wnxiWmUB FRE PEý% WVI'EDNAXJUNS£i1. A*JZ EN VINIUE 1E-,N VOOUIE, I~NVOU!!N mir N% MýoIÎLJF Short s: Asmaysle I some fashion circles, shorts are, well, shorts. I others, they arýe short culotts, jupea1culottes, city shorts or even skorts. Whatever-'they're called, tÎhey are shorter than knee length, any shape from flared -te sqtiared - and designers lovre them. There are as ma ny styles .of shorts as there are styhasts. Designer Christian Lacroix,. he. of poufs and, patterns, likes cyclist-style, shorts, or short jumpsuits in bright, striped wool knits; bis models wear thelp witb jeweiled feed-bags. Japanese designer Ri IKawauo the woinan "behind the om des Garqons label, is more inventive. Her collection, includes up-and-down s horts, pushed, pulled and draped into shape. Issoy Miyake, more of a fashion futurist, pute tight velvety, classic shorts with a wing-sleeved jacket of an even plushier materiai. Ljike m oat designer%, he shows his shorts' with 'darkc ,rque 7hosiery and matching I Italy's Krizia collection, shortsar younger and iclder. some are flared suad-,ylushy, and'- fur-like patrn mae been. popular with ýfason buyers. Designer Maruccia Mandelli puts colour co-ordinated, animal- patterned» pullovers with ,,the, shorts. Germany's M cuifed, black- le shapoly, long, fa often -bave n shawls or stoles. Japan's lii suggests zip- *Italy's Dolce, team. shares deuigner's enti long-over-shortj moved away frc ass tylits arc Casin prefers, full-skirted and petticoated ather- shorts with silhouette and into high-ýwais3ted à bric jackets 'that' s, r-tretehy shrts under '~In ~ris~~ dsigner-Jènau romichi Nalcâio 'Gaultier goes ethinic for, sme of -fronted short bis knitted sâhorts- and one-pigce, vith high leggings short -,coverails worn unde ,ed coats. patternied'veite and -long velvet e.and._ bnaanrl u ini Milan, BasileFs the Japanese styliste suggest a calin usiasm for the 'alteirnative:,,pleated shorts soft idea. They havee'nouht look like skcirts under a om a raditena ,two-laerd jacket. Hair today gon1.e Nature's natest joke on women is ailowing ail that body hair te grow on, bite where they least want it. Teenagers stere in diabelief at the hairs spreading over their' once smooth and ilhiylegs. Middle-aged 'women gasp in horror when they. notice the faintest suggestion of a moustache. Blondes suifer just as much as brunettes. They are often plagued by a very soft down on their face that glistens in the sun sud is only emphasized by male-u. .Women shve it and the hairs grow back with a vengeance. ,Or, forever optirnistic, women try yet a'nd tomorrow, another brand .of 'depiIatory cream with the same disappointing results. 'adies, there is a solution," says Denise McFarlane of Ajax, licensed practitioner for Alexandria Body Sugaring ic. It is cailed «sugaring,' an art that bas been practised for centuries by Mfiddle Eastern women and that is now available in North America., Alexancfria Body Sugaring ic. bas researched the product sud treatment, sud bas developed their own commercially-suitable paste with secret natural ingredients, having ite own .Pleing aromatic and therapeutic qualities. It contains ne chemicals whatsoever, is water soluable, sud does net cause any adverse reactien te the alkm. I fact, it is extremely gentle sud can be used on any part of the body including the eyebrows. The application of this unique product will remove dead sin celIs leaving the skin soft, silky, healthy looking and, of course, bairless. This gentle and increasingly popular treatment appeals te women of ail ages. It has- survived. the test of time sud is a well-established and completely harmlessa way of dealing with unwanted body hair with beneficial resuits. IU YO'I Modemn wom, hair isn't forq is acceptedai wanît bair te sig reflecti CONS -avoid hair, l onger -the er, vnt on 'w Alfe{ýandia BODY SUGARING THE ANCIENT ART 0F' .HAIR REMOVAL " Sugarlng Is the polnless, onclent egyption art of hoir remnoval thot has token the Europeon continent bl storm and now Alexandria Body Sugarlng Inc.- hos brought thes uniqueand fanmus 'method of hoir remnoval ta Canodol " t f s a sole and natÙral woy ta removo unwanted body hair.: " Oniy notural products are used ln the treofrnent. " No cherricoIs whot-so-ever ln aur products. *Sugarlng is the most refreshlng w0y to treat todoys hair problemis. In tact once you've trled Sugoring we're sure you wliii not retumn ta any other method of hoir removali *Cal today for your Sugarlng appointment and get rld of unwqnted hai Denise: 686-581.7 BODY TONING& TANNING (No sweat exercise for men & women of ail ages) INTRODUCES cMuscleStimulation). >BUSINESS Cali Today For Your Free E. M. S. Session 436-9303 We please eve-n the toughest'of clients. HAIR & SKIN .1645 DuiRdas-St, E.#(>/aWd PLaza,725r6ODD seu) vffluE