Concert -sehedule. annone The Durham Region Concert Association h as arranged its echedule for the 1991-92 season. On Oct.' 199- the association, resnts».ne-enmg of beauti- with <'ro Vivant: Strings and Piano.' The frt of opera and Broad- wa duets will be presented onf Jan.11,'992 with 'Boy's Night Out: Baiton & Tenor! 'Anderson- & Brown: Flute & Ham'will b. presented on Feb. 'Antonin Kubalec: Piano' will perfmon May 2,# 992. Cocetsae heéd t the arts resouroe centre, Oshawa. Subocriptions are available at Wilson & Lee Ltd. Music Store, Oshawa. or Thomas* House of Munic in Whitby. Season subscriptions for $50 (regiilar price) or $45 (students, seniors) are available before June 30. Cost je $5 more after June 30. For information cali 571-1386. Laser dises becoming popular LSl business, -Discs and Date is -tbriving with the new popu@arit of Compact disec and compactiscPI a es The store sellE compact dises at an average cost of $15 each, and laser *discs which range. fromi $29 to, $69. each. Lasèrs disc 'are fairly new on the market and are used to create top quality movies. The laser disc gives the same quality of 'sound as a compact disc, excellent picture,- is easily programable and requires. no rewinding. It's a new market, but the growth is there,» says Cindy Frankon, co-partnerof the store. Frankenfninds that compact, disco are part of a rapidly grow- ing market. <'When we firet opened two and a haif years r0 cent of the residents had CD players. Now it has grown to almoat 20 per cent,» says Franken.- Franken saye new combo players that can accommodate bot h com ac diecs and laser disco help out the market growth. «Itfs the market of the future," says Franken. ýTHE 'PROSPE CT presents ROUTE 66 Great Songs, Good limes Fri. June 14, Sat. June 15 Starts at 9:00 prn 158 Brock St., N. (At Mary Street) WHIITBY 666-5092 BAR & GRILL Easy Listening Rock' K*MVAC in the bar Fr1. Sat. June 14 & 15, 9 pm -1 arn COUP DE VILLE onthe patio Sun.. June 16, 4 pm - 9 Pm llOOý.Dundas -St. E. 'Whitby 666ý-à 330e HIDEAWAY BINGO, DAILY MATINEES-. DAILY'EVENINGS Weekend Late Bingos Special..Boorn for Non-srnokers 65 Sunray St. (n. off Consumers Rd. 1 block w. of Thickson) 668-9029. THE PROSPECT 0F WHITBY LASER KARAQKE With Tonly & Roz Wednesday June 12 & Thursday Junel13 STARTS AT 9:00 PM 158 Brock St. N. (At Mary Street) Whitby 666-5092 TH iPRPe u i N Wed.,June 12 JEFF HEALEY blues/rock $1 5.00 Fri. June 14 MICHELLE WRIGHT country $8.00. St. June 15 RUNV IN lYOUR HOSES rock M$6 UPCOMING-SHOWS, *Country Anta Perras, Johnny Paycheck, Bobby Bare, Johnny Cash Rock Shows Riff Raff/Rag- Dolli, Downichild, Forever'Younig <Rod'Stewart), "Trooperw 22 Athol st.-Oshawa 576-9898>'" HANGERS- MARC SEED. dunel3th - l6th, Thurs. to Sat. 9 - 1 Pm Sunciay 8 -,12 midnight 12 51 Simeoe St. N Oshawa e 723-5470 THE LION & UNICORNl June14 & 15- 9pm -l am GORDON BEST Dixieland Jazz cornes back to Whitby on Sundays on our outdoor patio, 2 - 6 pm 112 Coiborne St. E. Whitby e 666-3034 MY»SISTER'S PLACE dune l3th - l6th BILL LININER Thurs. - Sat. 9 - 1, Sunday7 -li 339 Malaga Oshawa * 576-9121 CULLEN--GARDENS presents A Musical Revue "SUMMER CELEBRATIONS" 10:45, 2:00,'94:00 daily Gardens ope'n 10-8 daily 300 Taunton Rd. W. Whitby > 668-6606, der dancin D'ELEGANI EL STAVROS ]BRIAN HAWTHORN entertains Tues. to Sat. fiorn 9 Pm to 1 arn JonContemporary Music us every Saturday evening forouûrpatio party (weather perrniting) 557 King St. E. Oshawa 576-6999 EXPLORER RESTAURAINT DES 1HIL TON entertains Thursday, Friday & Saturday nights 7ý:30 pm 'tii close 900 Hopkins St., Whitby * 668-0316 MOVIOLA CAFE Enjoy Dining and Dancing To, Our DJ's Mu'sIc Thursday to Saturday from 9 pmn to close on the patio 1650 Dundàs St. E. .(At Thfickson Rd.) Whitby e 436-9346 LUCKY SEVEN, a Cajun-style,,rock ýn roilbaud froua New York Ciey, l perforni at the Star Club, il Bruce nt...Oshawa on Satuu*y, June 22. Advanoe tickets, for $8, are avMaabe .at 'Roêve Records iu dowutowu Whitby. AN INUiT art exiiin wiil continue at. The Station Galleryuti June 30. Works by Cape Dorset artiats are among those on display. Chri. Bovi. photo entertai memit GUI[DE Your weekly guide to local entertainment