WEI'YFEEPIEquWEleSDaY.JY1,91 AE1 Brumnley rdatnationals Jason.Brumley of Whitby had, a third-place, flinshiii the '110- mêtre hiurdies at the, Canadian junior: track and field champion- ships held rcely Iithe sanie vnt asen Bac- chiochi of Whtywsdisquali- -fied. Brumley hia« a persenal beat time of 14.91 seconds for the distance. &IthugtIt was an excellent time, said Curtis Sahadath, one of the, coaches .of the Durham X-L's track, club. of wbich Brum- loy and Baoehiochiare members. Sahadath says both hurdlers, <kntown, -as ..the,"«JBs," wilI b. forcsî to 'reckon 'with a't the national'levýelin' erste corne. Both Andre Coe , first-place finisher in. the huirdies a t the national event, and second-place finisher Kyle ]Robinson. are age 19. $Sahadath says another Whitby entrant, An dy. Brereton, only needs training tobe one ofthie natiote's beat i two events., Brereton was .ninth -hm the 100m sprint, His time was 10.86 Birrton fute i 'itb attem ta in the long jump, pro- bably his best event. Oe f is disqualified, jumps wasý 7.50 müetres. 'He's just '.awesome,»saf!ys Sahadath, who redicte that Brereton will go alo ng way when hie begins sericus training. <Sahaà dath! says .'Whitbycan F/ boast .tbree suiipterb ,hudrdlée: Adrian Woodleyp 15, won the Ontario high achools champion- Sha ayod fWliitby has eanda invitation ta the world iroler skating chapnships i3n SdeAustralia nOtbr -Bayford 17,. competing as a senio,"r fOr-the first tine nationally, won the senior men's freestyle title at the Canadian chmponshipsinBurlington Brother Corey was fmrt iïn freh.manfreestyle while ]Réecca Woodhouse anc1 Stephe Pacholzuk other members ofthe Whitby Roler Skating Club, alse won nationà altities. .Woodhouse' won freshman free- style and was- third I freshrnan firaholzuk won both the menés sophomore freestyle and junior figures. . Sharon Hood was" second in esquire figures whilo Jerry Hoo4 was thirdini gold fellow dance. Heather Schuyler was second in sophornore freestyle. and sophomoro figures. Erin Scudds was third in novioefreest2yle. Bayford and> Jef idd, were both invited to the world cern- ttnB ford had- previously nmite compote-in ýthe, TORONTO. BLIZZARD player Paul PeschisolidÃŽo was at Grand Slam sports carda and coilectibles in Why for the Bhizzard's youth soccer camp re -srtion.WLth Peochisolido mreMathew Paciga and arkWilon. ship in the event at, the mde level. -Pan--Arn Games in Cuba,,in Auist. and the two Bayford brethers sikated with the Tarante Relier Skating Club that went undefeated ta* take gold in national roller hockey competi- tien. Wbitby anied',its 'ün- defeate recordin EOBA junior basebali with a 3-1 decision ovor Dee Slater a owod only four bita and- one run in. seven, in- nings and struck eut seven. Jeremy', Harnos alaiowod no bits in_ the..eighth, and ninth n e seventh:innngase Guindon scored fo eodbs on two threwing errera. Inthe ýeghth inning, Blair, Smith hit adouble ta scoreDarcy Head, who had- two bhits in the gaine-. Tykes win Tie Whitby -,tyke' A lacresse team registered its third straig*ht taurnament' chaxn*pioshp b oigudefeatod, i Haiiltan ovor theweekend.., Whity edged Peterborough in' a hard-feught final contest. Earlier Whitby had defeated Burlington -8-1, Kitchener 9-0, Brampton 6-2 and Beaches 7-2. Andrew Greenem. got. the, shu-ý tout againat itchener'and, was soiid8, in the games. against Brampton and Peterborough. 1 Josh'Colley led Whitby scorig with 16 pointa for the tourna- ment. Kyre W* es had 10 pointa and Ryan Ramsey nine. Michaël Calinan, and Shawn Stephens each had soven points, Ryan Haber -five, ryan MM- chael, Joël VWhitmarsh ud Ban- don McBride four, Michaël Van- sanvoort and Mfichael Carreol tbree -each, Greenem and Erie Smale two each, Robert Gawnhe, Alian Wataon, Brett VanHer ' - mon and Geoff Bobyk one each. Under-12s unheaten in N.Y. ýtouny Whitbyuder-12 rep teaniwa undefeatedin the N ew York, Pioneer International, Soccer, Teurnament inNi-agaaFis N.Y. recently. Whitby. defeated East Hamili- ton 7-0 and tied Rochester Row- dies in a scoreloas contest before defeatingBuffalo 3-1 in the final. Whitby teami embers are Chris Schranz, Christopher King, Tii Da Silva, Shaun Raineorge, Ma oronathan VnDr Van, ZaCenLaverty, Gordon Venner, Roes Duncan,- Ryan McCarrcn,.- Michael MUff, Paul Innie .Brxd.Kauiffedt Kyle Shiels anâ, TIM PruDDISTR Nm of Whitby Dunedin Construction,' atltepa a uided squeeze laginat Toronto' High Park,,; during' the. Whitby-OsIbawa unldget basebal, tourna- ment., chdi s ovlephoto 'Whitbytede atbYHoiltoni> Agn cOlur'41captuLres, midgettourname nt Agicortdefeated Hamilton Moutai 4-0 in, the final,-ta win the 2Oth WhtyOhawa midgot basebal -turnament verth weekend., Hamilton had -d'efeated Whîtby Dunedin' Construction.,2-1 en routea ta .the final. Whitby had earlior -defeated -M arkham,. 3-2 and High Park 3-1. Agincour t turnament win- ners In . 1984,ý defeated York 6-3 in this.yoar' erni-inss Whitby , wlnnoirs cf 'two re vmous tournaments this season> received good pthni i three- contsa.asonRdige had 'a double and thire singl and Simen Goagnach adel and single in the taurnanient. Fusco leads Redmen JOhn ImFusco set up five> goals as Brooklin Redmen defeated Fer- gsThEites 12-9 in maEjor/senior lacressela9t WednesdaY. Peter Parko scored three goal and'Gre gVan icidescbt for :Redinen who'movedback into flrst place. Fergus, with onlyono victory so far this soason remained i last place. Bob iÃaiey had a r ai and five assiats'toe account or much cf the Fergus offence against Redmen. Other geaiscorors fer Redmen were Paul St. , John Jason Richads Rndy one; tric Per- roJetZBoks oh arai4ga, and BiCaan ,Msajorisemor laoeos W L T op GaP Brolau Dnmptm» owoed Fubuus 9 20 lu 9':i1 8 a60.140 1v 18 7 6 0 iM 108 14 ô6 50 10991 12 i ý130 89 167 2 * 10 ou ai' uO AaMS I Déo HamIq, Fugua P&W PW~k% Bnbokha John FMCO. Brookln Gary WalkBnmpton m&Coââhm ue,. mmn EdePtérnmiBrookh MHar EdM lFtebough Gag Va Sck Broohlin Wiýy Arno1.O0. Sound 13 14 84 9 28 1& 9 9 si 13 -le 21 Il 15-2 10 14 17 9 8 2 8 21 0 10 15 14 12 13 16 48 ý44 40 39 37 ai- 31 30 29 29- >-Invited to world champurnshipa Bayford'lst in freestyle