Whitby Free Press, 24 Jul 1991, p. 17

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Amphitheat re part of Civic , Gardens park concept plan' An 80-se at outadoor, amphith- eatreécould be6 part of la gardon park, planned for Whitby's ,muni- cipai c ompiex. Thâe amiphitheatre is onoofô the features imcluded i a- master, concept plan approved by Town council last week.' 1To be cailed 'Whitby Civic Gar- dons,' the park.,wouid be iocated on 5.2 sacres im'mediateiy >South' of the Town%", municipal, office biuilding onRossland Rd. Proposed to, be devieioped ;iii-, stages o ver the 'neit 15 yas the park wiii ýcost $1-3 illion- based on 1990 estiýmatos,. The' cost< is exlusve of the amphitheatre and an.irrigtion system which would bo used .te. water the various gardons within the park. According te astaff report, the. park wilitakeaedvantaà<éofdltheo exis h &ting te . .a 1-an beý' 'unlt on theosioebehiý9-nd the ým'unici- pa bui ti ihs on T he falil -te ibêtpo» on tho micipal -compiexîte"tho southern bundary tWalc Dr. and Basstt Bivd. is 55 ft. Although noW-'vacant,- tho site is overgrown with trees and, shrubs. Soiective treé removai' and' pruinwiii ho required te li- p"lemen~ the ýproposai, states the report. ThIe plan willilaso entaii solec- tive tree Planting the ,report adds. In7. addition teo the ampýhith- eatre snd gardens there are pro-. posis for pedestriaxi wa]kways, a terracod canopy sud a Mcom- ýmon grei>n7,àhd exrhibit--area. The. terraoe Wiii.feature dis- play wilis formouriting civic awards', , aail.reflecting pool ,and w aterjet. Adacenitot the terrace. is the common green which could be used for civie functions and art exhibits. . As' the staff report notes& te proposal.iisteisfrom-an, over designationn of arkiand. in- the arementfor te neaqrby Brad.- iey North* subdivision. > The developer, the Grand Oak Groupe was rosponsible for. only a portion of the site, bt. a' mntegr ate its reqtuird des4gn work Within the municipality's plans for the overail area. >- Councillor Boss Batten oxpiained that plans for the park wero ppos"Iydelayed. «It waslof until there was more dovelopment 4i .thé area,' said Batten. .. "«We're now at.the stage whore wo want it tofîtin with what's there. With'the planes, approval we can start construction of ,the. park.» Although teplan -cals for long-term stagjg,'Batten hopes ài wont tako tat long But ascouncil's -planning an development comxittee cghi'*r- man i noted, bud4get.ý consido- rations are an obvious concern. «With most of the'dollars éom'- - img from usitwl take time," saîd Batton.ý .There are other factorsté- be addressed'as weii, such as the current limnitations -on parking, said Batten. This problem. will ho exaxninod «rihtawa"9hepremned. adtiont endor g the master plan, council'approvd an initiai phase te bo compieted b next Juine. The work Willinc"de, site pro-, paration,ý grading, instailing a. .storm wae iang sym and plantings9 The master c oncept -plan- was Mprepared by the, Toronto firm, of M.'us Boiinborghe'Topps Wat- ,chqrn. WHITB FREE PR~ESS, VEDNESDAY,. JULY 24. 1991. PAGE 17 ,WHITBYý*CI>lVIlC- PARK I Lobby groupý has doubts about GO bus plan By Mike Kowalsd Critics of -a new - bus servici planned for Durham Region art questioning thei* Ontario govern ment's commitmeiit to *ti sciieme. A commuter iobby group sud i transportation workers' unioi have -both expressed. doubts ti governuient mteWnds te proceeg with plans for the speciai G( Transit-service. At ieast one deadlino, for li p Iementhe'-.bus routes *ha assed sud opponents wonder i Zueen's Par is considerlni rW#*hester Cottage lOam -5p> For "esespeciasummer birthdasw.- f m ain a sfioers, Lrowsc, tlrougli oursefection ofscented - lictorian books., irubs, otdfasIiioned(inens or i choose a speciaffy dsWgned i t(riedjTower arrangement for the occasion. 7tT4BOkIl srpngthe much baliyhooed .The delay has prompýed specu- "When a new goverrument is Taxpayers should not be expec- scpln lation aniong opponents that the eiected it tends te listen te the ted 'te subsidize private coin- e Miansr saf exihle verment is having second bureaucrats and what they want, panies he rus - anxiousiy await ýiransportation tnoughts about the proposai. but we've done our homework, Instead, if profit-mndd car- e Minister Ed Philip's approvai. of< 'Tm hopingit means the whoie' we know what's feasibie. riers are 2te be used, thon the a report outlining the proposaI. thing là dead," said Paul Paff- -I hope- the' governiment wiii service shouid be cornpIeteiy M a oee insr pks nuelo, president of the Toronte- reflect and see there's a.botter privatelhands said-Majeskx.- maxi ouid not minicte if the es- Peterborough-Haveiock Line alternative thaxi what's proposed « If they waiVdto go that route zna gonin i now ain g réeser-th Passénger Aseociation. by the MTO. (ministir), that thon leVa; go ail the way,' said ýd vations about the wholeidea. «f they're (government) -qoing maybe the pe. who use- it -Mals > ~~ ~ o Daisep~ amt h e nd money, srend it wxsely know botter th an the MTO.» "Tey (compani*es) should, get dliea d 41,havehat' what pope at »saic1 A spokesman for the Aia a-* their snoot- out1 of the pbi viceinac haop te asr- Panueoomated Transit 'Union (A , purse. _ vielupacDY«teprg or Maeasd aociheaTront ~ early summor" hen Phîîîp GO bas been fight- which represents GO' Transit. Mjeksidth.ornt ran- eal fme detail î P f li ing for G ranservice I'through emnployees, shares Pagnuelo'. sit -Commission 'is not anxounednortiiern Durham te Peter- views. guarantoed a profit "'and they're But "te osdrtos ntak omryue (Conoerned that oniy private the bi et player in tpwn » prompted staff te take another by VIA Rail. carriers wero allowed te bid on I Unti 1982, GO Transit, bus l. ook at the proposai, hence the The area has been without the service, the union submitted service was contracted-out, but it ~'delay, saidFeor n, who did regular commuter service since a 20-p age brief te the vr-wsaPoessive ýConiservative not elorate. eariy last year when the fedea b*mnt opposnc h rosi) gvrnment whichbouhlil The ail-day service is te consist governiment axed* the VIA pas- "Ail we know is that there's dhuesid Ma*ekId. of four separate bus routes from songer lino between Peter- been an inordinate dolay and a Now a New.e emocratic Party Peterborough and Port Perry te borough and Toronto. lot of sober second thought,» iaid governmerit is proposing te con- SWhitby and~ Oshawa, Aithough the province rejected GrfMajeski. triact-out the inew service, _ho Private carriers wouid rvd replacement GO train service as «No one's appiauding the move said. buses and service axid'ho provide too costly and limited in scope, other than the Ontario Moter «It's a false assumption that ~ ied y he roinc. ubsd- the association argues otherwise. - Coach Association.» you get a botter, ban g for pur Qenspak oudpy$8 The association dlaims -(The association is a provincial buck when you go te the private million of the annuai $2.5 million experience bas shown that com- lobby group for private bus'com- sector,» said aeski. rain nssmuters wili not -ride buses sud it paruies.) "If it. were, on 'wh is there areeworingexunder h as accused the government of Majeski said theý union made oc much pubic tasit? the smtion se wrie under skewing ridership and cost its, Position known and the DuhmCntre, MPP Drum- theFerguston evc uld notl fiues te justilSr buses. government responided. * moud Wite waa not a ware of g coment n wteru the ovent-Tliréecharges were levelied ear- «They said al views wiii ho any8siftn tegovernment's comentthnonhas crhe goy ler tus year when the associa- considered,» said Majesid. ti kng mene tinkng as haned. tion obtained governuient docu- Althoughý the government gave 'Tm' not famiiar , with any S"We looked it- alternative ways monts through provincial free- no' assurance -GO Transit céhange in plannin , Fin sure1 of dealin wih the propSa ,» dom of information legisiation. eml ees wiii get the work, woui ho' inormed i there,» said eW made a presentation te sion te scrap the proposaià shouid Premier Bob Rae promiseïd that But- if the the» prooai la the minister and- are waiting te como as no surprise, if indeed it GO wil not be privatized. saubd Wiecnundlerstand hear..froin hlm.» doos ha breacrae However, the union feels -that thie'go enets reasomng. A Aspokesman for Philip's office "1Ithink theoüeurt are if public,,funds, are" te b. used, f there's not a, need, for that ~ 1~t, qcom kn.bli4i,,4 le oi he;4ts~i4~4ttaygYn gid of transit it wýouldbe best t I t I i i 4 j 4 4 4 4 4 4 1'.

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