurance te, cover an extended stay. Verif:y what your provincial medical plan may cover. 0 Respect foreign cuistoms. Obey their laws. De. not hitter., Canadians can belpred'of their goodimg abroad, but if legal problems- arise, int a fSreign country, Canadian -lw cannot protect you. 'Remember te bring along al reqnred travel document%, ihcluding 'passport9 and visas' where necessary. - AbovFe.aIl, donot try ta carry contraband; goods sncb as druga, itemsnmade fiom an endangered species or weapons through cutoma. Similarly yen should net c arra hie r c. anyone, 60%- of collisions are on dry.roads The* report oulines a. brond range of statistics pertaining ta, môor -veicle collisions and. their causes in Ontario. .The' summer. months' of June, July and August can be the most risky fer motorists, as almoat one-third of aIl fatal collisions occurred during tins time, with 40 per cent occurri ng on Fridays and Saturdays. M.. i:~ui I [e r: Td beaired on ý>rock ra stations "and'posted on billbwo and transit shéfelteýs, the messe are firs;'t-person. accounts of resultsý of dangerousl driv practices. 'During the montha of Ju July and August alone, driveri the l6-tÃ"-20-year.:agegroup involved in a' total of 12,'ý; collisions-iii Ontario,"'Phiip ai "These figuresaiée alarming, i compel us ta iatke action encouragebtt ihb itsaM if yen think that most motor vïehicle collisisons occur on dark and slick ronds, you're wrong,. Almost 60 >par, cent of 'al collisions occur on dry ronds, with about two-thirds occurring during daylight heurs, 'Ontario Transportation, Minister Ed' Philip said- as he, released the 1988-89 Ontario' Road Safety annual report. clii! LT PON IA BUOK Al ,equipped with 8 cylinder engines, automatie, 235/15 tires, radio, Gà MCTRUCkS step.bumper, -strpe package, 4 TOCHOOQÃ"SE: whee covers2tonepaint FROM ~ ,andbalance of 1 1 General Motors warran'ty. !~ kfl ý# Lfil' alw sf~1(e dI ingII i the our youth in relation ta iinkling. vide and drcivmng, speedng, caréels rove drivjigand seat belt'use." wd , Reseaîch showed'that'young Ed drivers relate best ta, information based on persenýal experiencpA, the and presented"in a powerful afd rly" graphicway. sing "We» are well aware that the ions ads are foreful," Plùip ad. 'We dlip itentionaily -chosetnscue because we have tua get through- te adi' .youn eol.This'kidnd of oeds message Millmake an ,impact."9 iges the, vInl. e in are ,ï00l aid. and_ ta ong Thle radio messages will air, until Jul iy 31.Outdoor aà ds winl be in Place . rôm 'mid-Jnne to, mid-August. <"A,,,mAjor thimust, of tins campaign is -ta remind yonng people * that they have a, tremnendous ,resp nibility -t themselves and*ta -others -.- every tm thdive a eile,"said f j,- ît4 46< -40 M " wy.MSRP 11,485 freight lncluded * Enineredin Gormany by Opel.- 1.6 L computer-controlled, fuel-injectedenrgine - speed'manuaI transmission *Power brakes - Front stabilizer bar - AM/FM stereo w/clock 'Tinted glass Rear seat shoulderAap beits - Dual, spoirt'mlrr6rs *$2,45O-pýé-rmonth Based on tax icense and $1 ,000 down OAC, GMAO.,Ask for details. 190GMC P-ick UpT- 1 %gril ic Or -7- m JVG pliv THE SP