il.iil ilili ........ .. flhe'Good Neighbours committée will ho hosting its officiai launch on Saturday, June 15 with a festival of community events. Choose an event or two and don't fo rfetý to help form a human chain frin Rotary Park ta downtown. Ile followîng is a schedule, of events: 9 a.m. - nopn il - 11:30a.m. 11:30 - noon 12:20 - lp.M. 1:.05 - 1:45 pn.' 11la.m. 12:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. - 2 pan - Pancake breakfast - Official ceremonies (Dave Deval of CFTO-TV: - Whitby Brasa Band - Oshawa Barb.rshoppers - County Town Singèe - Jubilée. Choir. - Students from Studio of Dance &Performing Arts - Free Refreshments 12:-45 - 1:-45p.în. Downtown historie wa'lkung tour with B3rian Winter dressed' as Peter Perry 11 m -1:.30 pan. - School chairs and bande- il a.m. - 1:30 pn. - School chairs and banda- il à M- - 1:30 pan.- Schaol chairs and banda noon - 1:30'p.m.- Fr..- Good Neighbouru, cake ,. 1:30 -2 p.m. - Ronald McDonald 11:30 a.m. - 2 pan.- Hot doge and drinkls smonsored by BIA 11am. - 3p.m. - Volunteer information bootha 11:30 a.m - 12:30p.m. - Kds On Tii. Block' a.m -2p.m -(ages 8 ta12only) il am-2 ..-Fr.. refieshments 2p.m. - Human Chain Seniors' Centre Rotary Park is MC) Rotary Park RotaryPark Rotar" Park Woolco Mal Woolco Mal Downtown Town Plaza (Frances &Dunlop) Downtown (Fourcoerners) Mr. Gracer Plaza Downtown Brock St. S. Mr. Grocer Plaza WoalcOo al and- Downtawn Whitby Public Lfihriy Brock St. S. All seniors, familles and friends who are interested' in. participating in the human chain are asked to go to the west aide of;Brock St. 'S. at 2 p.m. Call 668-7919 to advise- of yoqur participation. Each participant will receive'a tree seedling and a coupon compliments' of "McDonalds. In addition, the. Canada Egmployment Centre for Studlènts will be'having two free draws for three hours of student labour (iLe. grass, cutting, fenoe e avalable to anseon rEAcivtyCentre, Wbitby Communit Car. 209 Dundas St. E. and th e Student Employment Office, 125 Broclc St. S9. The. draw will be held at noon (downtown). ,oetens: Truckers' concerns FROM PAGE 6 ovýnerffiperators wha were able ta get into the business because of tii. deregulation of the industry. It is the 'free. enterprise system that first allowved them ta get into the business, but'unfortunately, allowed them ta cut their prices ta such a level that at the moment they are unable to make onds meet. I am sage you will agree that there are very few loca trucks, gravel trucks or dump trucks driving tbroughout Whitby that have came froni the United States, or who Mi their tanks in tfhe United States with fuel. I would suggest ta you -that the problem is mostly a Canarlian on. that will require a Canadian solution. René Soetens OntaLo riding MP WHITBY FM PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JIUNE 5, 1991L PAGE 9.. Festival,.ri'b.bons soon aqvl.ailable, Orange ribbons willbe avail- ahie to Whitby residents to show su pport for the Good Neighbourýs Feétival to ho held on Saturday, June 15. Ii. ribbons, which can b. tied 1o vehicle antennaes or to do- thing wIl soon b. available at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre and Tourist Information Centre, both on Brock St. S., Information Whitby at the Whitbyý Public Library, the Downt.own Business Improve- ment Area office at the four corners, Royal Bank and Shop-ý pers DrugMarta i Whitby. Tii. tounist -centre will b. sel- lingý shirts, handing out flyers a.d holding, a special draw dur- inoethe festival. Rei Rotary Club of Whitby - Sunrise will plant two trees, as a. father-and-son dedication. More events continue* to b. added to the sciiedule for the day. Genealogical Society offeà rs historie tours The. Whitby.Oshawa branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society, would like to start talcing local school children to cemeteries in Durham Region, for a walk through his tory. A grade 4 teacher at St. John the Evangelist school in Whitby bas, for the last two years, had the branch guide his students through a local cemetery. One cemnetery of interest is St. John's Anglican .Ohurch Cemeteriy at Port Whiutby because it is ofle of the oldest in the^ area, dating back to 1846. Two members of the. branch will each guide a class from a school and talk about local historians. There is also the enjoyment of seeing theniany birds and flowers and trees that are abundant in cemeteries. The branch will -take classes out until the school, terni is finished, -and again when classes resuine in the. falI. *Anyone inteïested can cal Joyce Hilton at 668-8177. - I A~ Musician's Dream Store LEASE TO OWN Sales* eRentais e Repairse Tiition MRoland Digital Pianos AUTHENTIC PIANO SOUND Instruments displayed to give you ideas for set ups on stage and at home. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 1991 FINAL TAX NOTICE The third instalment of, taxes for 1991 us -due anîd payable June 14, 1991. If payment is flot received by tie due date, penalty wil1 be adcled on the ist' day of default and thee rst day, of each 'calendar month so., lng as nRnpament continues, at the rate of- 1-1/4 par, cent per month'or part thereof. If you have not received a'tax big. and you are responsible for payment pléase contact lie Tax Deparbtient at 668-5803 to obtain the neoessary information. Taxes may be paid at any Whutby bank without bank collection chaiges. or at lie Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Onta"l. LYNN PIKE SUPER VISOR 0F REVENUE- *Unemployed-Underemployed? Frustrated and think you are going nowhere? Why flot take training in Metal Fabrication and build yourself a future? DurhamCollege provides excellent training with a good placement record in the Metal Fabrication lndustry. Program Information: SUBJECTS: Trade related blueprint reading, calculations and theory. Shop projeots using metal fabrication equipment and welding. DURATION: 36 weeks 25 hourslweek. - START: Any Monday t ram Sept. 9th. DEPOSIT: $50.00 Must supply own saf ety footwear. -COST: $804.60 payable in four payments. If you are eligible for unempîayment insurance you may be able to continue receiving benefits during the training. TYPIcÀL JOBS: Sheet Metal Fabrication companies especiaîly those providing products ta the Electronics, Computer, Aircraft and Aerospace Industries. TYPICAL EARNINGS: $18.000 - $48,000 / year For more information cali Joe Mueller or EarI Barks at 576-0210 Ext. 437 CO0L L E 6E In Plce trngilTm , earl n n re la