Whitby Free Press, 10 Jul 1991, p. 22

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PAGE 22, W~IITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10,1991 t J r." t .~/ j Baataws -boinaoed froeu tourwù~ikd Whitbyr bantams won one of three gaines in the Hamnilton Super Series lacrosse tourna- ment recently. The Whitby team, winners of a recent tournament in Whitby, lost 8-5 bo Burlington and 10-8 to Kitchener before edging Bramp- ton 5-4. Against Burlington, Steve Vol- tuk scored twice, with singles from Ryan Huxter, Pat Jones and Bryan Power. Jennifer John- son set up tour goals. .Whitby led 7-3 before Kit- chener roared back in the third period tb, daim victory. Rob Fodor scored three goals, Duke McNutt two, with siles from Dan St. Auin, SaulsEdgar and Huxter. Paul Webb and Marty O'Brien each scored twice and Voituk once in the win over Brampton. Whitby begins the provincial qualifiers thîs weekend in Kit- chener. This ad good for 113 Byron St. S., WhitbyI 430-7383 430-PETEI Limit i coupon per order please. No expiry. No cash value. VAN &TRUCK) A«ISSORUES mnd INSTALLATION R. V. * PICK-UP * 4X4* VAN * RUNNINO BOARDS #'TRUCK CAPS - f #*BOX LINERS #'SUN ROOFS * TRAILER HITCHES * Many m re Van. trucirAccssr.s 1670 Simcoe St. North 5 96 6 OSHAWA, ONT. N 6Okms.5 96 6 Mon.-Thirs. 96p.m. TeunnMA. V Fr1. 9- 9 .>m [mLz i [111 MS Sat. 10-3 p.m.RulnR SOHOOL C ONSISTS 0F: * Game fundamentals- Skating- Shooting -Passing - Fore-checking - Short handed situations - Power plays *Team concepts.- Preparing for games - Physicai fitness preparation for best resuits * Lectures daily to elevate on ice sessions with each group DIRECTOR & INSTRUCTOR: E. (Woody) Lee 25 years invoived in coaching and managing minor hockey. INSTRUCTOR: Darrin Lee U.S. College hockey, Canisius College. Buffalo, NY. (Majoring in physical education) C Please cail 668-2894 for more Information. lIME SCHEDULES: Mon,Aug. 12: 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm <Group 1) 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm (Group 2) 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm <Group 3) Tuas., Aug. 13: 1:15 pm - 2:15Spm <Group 1) 2:15 pm -3::15 pm (Group 2) 3:15Spm -4:15 pm(GroupS3) Wed., Aug. 14 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm (Group 1) 2,30 pm - 3:45 pm <Group 2) 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm <Group 3) SPECIA L $65.O0 PER PERSON TIME SOHEDULES: Thurs., Aug. 15 1:15 pm - 2:15 pm (Group 1) 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm <Group 2) 3:15 pm - 4:1 5 pm <Group 3) Fr1., Aug. 16 1:15 pm - 2:50 pm <Group 1) 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm <Group 2) 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm <Group 3) Group i = Ages 7,8,& 9 Group 2 - Ages 10, 11, & 12 Group 3=-Agos 13, 14, & 15 Registratlen lmIted te 30 per greup. Corne In For A Pleasantly Surprising Deal! 1991 Plymouth Acclaim às j Oldest Established Chrysier Dealer In Durham Itegion 331PAKS D.S. *SHA.AgNT --M a 4nnnn728wwr4*wr* Whitby mnor, basebal T.BAILL July I ta JuIy 5 Accu-Lime Perkhina ints Paisso KInaman W.C. Ton Fawcett Motors o timiat tefhell Insumrnce Mfitchell Bras. Home à&Bumil NUS Accu-Line optimiat Mtchafl Insimnce Wlnvallay MitchelIBY Patio Cams Gus Brown Firemfihten NUS Home & Ru Trophy Hoi Gus Brown Kinanien Trophy Im Par Ess Ffreten W.C. Town Standings su mi JMY 8 GpW W Fawctt Motors 15 14 Perins Paints 15 13 Mitchell Insurance 16 13 Par Esse 16 il Accu-Lina 16 9 Home & Rural Appiance 16 10 Optintist 16 8 Callrornle Franlca 14 8 W.C. Ton 16 7 Mitchell Bras. Bldg. Supp. 16 7 Oua Brown 166 Wlnvafley Contmactlng 15 6 Grahara Personnel 14 4 FIreflghters 16 3 Ininen 16 a Petro Canada 15 3 Trophy linuse 16 2 NUS 16 2 PEHWEE July 1 tO July 5 The Crack Tycoon lla rryByan Asaice. llrooklin Kinsinon Roary Club Consumera Oas Rail Wing Orchards Broolin Kinsmen Roary Club WNhy Optimit P'earson [anas Jensen Auto Body Consumer. Cas Whitby Cleanera Loyal PBeales Ewlng Pools Standings - eti EastvIl Consumorsaa Barry Bryan NRS O Pearson Lane 6 Roy's Entarprise 7 Rail Wing Orch. 10 Whitby Optimist 1 Whtby Cleaneis 7 Sports Comrai 3 Legal Beagfles 6 Vie. Donut Pies. 13 NRS 5 Ewlng Pools 6 cireek Tycoon 2 Barry Bryan 4 Jensen Auto I Ro'a Enterorise 6 ada te liroallin inomen Jenam Auto Body Whltby Cleaners The Crack flcyoon 15 9 16 8 14 7 16 7 16 6 14 4 West Divimon Peenaon I..ao Whilby Optimiat Ewlng Pool & Spas BosEnterpolsa, B.d Wlng Orciarda The Donut Press Rotaiy Club SQUMr 27 JulyI1teoJuly s tural 21 8MB Marina mua 21 Dynesé&Lloyd n ~ Broolin cycle sl poflwJ1te RS 10 Whltbyflodga 17 Top Qoelty Collision1 I il )laloy Queen 1 n 8 Borlcettl Polar Satellite 1 Innova Envelopa L T P. Bachion Servie I 0 28 Spos Plx 1 2 026 Wltby Dodge 1 3 O 26 8MB Marine 1 3 2 24 Dom%~ Auto Parts 1 BDO Wsid Mallette Becifos! Service Forank Roofing Nurse Chev-OIds Strike Zone fIo Modie BSop Locd HEUD Satlite whitbyOji)ttmfr Doci' Auto Parts HED Satelite ILP. Cony Brookln Mcle Stop Whitby Optimlst metduu dJuileli Cl' W L T PLe Minequp Beckford Service Whltby Dodge 8MS Marina BDO Wsrd Mallette Macle Stop sport Pix TOP qcality Fooxe'sRoo6ing Brocklin Cycle Whltby Optlmlst Polar Satellite Dynes & Lloyd K.P. Cony Doe's Auto Parts Dairy Queen Strike Zone IID Satellite Nurse Chev-Olda Borichetti o 24 1 23 o 22 o 20 I 19 o 18 o îs o 18 I 17 1 17 2 16 1 15 o 14 I il 1 10 2 10 1 9 08a 156 0 4 1 3 Canadian Tire Forsn Dispsai Dodd & Bouter Rosa.Haty ilk. Dodd & Bouter Frantenso Mch. Fortune Financisl Canadien Tire Jane 28 te July 7 Butles Dpoi Butles Dpoi Kinsmen Club Whltby AudIo Owaaco Voltavagen WhyOptlmiat Whty Optlmslt Stanr Ave. Burgai Whitby Optimiat *Cuit Brown Eleci. Whltby Lions Kinsmen Club Kentucky Fr. Chch. Canadian Tie Frontenac Mach. Dodd & Bouter Canadien Tii. Dodd & Bouter Joeo Enteiprisa Khunmen Club. Audley Ceramica Kentucky Fr. Chek. B<rr Biuger Whltby Lions Owssco Volka. SnanisFerma Klwanls Club Foran Disposai Cuit Brown Bloc. Stam Ave. Burger Cuit Brown Elec. Jayco Enterprise Whltby Lion. Fortune Financlal ianet Plastics Klwanls Club Faran Disposai Sun Les Faims Boss. Hasty MrIt OwascoVlts. Aaollq Ceramicut Fortune Financisi Butl% ensDl Jsyco Enterprims Klwanls Club CuitBrown M. Ajax aburban Fortune Financlal Stadigs SJuly à Wast Division GP W L T Pte Whltby Audio il Dodd &éBouter 14 Whltby Optimiat il Canadien Tii. l6 Whitby Lions 16 Design Marketing 1 Forant DisposaI 14 Kivanis Club 14 Fortune FInancial lil Stanr Ave. Burger 1 CarI Brawn Electrlc Il Euit Division Frantenac Mechanical 14 Kentucky Frled cieken 14 Audley Ceramnica lU Jayco Enterpnsea 14 Butles aDeli 12 Kinsmen Club 14 lianet Plastics 13 Rosland Haaty Maret 14 Owasca Volkswagen 13 Sunles Ferma 14 Ajax Suburban Motora il fln June 24 toJune 28 Owasco Volkawagen J-jy 8 Foran DisposaI Canadien ir Kentucky Fr. Chek. 'n Audlay Ceramica Dasigu Miarkting CF W L T Pie Franteimw Mach. Whltby Audio SanIes Faims 15 13 2 O 26 Kentucy Fr. Chct. 15 10 3 2 22 Whitby Opdmlst Bute?ls eU Canadian Tire Cuit Bwn Bloc.1 Henet Plastics 1 Jayco Enterprise1 Kinsmen Club 1 Audley Ceramica BSs& Hasty M&t Ajax Suburban Deslgn Marketing Stanr Ave. Burger RAP4TAM Jane 10 te, Jane 21 Raya Enterprimas Midas Mailer Kinsmen Club St. Clair Peints Whtlby Jaycees Whltby Toyota Midas Mutier Swlah Maintenance Centre Cty Auto Bt. Clair Peinte 8 BraokIlnBIo.pltch 4 Whtihy.Toyota . 4 Bwlsh Maintenance 6 Vlck bInsne 9 Centre City Auto 2 Raoya Enterpries 6 Kinamen Club .3 Midas Mailler 3 Warriors lose to Bay Area" Bay Area doubled Whitby War- riors 20-10 in a junior A lacrosse gaine lest Thursday. It was the lSth loss of a dismal season for Warriors who have managed one win. Craîg Sprague scored five fgoals and Jonas Scott had four for Bay Area. Dan Ladouceur and Kelly Vipond each had two goals for Warriors. Scoring a goal each were Matt Shearer, Chris Blizzard star cornes to Whitby Paul Peschisolido of the Toronto Blizzard soccer team will be in Whitby during registration for an upcoming soccer camp in Durham kBegion. Pesehisolido, who formerly dis- plýayed his superb skills as a high sehool student et Denis O'Oonnor in jax before joining the Bliz- zard, wifl be at Grand Slam, 1910 Dundas St. E., Whitby on Saturday, July 13, 10 a.m. b i pan. During that time, he will sign Summer Fun Whitby Optimist Club Soccer, Basebail, Football, T7ennis, Swimming, Badminton, Voile ybail, Arts & Crafts, Vid eo Movies. ONE DAY EXCURSION Juiy 8-12, Juiy 15-19 autographs and answer ques- tions during registration for soc- cer camp Aug. 19 bo 23. Players aged 6 bo 17 will be trained by professionals at vani- ous positions. During registration there will also be a draw for free tickets bo a Blizzard game. For more information caîl 576- 8313. Celtie wins 24 Glenùi Greenlaw scoréd both goais as Durhamn Celtic edged Oshawra Portuguese 2-1 in men's soccer. Celtie, first place team in their division,.again plays on Thurs- day against Oshawa Turul at Ciic Yield, Oshawa. Road race July 17 JuIy 22-26, August 19-23, A 5,000-metre road race and August 26-30 TFun Walk for the Enviroimnet Weekiy Fee will be held on Wednesday, July $80.00 per person 174fr:rnlroquois Park arena. WORKING PARENTS ï evn will be held by CAN RELAX! Canada Trust and the Whitby EXTENDED DAY GARE Tigers Running Club. 7:3Oam-6pm $20.OO0a0 time is 7:30 p.m,.regist- Application forms availabie at: ainwl.*hl rm53 SOCCER cru 7:30 p.m. 100 SUN RAY ST, Rce fee, before July 15, is $8, WHITBY and $10 on -race day. Entr forms 43-334are available at localt Canada 430-3434Trust branches. 6686D6 Picard's hopes bo raise a mini- ANDTB mum of $4 000 for the fund, and WHBICBYhas gone âoor tb door la raise PUBLICpledges. LIBRARY ' Anyone wishiing bo sponsor Picard can caîl the Christian LQI.'$,0f Fun For EvefyonQ > hildren's Fund of Canada a Tueker, Todd Wilson, Jonas Derks, Derek Jones and Simon Bowers. eJuiàor A lacrosse Bt. Catharines Sarnila Missisauga Kitchener Peterborough Brampton Bey Are Tor'onto Baches Whltby (as otJuly 8) W L TCGF GAFIS 5 0234 6 0220 8 0-274 7 0212 8 0224 9 O 193 9 0160 100O202 100O195 120 O1891 170O142! fTplOsooeus GP GO AS FPM Darxls Klgcur SL Cath. 18 35 73 108 M&keMurray,Oange. 19 48 51 99 Cry Holbrough, ByAreS1B 30 58 88 Cam Bomberay, SlxNat 18 32 51 83 Klot Young, SixNations 20 41* 41 82 Ted Dowllng, Miss. 13 67 18 75 MileseGenera,SMx Nat. 17' 38 36 74 Chrla Drlscoll. Kitchener 18 29 45 74 Kevin Dance, Brampton 17 27 45 72 Dave Wright, Surnia 1? 29 41 70 Whitby men's sic- pitch (asaofJuly 6) Mue Divisio RancI Plastics Mastw Bedroom AdvantaeaTelecm Rugi. Hawks movioa cab. SmB marine W L T FPS 14 3 0 2 12 4 O 24 10 7 O 20 9 7 1 19 7 10 0 14 413s0 8 me sLW* Dmivii Waterbeddastla Brothers Rai Ian Barrou Circle TailfIM FM 4ýr W L T-FPM 116G O 22 11 6 O 22 11 6 O 22 7 9 I 15 5 il O 10 3 13 I 7 1

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