Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1991, p. 27

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WYFREE.PEoeY, WDNESDAY. jJUNE iZ9, PAGE 2e Town ouncil compromise s ak nKaucisi t FROM PAGE 12 envfronmientally sensitive area which* would reqwire extensive spraying; an& tree cutting. As, or safety Virlo said CILOCA deems 'therisks to be minmal. "There are manY parka in Whitby that flood i the spring,» said vrio. > Councillor Joe Buçelli, ope rations commttee chairman, led off the debate. But rathr hanPut .forward the committ s recommendation, Bugelli. propo sed an alternative. H e saîd Kapuscinski was always designated for a pr whereas Briargreen has not n viewed as such. qI have te sympathize with the residents who a âsked what was pËaüned on that land 'nd were I od nothing was'planned that it will beo0en s aoe,»said Bugelli. "Baseon thLat, the onusis on council te respect it. But al aln ic a one, Kapuscinski Ct. has beeni identifled as a park.» Bugell,,who also serves as CLCAchairman,-siaid a par~- kette behind Kapusinski, will ~not detrimentall-y affect the environment. He said that what was pro- posed for, Briargreen could be easil accomodated on, a "75 by 1009.lo.» «We'll remove the brush and disturb nothing of -value -te any- body,"BugeIli promised. altoughthe staff report esti- miated the rirrenparkette te cost $45,000s BgeHidisputed this figure. He said fencing te run along Cochrane St. and, the abutting backyards will cost $45-$50,000 based.on 450-500 ft. at $10«per foot._1 Add the cost of infiling the Briargreen site and p layro ,equipment and thetotal bill will Sexceed $125,000, said Bugelli. *Kapuscinski, on ýthe -other hand, can be -done with funds t he ToWni received from a developer for a walkway througlh the plan- ned park, said Bugelli 'Déclaring that h e did flot care' where the park was located as long as one lis buit, councillor Denns Fox feit council Tequired ,kmore details about Bugelli's pro- posai. '* «rm not saying this is ýa bad *idea but we can't decide it 1 tonight» said Fox.. BY acceting Bugelli's motion without futher stuly,, council would be catering te a select few, said Fox. «There may be _problems with Briargreen but 1 don't think they're as bad as people lead us te believe,» said Pox. "We're dealing with the truest forin of NIMBYtjs (Not In My Backyard).» By supporting the motion Fox said council wll please only «a feW peo'ple in big, .expensive home who struck a deal 'bet- ween the builder and- them- selv es.» Fox said if council wanited te hear from eole who are «reahly Up set» 'itsh oudtalk te residents a1ong:Wichoi Ave. and Glen Hili Dr. "Thfey bought lots and have non-profit housing stuck behind them, here we're talking about a park, said 'Fox. Councillor Marcel Brunelle said Bu lli's motion was an accptable compromise. Brunelle said residents would have their* ark but in an area designated for that prse. He also said the loss of trees and sbrubs will be minimal. Councillor Joe Drumm opposed the motion. Drumm said mosquitos will limit use of the park during the evnnsand he was worried about t h true-cost «A fence might be nothing te what it might cost us at Kapus-4 cinski,-» warned Drumm.1 Couýncillor Lynda Buffetta bwould not support the motion. rwithout further information, . - 'lI don't feel coinfortable mak- ig a decision without thefat btI don't want te, put it off. T7he iresidents need a park,» said Buf- fett. Although not claiming te, be an enineercouncillor Ross Batten esmae the cost of clearin the site.,te be within' the $22 000 council hasavailble for a park at Kapu*inki. %Kapusins*ki has ýbeen desig-, nated as a park sice dajr one, that's been established. We as a council neyer developed it,» said Batten. Myr Bob Attersley also sup- ported the motion. «We have $22,000 in the fund and people have waited six years, don't pass it along te, another council,' sai'. Attersiey. Foilowiiig the" vote, Jeannette .Hall of Kapuscinaki Ct. jumped Up te aty council was being unfair te ber neighboThood. . How eah jyou do this without conultnqthepeoleon Kapus- cnk? I sed before being silenced by the mayor. Outside the council chaxnbers, Hall said the site ifs not suitable. qIts a swamp, they'll have te, spend $150,000 to fix the drainage and that will kil off the lant hife, it will be ruined,» said She said the area is more isolated than Briargreen and the safety of young chil-dren mus t be considered. lier husband Robert said resi- dents were alsô pronxised by the subdivision buiI e that the area would-not be developed. But he admitted this had not been verified with the -Town beforehand,. iUHA NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETIN G DEVELOPMENT CHARGES PROPOSAL The Regional Municipalityof Durham is considering pasîng a developinent charges by-law pursuant to the Developmenùt Charges Act, 1989. *gonal Council will be holding a ý-public meeting,m accordano with 'Section 4 of the Developinent' Charges -Act, 1989, te, enable the, public te understand g(eneraill the development chres proposai. AIl members. of' the public are invited te attend the metn w Iwll bé held on: Wedneudy, July 17p,1991 10:00 a.m.. Council Chambers 005 Rossan Road East Members of the public will be given an opportunity at the meeting ta, make representations regardmzg the propose& development charges. In addition, written submissions may. ha forýwarded te the Conunissioner of Finance, Finance Departmnent,- 7th Floor, 60 Bond Street- West, Oshawa, Ontario, no later than Monday, Auut191991. Written submissions reoeived by the Conunissioner of'Finanoe viii bè available for public vewigduri* business hours at the' above noted address of theFiaceDe partment. Submissions received in writing and those expressed at the public meeting wil ha considered prior te the preparation of the final report(s) and implementing by-law. In order te provide background te, the proposed by-law and te, ensure sufficient information is made available at the meeting, a developmentchre repo rt- has, been prepareý'd. and can ha obtained from the, offioes of. the Regional Financ Department at the address noted. above, or the offices*of the Regional'Clerk at 605 Rossland Road'East Whitbyorby caling (416) 571-3311 (Oshawa) or (416) 686-i311 (Toronto). Requesta for further information should ha directed to the, Finance Department. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY'0F DURHAM

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