To 'GO' or no t-to 'GO" WB1TByffFR PRZ88 j WeD lJNE8D , IE19, 1991,PAM 481 GO extension to Oshawa -exem4pted from- Environme,:ntal Assesmnt Act To the EditoSi Aitliough I live in Ajax, I work iWity and use W hitby Transit->everydey. I would like te shiS with your readers an incident- that occurred on How-much does it cost te, get from Dundas and Brock te, Whitby-. Psychiatric Hospital, using e valid GO ticket and transferring te Whitby Transit? 'Weil, you could get charged with freud for doing this,"" I was toldby aroute 2bus driver asîI tried te, get in te work for the afternoon, shift on June 1. Since I started et WFH' last monith, I lied been working- day eéhift .and,-lied neyer lied any troublePgtti o ework fio= te Dundaàs kana Brock te Whitby Transit,,and- back. However, on Saturdey, I . was let off et the train station, and, amidsét mucli embmienent, accused of tryrng te commit fraud. -WePU I 'do not decry tlie bus driver for hie actions, because he was 'just following the rules.'Bùt I asic Whitby Transit, çiont you think it is time te redefine fr integration? I cati transfer from a GO bus te Ajax Transtan time, and -I have gone froým Gihom Dr. in Pîckering ite PickerlUng Town Centre (vie Pickering GO station) ýii order te catch a GO bus te get te Ajax, using only my, valid GO 10-zidQ ticket. Therefore, I :k again,- whet is wrong with transferning from a GO bus et Dundas and Brock, te Whitby Transit et Brock & Manning en route te WPH?" Yesterday I got a lift in te work, but today I wili catch e GO bus i Ajax te the Ajax GO station, a train te Whitby GO,. then I will welk fromi the station like I did on. Seturday. I used the bus frequently beceuse of the scheduling; the train wili arrive in WhiJtby elmost one hour ear that je the main reason I bary use if. Debbie Richards TRAYS CUT DOWN4 ON GARBAGE -If you attend DEortig events, you prcbably knowv the frustration of spile rik in the stands. -Ross Fedele' a Toronto reoident, diucovered the answer te -thue prolem he nliset out t. solv e sports fand perpetual ipuzzlà -where te put the drinks? Eighteen montlis and 350,000 latei ho. announced1le ha.d come up with a solution: Poet--tmay. âà hs Invention in a reusable beverage holder thet ~' old tw drnks, jen lightweigit,, and easily clamps ont. your seate armrest. The firet thing I did when I ecquired on. was t. esearch my cupboerds for e plastic glass that I couldrmuse. I found two sgîch styles thet were suitable. I put trust in McDonaid's et the Ek SDomle t. recogni*ze we have e garbage probiem and t. honiour, containers brought from home. "Por"--tray eliminetes the need for those little cardboerd carryinig treys, which usually get used only once. So, if vou will b. frequenting the SkyDome, inveet in Port-a-trey (evailable in ail tlie SkyDome souvenir stands>, find yourself e reusable glass, and feel good about doing your part te cut down on garbage and litter. Companies that would like to use this item as a promotion can contact Global- Innovations at 322-3058., Port-a-tray la ideal'for a sponsor'nm or logo, which can b. imprinted on the handie. Make a difference. Lug-a-mug! Port-a-trayl ByMlkeKowalkid The Ontario government has cleared the way for ail-day GO train service eust of Whitby. Cabinet recently paseed an order-in-councii exempting the frtphase of the GO train exten- sion eaut of. Whitby from pro- visions of the Environmental AssessmentAct. Aithough seven conditions muet be met before work- on the $56 million extension cen begin,' cabinet's order effectivelyý removes any bernier to the pro-, ject. By 1994, Oshewa commuters should b. able te take the train at eny time of the day. Since lest feul, oniy single morning and evening trains have been running te and from the VIA Rail station ini west Oshawa. Future ail-day service will require construction of two new tracice, a larqer terminal and expanded parking facilities. Ini making% a _request for the exemption Environment Minis- ter Ruth dnier outlined five rea- sons for lier decision. Among them, Grier noted that the Ministry of Transportation itself had conducted an extensive environmiental study?; held public meetings and, solicited imput from local municipalities., 'Mhe recommended .plan for the undertaking is anticipated te, have few adverse envirnme-intal impacts,» states Gnier. Comments received from'the generel public identified a «hl degee o f support» for the exten- sion Grier states. «'Iýe undertaking wil provide needed transptnation facilities and economic deveiopment opprtunities,' she adds., 1Although Grier does flot expeet problems the order places cer- tain conditions on the transpor- tation ministry. One such condition is that measures be taken te ensure that potential flooding problems b. addressed. This is a major concern of both the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authonity (CLOCA) and a group of soutli Whitby residents. Specificaliyresidents are wor- ried thateabridge planned for Victoria Slt., eust of Brock St. S., wili remove an embankment that now serves as a dam on Pringle Creek. Removing the embankment and a 12-ft. culvert under the street will meen that in the event of a major storm, nearby houses will be flooded, sey resi- dents. GO off»iciais, liowever, say diverting Pringle Creek te the eust wiltelieviate eny problems.1 But the order stipulates thet GO Transit submit documen- tation te CLOCA regardingc streamiflow information used forà Prin'gle Creek and the «implica-c tions of thrs proposai» ondon stream areas. Durhiam Centre MPP Drum- mond Wite supports the exemp- tion order. «We've hed literelly years ofc «One could be overly careful andsay that despite years of planning and work we should wait for a full environinentai assmgint. «But this ie not a , sudden move. If,. there were significant environmentalt concerns they wouid have corne out of the hearings.n - As t he orderalso notes, the proJect is located almost entirely withn oradjacent te 'existing raiiway corridors, said White. "I 'understend why .the minis- ter would make that,. decisiion,» said White*' "W. had a' commitment te extend it te Osliawa.»' %White said Whitby residents wiil benefit from the project.., "There will b. significantim- provements te road-rail sepa-, rations and work done te Whitbyý Harbour. Work on the: extension shouid also create «significant employ- ment,» White added. Paul Johannsson, GO Transit man,. er of . engineering, was awaiting confirmation of 'the order-in-council. 1 <Altliough work on designi*ng the extension has been'under' way1 for-some tinie, contracte for actuel construction could not be processe., «When ,I get. written confirma- tion I wiil instruct everyone, te get the contrected documents read,":aid Johannsson. We'lr l ready te go.» Johenneson estimated work on the extension wil require two full construction seasons. - ",We've missed one construction season already. We're looking at 1994 for service te begin.». Johannsson did not forsee any difficulty comp g ih the con- ditions imposed by Grier'sminis- try. «They're a standard thing for work of this kind.» Among the conditions is one whicli requires GO Transit-, to conduct arcliseological site o1fr-,. veys et the crossingsof Corbet Creek and two of its tributaries. -. The Ontario Native Affaire Secretariet must be kept :n for- med about the surveys with res- pect te identifying and «if pos- sibe' roectng aboriginailiheri- tege sites, the order reads. Secretariet spokesuien Lise Hansen said that while the governmýent lias no knowiedge of any major sites along the route, it muet tae.precautions. «It's something we wanted te fleg the whole area wus exten- sively'occupied in the pest» seid Hansen. «A number of sites have been discovered- from 'construction of this kind.' If an ericient native village is discovered, for exemple, an archaeoiogical team je sent in te do an assessment . explained Hansen. "fits of e significant nature, a fuli-scale dig takes place. If it's not of tlat nature, we do a quick dig and recover whÈat artifaces we cen »said Hansen. «Ùsuaily whnomathing of, , is undertaken. W. have no know- iedgeof aytig there now.» ThefiretPhase of ail-day GO service te west Oshawa je part of an. overal $150 million eda vour. Between 1996 and '00 ,a further extension Winl bring ser'- vice. te the eastern limite of the City., SAJAX. HOME,. 1WEEK SPIECIALI I ith '* Contact Cou n Lenses 56 HARWOOD AVE,AJX iT6z OFF' 'ail shoe repaîrs * Iwlth this coupon. - *Free parkingat thedoor I -Quick serMic, while you wait Ior while you shop EERIMAN. * -SHOE REPAIR: euily Shoe & Beo RPli ircson Skate Shel ng Key Cuttigng Offer ends Jiy-- à l I~~ 1 Il U]VAYNfS ,V : L. * F7~fl nI SHRBOOE 1 opnPer Order Epres Aug-31, 1991 I 1003 Dundas St. E. I L Wht4 octon'l J