Whitby Free Press, 31 Jul 1991, p. 20

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PAGE 20e WHMTY FREE PRESS, WIVDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1991 ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto Insurance, because of âge., poor ýdriving, record, or suspension of license? Perhaps we cati help. Phone 666-2090. CLASSIFIED RATES are $5.00 for 20 words prepald or $7.50 biled. >Caîl now to place your ad. 668-6111 LANDSCAPING, LAWN mainten- ance, prunlng, -seedinq, sodding. Spring cIean-ups, .plantmng, garden renovations, rockeries. Odd jobs. Fr. estimates (41) 649-3183. Dutchway Landscaping. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the paeto go when your bank says *N..SerVing Whitby sinde 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMVENTS. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. East of Orono, 4th or 5th Concession line, 7 km. east of Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal camp- ground. Beautiful. $840. "LEAVE VOUR CARâES at home with us." Prof essional pet/home sitters are f uIly oonded and insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. 3 bedrooms, fully furnished, air- conditioned homes. Pools, hot tub, near beaches, attractions. Children welcome. (Less than moto!.) 683-5503. MROLUS APPUIANCE SALES. New coin washers and dryers. Repaire to refrigerators, and appliances. Cleaning & servicing of window and central air conditioning systems. 432-7734. HANK'S APPLIANCES- New 2-door fridges, $460 -& u . Used apt. fridge & stove sets, $375 & up. Reibujit timers, $55. Bar fridges, $210 & up. BBQ burners,, new range hoods, $47. 191,Bloor St. E., Unit 6, Oshawa. 728-4043. PARTS PRTSPT - Air Conditioner and Microwave Repaire. Alil Major-Appliance Parts& BBQ Parts. -Appliance Timers From $35.00 Synod I om 355 Bloor St. West BRIDESMAID DRESS -, oyal blue, size 10,. Cali 666-5260 atter 6 p.m. OAK FINISH BUFFET with glass- doors (a must4 Cee»). Excellent condition. Asking' $600 or> best offer. Caîl 435-0138. CHESTERFIELD -SUIT ES, love- seats, sectionais, leua than haif price. Large selectuon. McI<een Furniture, 524 Simca.S. . Oshawa.Phone725-518.1.1,,, NINTENDO GAMES for. LpaIe. Also Sega, Genes1sggMe" and system for sale. CGood dé ras available. CaIl 3-1~ Sewing Machine Repairs Ail11Makes Complote Tune-up t3995. Recondilioned Sewtn Machines tram $591.0, TOPUINE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400Igng St.W. Oshawa QuaItyconeuncdonfor Honand Bu*ies . Bathrooms - Kitchens -1... Custom trim t. - Decks - Gazebos *Additions. etc. *initerlocklng stone z.np shd a- 655-4418 The Mutuai Group HERB TRAN oeil for quotation 725-6564 DANNY'S GENERAL CONTRACTORS Protoct Your Invealmient Wlth Quallty Repaira and Improvements BaseimntApanimenta Roc. Rooms - Painting Skyltes - French Doors .Water Prooting KNichons - Balhrooms. FREE ESTýIMKATES 666-2827 LA NDSCA PING by UNIVERSITY WERKS -since 1980 - Quality Construction.& Professional Design Interlockinig Brick drives, patios, walks Retaining walls. Wood Fencing - Wood Decks Free Competftive Est imates 666-9690 FaIltps0 clterations, renovýations or repairs Cail A L 666-1657 Specîoîlzng ln: Ploster mouldîngs, drywoUî tapîng, deslgneiqd cellings, recrection roortu KITCHENS LTD. 605 Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 668-5162 _______Est. 35 Yrs. ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS ARE! ~.SIFR The ctsssitiad P8a0!s ore for everyofle whether you ore selthnç or buyoflg '~PLACE VOUR AD TODAYI WITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE TS FAST - UT"S EAS YI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES UT AIL. THINK BIG - CALL THIS NEWSPAPERFOR DETAILS.' VACATIONS/RESORTS SOUTH CAROLiNA-MYRTLE Beach Resort. Oceantront Condos. Housekeeping Included. Indoor Pools. Whirlpoois, Saunas. Tennis, Puttlng Green. Golf PackagelWinter Rentais Available. Frea Brochure: 1-800-448-5653. CAREER TRAINUNG TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING ai Ontarios top school AZ & DZ, Air Brake. P.D..C.. Dangerous Goods. Log Book, One on One, Tax Deduclabte. Days. Nights Weakends. PcÃ"gers Scfoof 1 -M046ea31. FREE career guide f0 home-study correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting. Airconditioning. Bookkaeplng, Business, Cosmatology. Etectronics, Legal/Medicai Sacretary. Paychology, Travel. Granton <5A) 263 Adalaide West, Toronto. 1.800-950-1972.' IS TRUCKUNG FOR YOU. Lets discusif. Introducing exlended programs and Credif Courses. Cal William ai 1-800-265-7173. Markei Training Sysiems. SERVICES Great permanent, historicai racord/resource. This newspaper and mosi of Oniarios weakiy nawspapers reproduced raguiarly in microfiche form. Duplicata copies availabte by calllng OCNA. 416)844-0184. I-ELP WANTED' AREA DISTRIBUTOR For Baitworms and Environmantai Producis. Eariy Bird Ecoiogy, RRUI. Smithviiie, Ontario LOR 2A0. Phone (416)643-4252.. NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gifla needs Damonstrators f0 saiftioya and gifis ai Home Parties. No invesimani or exparianca required. Estabtished company. Cati today (19)258-7905, SALES HEÉP WANTED *6-FIGURE INCOME *International Music and Videa Company expanding mbt Canada. Nead highIy motivatad commissioned sales people and distributors Part-time or fut-time 1-519-944-2800 24 hr. fine. PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE ta correspond wiih unaitachad Christian people, agas 18-80, the abjact bain g com panlonship or marriage. Write ASHGROVE, P.0. Box 205, Chase. B.C., VOE 1iMO. REAL ESTATE AL13ERTA - Modemn. very busy. icansed restaurant; two suite living quariara on major tourit/businesa rouie Io U.S.A. and Western Canada $585,000. Bobi 1387, Fort Mcteod. TOL OZO. RECREATUONAL VEHUCLES COACHMEN & BONAIR CAMPING. Traitera. Hardtop-Foidown, Fifih-Wheal, Travel, Park- Modela, Truck-Campers. Paris-accessories. Naw- Used. Fibreine & Leer Fiberglasas &Aiuminumn Truck-Caps. Conaignmenta Weicome. Royal Traiter & RV. Con"rainTavkodae.Ot5193432122. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SELL STAINLESS STEEL DISTILLERS for pureat drinklng water and earn extra income. WhoIesate priceai Contact Wafer Purity Systema, 5312 WaIkers Line. RR#2.; Miton, Ont. L9T 2X6. (416)336-7950. Earn up 10 $'40,000 in your own part-tima home based gift basket business, Contact: Bountifut Baskets, .17-1230. Sheppard Ave. West, Downsview,9nt., M3K 1Z9. BURNED OUT? .... over extended, bored, fedd.up with your current situation? Use this opportunity and your expertise to become financialiy indepandent. Calil416)559-8328'(24 hr. recordad message). STEEL BUILDINGSý STEEL BUILDINGS - Factory Direct - Must lquidate exceas Invantory. 32'x48* $5,920; 30'x36' $3.465. Othar sizes avatlabie. Pboneer/Econospan 1- 800-668-5422 (24 Hms)- BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel StmnitWaU Type- not quonset - 32x48 $5920; 40x64 .$8556; 50x96 $15 3ý1; 6Ox 120 $21.270 - non-be'andable end<s), other- sizas availabie - imiled* steel Paragon -.24 Houra t-800-263-8499.- STEEL BUILDINGS: Summar 'Sallabr.âltian" ho'ý Ouonsats. S. Saries and Convantionai. P'ayma 'n ts, Leasa or Purchasa, vwe have a plan for oeynys>e Cati Future' 1.800-668-8653. Fax (416>477.-3661 or Toronto Lina (416)477-1894. STEEL BUILDINGS cen bea-abig lnvestmont. Don't compromise on quality. Gai the basf dollar value you can. Cal Span-Tech Steel Buildings Ltd. 1-800-561-2200. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE for HomeownersI Pay off Bis, Credil Cardai Exemple: Borrow $10,000, Repay $185 monthIyt No Oualifying Hasseisi Cati Intransicon (416)650- 9455 <Tolfrea) 1-800-268-1429. FOR SALE IF YOUR DOG WONT STAY HOME. Wa have the answerl It's Amazlnig, i's Elactronic.*lh works, FREE Dalails: CAN.U.K. RR 1, Bancroft, Ont. KOL 1ICO, Fax (613)332.1375. COKE PEPSI 7UP CLUB SODA. Compact under counter pop machine dispenses ail lavours for lesa than 10 cents par glass. Summer Speciai $995. Cali Acton Assemblies 1 -800-465-5006. JOIN THE RECYCLING MOVEMENT - attractive Canadian-made t-shirts in blua, gray, burgundy, recyciing logo *Read, Then.'Recycle Vour Community Newsp apar". Sizea S, M, L. XL Only $6.95 plus 52.50 shipping. Order for yhole famnily. Send chequa/Money Ordar: T-Shirts, Box 451, Oakville. Ont. L6J 5A8.- IlYour ad coufd appear ln communîty newspapers ln Ontario, or rlght across Canada, i or any Individual provi'nce. Space s Limted, so Cali This Newspaper Todayl BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE"- To reach a wider markat, advettiso fhroughout the rogional miembershp ofth. Onaridand Canadien Community Néwsppe Associaions Central Onario 55 nawspapers - $160 for 25 words Alil Ontario 171 nawspapers - $350 for 25 wor s Alil Canada 572 newspapers - $974 for 25 words For further Information please oeil the Whîtby Free Press Cassifieds - 668-0594 ...............,,... There's no better way to find out what's happening on the local scene regarding news events, sports, resuts or .entertainment. mr. trim Iawn and gardoenservices goment ric iensed professionais speclalizlng ln property maintenance. trees and shrubs - prunlng decks - Iandscaplng 1-416-623-9711 ERCE &ISALE * ~ ree)reeB $$&~594 <. Oflce $ouu~ ~ PrkIy~,.... ....... ~ 1725-47 1

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