WIFrBY FEE R!F WDNESDAY. MAY 29.>1991, PAGES3 Ites rom Whtby Council agenda(s) Moudaýy, Mvay 27,1991 Recommenda- -tione fîrrom the' ~lumngand Delopm en T,-hat caync1llappOve a rez6nhïigappllcà tlontram, Manfred l;elibýfor a tèpiiraryuse Ibyiaw ta ,separaite story). *CmArred' That tepann ico' award wi'n'nors and war *yeterans- be receiefo Informa'tion (see sep arate ýCpTed 1That.thepla'nning director'p. repart conceming a challerige .to the Ontarlo'.Municpal »Board oa acouncildecision byf Orlanda Carp.,be reçeived for information (see sepà rate That caunciive noticeiln acane wiihoh taýpass a bDylaw changlig the pnme af Blair St., sauth ai D.undas St., ta Garden Si. - (arried' That -councli advise the Ontarlo Ministry ai" T1ranspor- tation thpt It does flot support the selec$ofa any route east af Halls Rd. for the connecting l11k tetween HWy. 401 and the future Hwy 407. A report from planning 'staff. states any route east af Hallè would negatively Impact on exlsting, and future residential ama;afc the local road nehg k ndresftrlfture land'uses, ln west Whitby." Carried Re commenüda- tions from the O(perationis', Committee That CeiHnigClean af Ontaria, a campany speclalizînginn acaust:ic and textured cèliling care, Pà e mtalned td clean the a requast basis only. Total.I cost for the above la $8,400.I CarriedI LadIhl site, selectionconsutants hired Three lead &=O'n have been Toronto, _Erv Mclye, genaeà lpublic involvement ini the site Durham's solid waste, an*d Soni hzrod .by Ëthe11,Interim YWaster of the,1WAannouncedseection process. Consultants Ltd. Will Auhoi~ Ld (WA t e <teree~y MacLaron Planseiýfth Ic. 'Ill underýtakingr the site search seachfortheo anfil ste te Ex~s in- varjous hocnuting the site s1rh o oolRonfor Peol's solid wasU proivide l-ong -terzn wate 'dis slenvizrmxna fod'av enthe -,1WA in! estabshin on nfnnnt, Mister Rut <~aaciy or ho egonsof ohired 'by the: lead consultants, landfilil site te serve ersdnt Grr announced on April 2 thi Dira n land the -ncuIing pù4lie consultation of York Region an M trooia an interim staff tear would begi nniilty Metrpolitan fiamswho will ho co-orcinating Torontetobe loca t wtin the ?rocess offinjin~ lr Liberal Pariv of Ontaro Furlong -ne presiden 13y Miloe Kowalà ld Formezr Durbamo Contre, MPP Aflan Furlong is the pew pré- sident of the Liberal: Party of Ontario. The Oshawa lawyer -was acclaimed to-the position at the p'a-Vfi onentonin Toronto' - -Altouheh thought tbere might» have beon atat oneýý. .challeniger, Furlong"was not surpised by the acclamation. "The fact that I had contact with menibers of every riding and had beon at- it sin ce Febru-' ary, ,probably bad somthing te, do wth it,» said Furlong. "I also had great support fror members of caucus. Turlong, said the first order of-. buiessfor the new executie is te «ýput theý mecbanism in place" fra.edership convention. Forer'. ledor' and prmieér David -Petorson >rosigned, follow- ingbi partys loss to the New Dom èêA asocrats nls epteèniber's- éection. Furlongsaid the oxecutive illi décide, nextt month whon te ol d ALLAN.FUELONG Few namnes o'f vets, and.l, award-wi'nners "available for street s ByMke Kowald, Ony1'. names'of Peter Perry awr iners or local rsidet killed ini war cari stili ho used'te designate Witbytrets. Otof 99 nain es ii the two categoriesmost.bave been used i one oror aother, according to a report *from the Town's planning department., *The namos.,,eýither' already adorn e êdting . streets or have been« deà ignated. <for future use, states the report.-' Some denote streets in other Durhamn Region municipalities whieê others cannot ho used because- they'are teo siinilar te names now i use, the report adds.- The reportwaspronpted by a request from ~cill or Tom Edwaà rdslast yar.- E4dwards s 'aid Whitby should recognize the >people chosen as its ogtstanding ctizens (Perry award) every erby aMin future streets after thoin Hoe also suggested Ãthe saine .honour be given te those 'killed in battle. The staff rpr states that the il nanes "not yet used will hoe assignedte futuire streots. -Town- council's planning and development comniittee reiýom- mended last week that the report ho received for information.L >It was expected t e ho dealt witb a Monda/s council meeting. ,tflpunaanesIU. . M. .-Dillon Lt& -wýill ho co.;rî&nting ýthe 'site 'search' actikrties in- Dpirhamzn ýfor. its leadership vote. Patty members determined on ....... the!,weeëkend'that'Peterso'suc oessor-Wil ocosnb om- bined vote ýof .the .mêmbership- and delegates ta a 'convention., Furlong,,séaid: the leadersbip canupaign will 'ho .limited, te 90 days and a deadlir.e ýsot. fojr*col- letigmemhorship- avoid * charges of peple = sthnt Liberals. Furlong ropresented Durham Centre from 1987 until bis defeat lat 'r"b New Democrat * Drummond ite.- OGS GARDEN GA~LLERY-* 5515 HICKSON RD. N. E AL LBL4 P Always a gardon favorite, providmng -a long season oa. >Iastingblooms. Reg.14 S. 77049 >An added feature to your Iandscape. Tolerant of adverse Sprue ar noed fr-teir ntese rornor deck, the silvey blu folige ncldes a table ai Available in white, b Assembly re Suggeâst4 379J Reg. 12.99 no9m99 - wl'Ed Jn 5h. HOURS: Mon. - Sat, 8ý-9,. Thestaf tam t the IWA will be ooriain te actvites of eth the edfim 3,A'ýRD-EN --CENTRýE1-' BROOKLIN. ONT. 655-3304 *,,OPEN AIL YEXRgj We've dot a great selection ai 'flowering shrubs ta, enhance your garden.- 1 gallon pot. Reg 99 lrida room, Sun ie Princess, set and two chairs. black and green. required., inch diamreter pots. Add somre instant colour to your garden. Reg. 15.99.' ed List .99, VISIT US'-, WERE JusT MI1NUTES AWA' I i AOKLIN I 1 po IRE r< OSHAWA z1IJ .d, ai 4 I 21CM. oès be In 1th lat 'nl see