Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1991, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEMTYFRE PRM SWEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1991 C-ounci1oPtsfr for park,,On Kapuscinski- By Mike. owaiski After six years of waiting, rosi- dents cf a northwest_ Whitby subdivision Will ýfinally get their parkt But it wM lnoe*t be in the spot 1moot would preferý-.--'1 ý Thie decisionpleasedý home- owners whowere'opposed to the location recomnmendedb1Y. staff. But- Town council may. have' upset just as manty,' or more residents with its "compromise& solution. By ýa 4-& margin, council vote to com'mence work immediately on a s'mallý park -or "parkette' behind Kapuscinski Ct.. . Inso doing, -council rojected the advioe of both the operations committee and Tàvwn staff that the-parkette be built,,at the west. end cf Briargreen Ct. Although the decision pleased Woodhaven Cres. and Briargeen residents opposed.to, the commit- tee recommnendation, it' infuria-. ted Kauciii oewners not expctmgü'to have -a pret bwflt in thefr backyards. It also left residents who want a park ini the. subdvion,, won- dering if Kapusciki is thue beet location. They contend the, mosthy hru b- and *tree -co erd *K apus-> cinski site is a havnformosqul- tos, a homefor' wildlife -.and. possiblyto secluded'an areéa for youngchildren. The controversial 'issue con- sumed moat, cf the nearly two- hour council meeting. Councillors heard from delega- tions on both sides cf the issue and then teck turns arguing the merits cf either, Briargreen or' Kapuscinski. ONTARIO ...GOVERNMEN T NOTICE'ý NOT[CE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRES - HIGHWAY 4O7TRANSIT TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR ROUTE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDY FROM HIGHWAY 48 TO HIGHWAY 35/115 The Ministry cf Transpoatio f Ontario is caryng out a stuyt determine the location and right-of-way r equirements forthe Ppooed, Highway 407fransit facility from Higw= 48 in Marh easterly te Highway, 35/115 in the Townc' ecsl k (aproimatiy 0 k). As ppsëd,MHghway 407wvillbe an'.ultimate lO-lne freeway fom Higway 48 easterly te the vicinity cf 'Dùlim oa 3 (ourtice- Road),- in the, Town cf Newcastle. The remaining section to, IHighway 35/115 viilb. planned as an.8-lane freeway., The transit- right-of-way will be planned, from Highway 48 to, approimateiy Durham Road 34. A TECHNICALLY PREFERRED ROUTE bas been selected for presentation based on assessments of environmentai and engineering data, discussions with other government'agencies and local municipalities and information received from the public. REG IST--- ARE CON I O AVR/ TON IT TOWN& NPWA«E~*PBI EVAL--TECINIALL le* CAR11 BOXOGH 0 t*i 'w * PORED OT * usariue 8 9TOWN CENTVLRGEOMUIYCNTE-ConrcfHgwa 8an ihwy7 Mrhm * Thrsda, Jue 20 199 - T RONECOMM NITYCENT E -Trone Tow of ewcatle opefration Cf tfres abewa n ' he futu c;re m ehta a inormt io rgadig hicsu omaemengt. lce t sitte iit public revforevew.n For further information contact: MARKHAM/PICKEBING/WIMMy SECTION Fencop Enginheers Inc., Atria North « Phase II 2235 Sheppard Ave. E., Willowdale, Ontario M2J 5A6 Mr. A. Minchev, or Mr. I. Upjohn (416) 756-1333 OSIJAWA/NWCAÀSTE SECTION Parker Consultants Ltd., 1400 Rymai Road.East Hamilton, Ontario LOR iPO OR The Ministry cf Transportation, Transportation Planning Section, Central Region, 3rd Floor Atrium Tower, 1201 Wilson Avenue', Downsview, Ontario, M3M MJ8 Mr. C.R. Lumley Project Director (416) 235-5481 ,Ministry Transportation Mr. P.J. Reynolds Project Manager (416) 235-5482 Min istère des Transports Ms. K. Harding Environmental Co-rdinater (416) 235-5547 <: CORPORATION,,0FTHE.. ,ITOWN ,,- IwuIuBY CANADIAN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, ANfD SAFETYWEEK TAKE NOICE THAT June lBth - 22nct 991 ernypocamdas aCanacian Oocpaflon HeaJth and safety We hia "e .Toof Wihfby.: Giiens cff WNtby ma r enoed t uprt tde valuabeoemmunftywork Of' Mh CanacMan Society of SWeIy gMnen DaWe at ~Vitby, Onbtarstwefth dacy of Juné', 191 RA. ATTERSLEY, MAYOR Igi Bonnetta cf 9 Briargreen Ct. said council was partly res- ponsible for, crea âifa problem w<hicli' had "divided and, tomr apart te.community. Bonnetta spoke for residents Whose homes 'back .onto' the Briargreen site and opposed the. recommendation., "This municipality and administration must shoiulder soùe cf 'thue blame for, the posi- tion w. find ourseWeës in," said Boiinetta. '"There's been ne develoipment cf parks for over six years m the varieus subdlvison plans.» .Bonnetta said that n matter how council, - voted, epponents weein a "C1atch 227 situation. "M itnoed w il the «'If it desnot proceed, we, will be- perceived as the mensters cf Briargreen Ct.» 'Boninetta said residents. were assured prio purchasmng their homes thrat ne development would take place on the -Briar- green site. "«W. were told it was in a Ilooplain andwould be presr- ved asintended,» said Bonnetta. Last year the. Town received a peiton from 146 householda in thRDF subdivisionorth cf Rossland Rd. -and east cf -Coch- rane St.,' in faveur of a.'parktette on Briargreen.-. tIt- aise receivd1,afcounter peti- tefrom 13 otherhouseholda. Those residents ý preferred a nark be buit, either north cf Whj-ibun St., in the Equitjr sub- division,,-or"behid Kapuscinski, Last Janu ary, 'h parks dlepartmnent recomm&iended against a parkette'on Briaeen ,until the: exact location of the Ecuity park could b. eterjnine 'd. stf as dcireétedte préparé ,bôt ,solutionsaddressingthe lack cf a playgroudinthe -areii. Sas report, endorsed,.by xumtteelstwekBupprted Bmargreen a,*s the best;alterna- Thie reportstates that both the Kapuscinaki and Whitbumn sites e quire extensive lriifo ltalo noteisit structural tability..prebleMs,» stemmn fect thedesiqn 'and comtecfa Lda Vinecf 27'Wh4turn S. leaded with councilto adcpt the xmzm te'recolmendaticin. Desj>ite thé "lard- feelinqs-and ncreasngly hostile attitudes !e'v 1 eno"utered,' Vie said lest residents -are adamant bout a park. Plannfed parka ithe. Equit rid Stolp subdivisions were "toc àr* into -the futureM while the la 1 nékiwas "toS 8h. said the Central Lake kntario, Conservation Anthonity 'LOCA) considers the site an SRRPAGEke Ontario Immun

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