-m-i Wflun the M.ayiIk!LÀ polre By Samira Arfai Despite the shortened wèeek that' students enjoyed, things were-as hectic as ever at Hemý' Street-. « In athletics, the girls' lacrosse >teain priiae in a tournament at Ajax on May 17., The teain captured the champion-"ý ship., In the round-robini gaines, Henrzy defoated Port-Perr, Ajax,- Central anidULrne Park. The teain then defeated Ajax 2-O in ýthe flùals. <On May 22, -the giirls captured the silver medal at LOS Si. The' >teain defeated Ajax -6-2 anîd thon ltotôDenis'Conorýith final gaine: enori h Lait' ek 4nry',s basebal teani shut-out G.L . Rbertsa 9-O. The teani also defeated Dwyer 7-5_ later that week. Henry flnished' the regularseason i first place with a 12-1 record. Good luck to, the ý,Hawks who .bogan 'playoff game8osonMonday. Members of Hemy's track ani field teain made a very strong showing at the DYSSA track moot. Twenty team members -qualifld for OFSSA regionals. ,Jason Bruxiley wôn the gold modal and set a new record in the 100m ' hurdles. Silver medaliats included Steve MeArdile, » Grog Smith, Vik Sharina and Jason, Bacchiochi, alon ihtejno bc~s rely1 team-- céonsisting of, Bruinley, Ba.echiotï:à -, ' Rich Là ambie and -Andy Burton. Jen Coboper and Grog Smith won the bronze'nmodal'in their ,events. CATHY CrHESTER OueUlet enjoyed the 85th- aimualMa Court Festival at Traflgar Castie with, chlldre- Brock, 4. Channele 3 ndAklia, 5 ChusdnBie photo Brumley, Matt Twydell, . Shannon-Pachal, La:mbie., Raty Smith, -Tiin Ambler, -Brent Giles and Jon Hopkins also-quafied in their events. The xidget boys' relay teain of Jon Vizzini Shama,' Andre' Marois anid BrettIHuether, and' the 'senior,,boys' relay tano McrbDion, Hà rriot, Tony Wiey and. Hopkins also The Hlemrygirls' lob-bail teani took second place at the Durham. tournament on May 22. Although the, big, trophy would'have been nice, the phys. ed. departinent was pleasod withthe new- set of bases2MVP were Sophie Daley, Danielle May and Suzie Watson. IStudents involved- in Henry athletics, were invited te the athleticý banquet which will, ho held teinorrow night. Congratulations "to Bryan Thomas who won a gold inedal at the* Canada-wide 'Science Fair held in Vancouver, B.C. Welcoine <1btck aid congratulations te ail the music, students: who )ravelled te Vancouver. Eachý of the three performinïg groups. received a silver modal and had a terriflc timeo meeting and . listening to groups froin across the count. Congratulations te ail studcents who. participatod in the OBEA business studios' contests at Durham 'College. Henry had two flrst-place linishes, Janiie Olenick in, the grade il advanced, accounting and Jason Crossley in- wthe novice typing. Graduating student s erjoyed a noon-hour barbecue on the front lawn lest wook., This event led up te the excitement ofithe fomi Formnal '91 was« a huge, success and everyone who atteded had a e %reat tinie. A vexy special congratulations te the tbre inoiinees fe valedictorian and teo By Susan Wraightý As ýthes..choql yar draws tea close, and èvèryone rushes> towards sumnier, T Ifeel as though there ,ý'is, a prpblein facing' Anderson'.which has "yet tO e h dealt with. Ià ithe Past few-years, ,Anderson'isud -tbody has grown, in, epic pl1oportions, Ye t there is an overwhelming lack of student spirit.» Lack' of opportunity te participate in activïties is not an excuse.: There are more than 20 different athletic! teains for,,ail ages, froni. soccer and rugby te swimnung or hockey. For those Who do not 'enjoy sports, there is D:ama Club or the -current dranma Production, many difforent irýusicà l groups (instrument or vocal),. AV Club, Christian FèIbový4shp, ,prom committee, , tVrO school nowspaperýs, yearbook cominittee, Art Club ... thehEst islong. And--if you erernt looking for long-terni commitn*ent, there- are intramurals which take'place- et lunch, frein volleyball te Trivial Pursuit. Since every. one of the aforementioned activities -Must> have at least one staff member as adviser, leader or coach, the teachers are far frin mblaine., In fact, the staff at Anderson has far more sint udloe or -their school than the studlents. - So just what's going on? Weil, many students blame the lack of time. By «Made 10, many studeuts already have part-timo jobs, which..leave few hours open for ratcsor meetings. And mauy =thesare',pa*r~cptn in». aciite utoide of mchool. But th«re is a growing number of studo*its who reèaiy aron't interosted and. wlýo just dont .cae..Hgh shool à *ust the% your -way te botter tlhings. many, don't realize i. tha have, tes'pend at least foui of their life here, so they rn- wellmake the most of it. 1Offering so9lutions, will, good here, it -his te start achool..To>il s tudents att Anderson',next Year, ti By Dora Perroni Throe chetrs for Autin! Our midgt boy's lacrosse teain aived their :inth' victory on Monday, May 15, withhelp from goaltender Chis Slocki, and the defenoe of Daird Zeedle, BRob Hanna, Mark Bray -and, Bilan Culleni. With passng by Jay Stewart, Paul LeClaire - and Briani frShaydoni itos.&Dvid Kelly and rooldé Matt Sorichetti..Noxtý week, a serni--final gaine will ho played hetween Austin "and rival Peroynia. An upcoming grade il outdoor éducation field trip is in the works. Any grade 10 physical education student interested ini the trip must attend compulsory meetings as preparation.»' The tinie capsule, committee extended the, Speaker'., Corner until May 17. Also, the deadline for 'subniiss ions te 'the timo capsulo's srpokwas extended he coinmittoarnxiusly" awaits any art work,4 poetry or opiniuonse to, b. submitod. »iteraiy, chance"frç~rasi~t te beave te1?ix tý ~ V *What 'minute to -f nd out ail that school or practice, and caring enough te t they has to offer, and participate. stick te it. veyars To roeturnîng students, maybe Once you.a hà ve soinethiùig to ight as itve time tô look arounid, too. look forward. te, you, caù once*r Joining »,somrething is as. easy, as again have pride in yourselfand'. do no'slWwink' up for the .flrst m'eeting your school. in the. oending ake a JENNIE PUKESgeti Reia Pouice incoq EaofOfEduentîin. ANDERSON C.V.1.