The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whltby residents for. Whitby resklents! Published every Wednesdaý by 671209' Ortgrio Inc. at 131, Brock St N., Wh ItbOtarip- LIN 5S1 Phone .668-6111 Toronto- Une 42741834 Doug Anderson'- Publisher, ýMaurioe Pither +- Editor Alexandra Marin- Production'Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration #05351 Questionable deci"sion Counclllor Joe Drumm and many residents'may, have good reason to crticize a sudden decision, and subsequent tas t work, to carve out a park on property forth of Kapusclnskl Ct. It would aear that, afthough the Kapusclnskl site had been orlglnaly des nated for park space, common, sense would prevail when Town staff,' Town operations commlttee and the maJorty of area residents pr-efere a Park site off Briargreen Ct. lnstead, four of seven councillors at Fast week's mting opted for the Kapusclnskl site, wthout knowlng* the full cost of the projeot whlch Inckudes remnoval of many trees. Moreover, local residents mlght have been surprle to flnd a police presece ot a heKpusclnskl work site on Monda y and at the mun Iipal building durlng the Town commlttee session on Monday nlght -as f the Town feared a violent response to what must be percelved as an unpopular declslon. 1Would there flot have boon less anger and frustration had committee lnstead oe>fed for further study by, staff, lncludlng further Input by Whitby does need more park space ln subdivisions, and there have been Indications that such will be the case ln future. developments'.-- wthout years of deay. The outcome of catch-up solutions la evident. held a au stng180km bike tour, it onla SlhIdIiy .d , -~~~n» mwWu -B-w:"*t m Brake for Animais: pmstscrpt To the Edltor: Re: Barnes Rebutai Misloading As a parent of a young aduit who le deveiopmentally delayed, 1 would like to take exception to a recent letter-to the editor written by Kenneth C.H.- Barnes, administrator 'of the Christopher Robin Home for Children, entitled 'Comments were Irresponsible.' Mr. Barnes was attempting to respond to the article, 'Association inquest into deaths raises ethical Issues,' which appeared in the May 29 edition of the Whitby Free Press. The May 29 article about the "sses, related to the deaths of 15 Institutionalized children, raised the following points: multiple deaths in institutions have occurred elsewhere; parents of young handicapped children must beproperly informed and given options; institutions don't provide the samne levels of care as tho family unit; and the Ministry of Communty & Social Services ig nores thoir own philosophy of deinstitut lonalization by supporting and sanctioning institutions. * Community LMvng's article also argues' that the Ontario Government doos not suitably support familles who attempt to support their own childien at home. Fnally, Keth Powell, executive director of the Ajax-Pickçering & Whftby Association for Community Living, also stated this Association's beliof that chiidren are base cared for in thoir homes and that institutional care is very expensive for the taxpayers and probably costiy to the children who endure t. Mr. Barnes dismisses the entire article but chose to refuto oniy the comment that institutionai care is the most expensive form of care for the severoly deveiopmncntaliy delayed individuais. goverrmnt 1'to pr9periy support care withln the famriiy unit andto, get out of the business pi promoting -institutions, was extremely valid. Dave Werry Board i0f Dîroctors Ajax- Pickering- Whitby Associatin for Communlty Living People had a 'vision of childmen' To the Editor: Re: Mr. Barnoes' lotter <Whitby Free Press, June 12) about comments made by Keith Powell and Inez Curi. Mr. Barnes is himseif ill-informed and irresponsible when he uses these terms about Keith Powell and Inez Curi. How cari people bu irresponsible when- they have a vision of children, re9ardless of their disabilities, living and being part of their community in their family home. If the government wouid give the financiai suport to parents instead of mini-institutions, the costs could bu lower. Mr. Barnes takes great delight in the financiai aspects of doaiing with these children, instead 0f the quality of life thoy doserve. Mr. Barnes can*qup)te as many f inanciai figures as ho wants, but niothing disguises the tact ý,hat 15 children died at'Christopher Fýùbin. This- should nover have happeod, and if the govermoent supports parents with thoir children this should, anid hopefully nover wiIl, happen again. Mary Bennett (Paran am #aI By Edie.Gomîlîs First, the promised postscript -- handling turties -- to my last column, 'Brake for Animais.' This being the turtle egg-laying season, drive extra cautiousiy on roads bordering swarnpy areas, What may from a- distance look like a rock or piece of cardboard could well be a turtie, so be prepared to slowclown or 'stop. i1 assisted one, turtie recently,- a hand-sized one; for another, a mature, foot-sized snapplng turtie, 1 was too late. First, having made sure the road is clear, estabiish in what direction the turtie is headlng. Thon pick up the turtie and carry her in that direction. 1 use both hands, placing the tips of my fingers on bot h undersides (flot too far, now) of the sheil, far bock from the head, thumbe on top of the sheli. If you have a solld-bottomn cardboard box, or a p ail, use that -- less chance of dropping the turtle and ning her, if those limbs aidny mako contact wit h your hands. Some turties, afraid at unexpectedly being lifted Into the air, will squirm. I just hold on tightly and taik, caimly. Note: the box method: q'twork wfth abig, snapping tmh* le; that littie carapaced 'tai'wili be scaiing those walls.1 A cOUple of years.ago, two other motorists and 1 pulled 'over slmultaneously to assist *a huge snapping turt le that was about to cross Highway 37 ln search of Sandy ground. One attempt at lifting the turtie mode it clear that 1 wouldn't be able to carry her ail the way; she was too heavy, and struggled vigorously. My rescue partners, campers, fort unately had a- big plastic orange tarpaulin -- ideal for this situation, a cardboard box aiready.haing failed because of the earlier-noted climbing propensities of this turtie woman. To me felu the task of lifting the turtie onto the tarpaulin (yes, the two kind motorists had taken that word snapping in 'snapping turtlel seriously) but, undaunted, i held on, myhands past the mid-point of the turtie body,': my eyes on that elongated turtie neck. (I. had discovered in my late, childhood that a turtle toot h sa-formidable weapon.) Then, we each, heil on to ý.various corners,-of the tarp,> and thus. we ,quickly. crossed the highway the turtie attemptinq 1 the while to clamfber up t h esides of ,our, mfakeshift. c.ontainer. Whether she made Rf bock safely, i cannot, say. God speed: her kind, and open our the'vista oft pterodiactyl, years,,that delivered huit his fast-paced, monstroùs worid., Our mission completed, à e bade each other farewell, In that specla way that oniy total strangers who -have shared In , a sefless moment* of compassionate goodness - a spark. in a darklng cave _- have. Unfortunately, N'e rmn:out'0f time; but, since time exists malnfly In the head and heart, whwt does it matter if i write a .Father»s Day tribute the next time? Until then, fareweil In my view, the May 29 article, a chiid wfth dîsabliltles) wh lejip~rt j~- *.. ..~ ~ Rcel Aricle was valid