Whitby Free Press, 24 Jul 1991, p. 12

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&~ ~* ~ ~I 12~ 1VV I~ 31 VZ1- KKX ~ 1uIP~vSWJr The 'forgottenfluids FROA<PAGE Il heat-can cause horrible hurne. If the. fluid is low, top tu lh balf-and-balf anitifreezo ýand. wa±er (some sttions sou hottlos' 0f pre-nixFed f lid). If you bave ta, top it up fraequently, takàe thi. Car" ta.aàrad shop ta flnd eut why. ,-ashrfluid - You can use plan water in summer, but was fluid. does a btter job on bug and* radfilm. Alo, YOU won tfetwheu cold w e r cores; ice ithe. washers wii "ai~ae thora. Poer ewin luid- Thislu with, a titof .The . li contains the. short dipstick for checIdng it Gei a il - Cars with rear-wbeol drive haveo ,a differential inu'thei.reer ailo. The' flUid mide should' ho checked wheu you changeyour ail. This Job lu bout left ta the mechanic. Not only lu, the level. awkward ta reacii, but notiiing on earth spmells more vile than pgar Check cil and transmsison fluid at overy second gu il-up; the. other fluide can . be ckodi When you-get your cil changed (aLt heast four times ayar).Ifour not sure how to, *check thie, ask you r mecbanic or dealer, Iles not. difflucIt, and <éan hob the differenc e'htwenwatigfor your, car toho*fixd, or out doing Mme gclamc cruMsing!' Beetgood passnger Pr"dctauMo»M **Sit 50 q 'thoy don t -block tb9. drivers .viow out of theo roar indow. .0 Giýe directions weU in zadvne, if the. diver 1is unfamiliru with the ratite. *Wear their seat hoîts. * Don'tmove ,about iitii. vehicle,ý, wble itisoenthoroad > Corne. In For A 'Pleasantly. -SurprisingD.eal,! 1 9 t91 Plymout Aciclairn, i é RUNNING BOARDS e TRUCK CAPS A è BOX LINERS &'SUN ROOFS # TRAILER HITCHES 1670OSm'coe St. North 5966 Mn-Thurs. 9-6 p.m. Tumnn& d.(~ Sat. 1 O-3 PM.Riai w1thRANDY À RANDY MeLEAN M8A PRO FESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIAUZES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY. Wk. Mctean hàs ,vleWed thousanda"of lndMvdual mnotor' vehicle :accddent,,,reports :a.nd his, close, workng, relationshlpu .wlth police gencIes,, govermieonts. sft associations. lndusty.and the public. have given',hlma trua overvlew of traffic 'safetyIsses, problems anid soautions ln Canada WHAT'S WRNG In i MIURE? Afewaysan -acquaintancetid me the foioig tr ut an experience ho liadwhe "Iwas driving iiithe left lane, at-about'120 kph, approaching anothier cMrthat was driving at the. speed limit - -100 kpb;,ho said. "As I. got cloeperI flashed my hgbeistbree .,O foi lmes lo1t km knkow I wanted to up right -bebind him' withrnybgbemon This fool stli mwdn'tmoveover, so I staedrhto bis -tail and ,eaùed on"m hr fralot 0w iiomer. * 'Peolelike thàt, cause- accidents. 'Ihey should nover bo gien ýa licence to -drive, or if they bave one it sLd hoetaken, away.n. "Ob. bytW,0. wymy:16-yrearod daughter just passed herlearner' permi exam. owrInion to teach.her ta drive." '. Whates wrong with'tbis picture, I thought to myseif. I told him I thought.it was a pretty scay story,-eopeially for bis daughter. If you have a car bease thaatis aboult ta expire and youi plan ta prhase tii. vebicle through a buack option, you.zmay ho in fran unpleasant surprise. In theoey, buybackS on bosses that. existed before the. goodua and servces tex are exempt from the. tax if the option la exercisied beforo 1994. However, Revenue Canada bas imposed several requiremeuta that must ho met hofore the exemptionlu allowed. These relate ta the way the. lèae cntectisworded, and the way lu whicii the lessorcarrnes the car' on the leasing company's books. These <riflesare hoing applied retroactivlyta contracte that vare entee inta long hofore tiie GST was'even drearned of. The result: om euépe-re en on te buyback 0f their car hoecause of technicalities that didn't exist wiien the lbase was signed. Ifyo have -a less that is close ta termination, and you lan ta buy -tiie cat, contact the lesng Company au soon as Possible Îand ask i tey blieve the GST wil ho appli*cable. If tiiey.say yes, talk to Revenue bawasthe moSt critical error coitted in tlhÏ sWry -and who made it? (Hlint: tius may ho a trick question.)' While speeding&' tailgating i mpropor use of bhighbeams and- unneceiyue0aho are a dangerusthe moot cticlrorw su) tihe attitude 0f both drivera Neither driver was satlufied ta drive' onyis car, both wantod ta drivethe. other persous car as well. Thesafest action ltii.lead -driver -could bave taken was ta move into the right lané, to lot the fauer ehilepass. 'inséd; l-e choset6 take on the rolo0f poice officer and énsurethat noasie, drolve any faster'gthhodid. The. actions of tho second 'drive doi'require a lot of discuss* ioni more interestingocnie the, motivation. Because the' driver -in front ofbhim would>t do, #as ho was tald,' thé, second £river deliveratély created a dangerous- situation. which ho could blame on thie flrst driver.' The stubornness'of both drivers éaused this >situation ta continue fur .more.tantwo Wbl Ihppnd ahoar one cC, tithe two versons 0f this storyPim sure that both diver unquestiônably -bélieve tbat' the éther -Vas eniol t fault, aud,,that they bear no rsPMOIhiltywbatàseer'for danger caused. ht can wolearn-from'tbissty Firstifýyou see ourslfa ,efifieror both of theso two drivers, tae.time'o a wmy , w driving attitude. Defensive diving means drving ýte préent accidenta despite road and weathier -conditions and the. actions of others. mese two, drivers were' both actively, trying ta croate -an, accident' situation. Second, alvays rememher that those two drivers and -mauy nmore 11k.é them are out on the. râads every day. -Your job lu not to lot them, or anyone else, involve you in tho'ir accident. DRIV SAFELY. Canda. If yourca s ua-good on.,- you may ho abletAo persuade Revenue -Canada ,that. .an,. exemption is lu order. Ifyou , 1-4-. ask for saometbing -in .writing. Thon you can, show, it -ta your leasing -company -wiin the-,time cornes ta exorcise tii. buyback. Average diaim cost fo priate ýpassengervehicles insure «1.874 1.739 1987 1.874, 19m6 2070, Z.233 Z.346 100= 0 -3erldem e hwnexckie rs Clkà % Sakcewa. Mnb and QOuêbec SourSe: AutombMI. hrsnos Eqmsdsno.(AM . 999. cAnpfldby lsurance Burmi ai anda. wthee dMvg c*ild podrotedoorlocbs7.7lJlOCkn (37 mpg), ClIy U UlO00km (49 mpg) Hgily GMAC Flnanclng 3.9% for 48 months OAC whlle supplies Ist. 39%o Financfiq GM extended warranty at no charge. Asokfor caý-r ýlease holders .VIANU TUK WORLD ACUSSORImES mni ISTMTIO R'V. aPICK-UP * 4X4 * oVANV \1 991 STYLUS S Oldes't'Establishëd--Chryslér 'Dealer In Durhani Re'g'ýi-pn MACINTOSH CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH LTD. 331 PARK RD. S. OSHAWA, ONT. 728-4634s 1 ý 1 V 1 1 .ýl" i 1; j .ý fKý 1 'l rjl Elî ', ý'I' Ar 14%. PAGE 1 FREE WEDýg".e hl

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