PAGE 8, WJflTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1991 Trent, University will offer 38 courses th"sfeU at Durham Colloge for the- benefit of Durhamn Region residonts who wish to, study for a university degree close te home. Each course meets. weekly in the evening or on Saturday morning. It is now possile te obtain a Trent offers 38 courses in Oshawa Trent degree in anthropology, culturel stuidies, economics,» EngliEsh, history, political-studies, psychology or socology without leaving Durham Region. During. the 1990-91 academie year, the number of local reuidents enrolled in Trent's Oshawa program increased by more then 10 per cent to, about 1,600 students. An information session will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 7, from 4 to 8pan., in the Oshawa Public Libraiy auditorium- on Bagot St. for residents intereted in more information' on studying on a part-time baà a. For a brochure or information on courses, admission policy or couneeling, call Trent's office at Durham College between 2 and 8 p.m., Mondays to Thursdays, at 416-720-9747. oHM REENOODpart mangerfor' the Sony of Canada Ltd. plant in Whitby, tookm tan nafew dunka into the tank during Sony's charity barbecue Iast week. Over $400 was raised for the Children's Wish Foundation of Ontario. - I Company returns te tsWhitbyrot A company with branches as emaili mdustrial maintenance fiannin the globe has returned supplier. meisWhtyrots. WC=b was the site of its firat Stonhard Ltd,t an industrial Caain=prton, a 400 sq. ft. flooring manufaturer, relocated office on Hp~ t its Canadian head office to Toda, tnhard -celebrate t Whitby in April. 6th anniversary as the world's For the past ten years the firm largest producer and installer. of had been based in Ajax, but polymer flooring, coating and lin- increased business prompted mng systems. Stonhard to move into a new It emplo)ya more than 250 50,000 sq. ft. factory and-office people in Canada alone and more complex on Sunray Ct. than 1,500 world-wide.- Ironically, a need for more Appoxmtely 30 people work spaoe foroed the original move to out of the Whitby headquarters. Ajax in 1981. Tefrer Hop - site was Founded in 1931 the company primarily an office and reception began life in the Iinit;ed States area, epaineddrtrofm- ke ngarbara Brooks. $6,O O ra sed(Her husband Alan is company at McDonald's Lack of space meant moving te a 0 s.ft. facility in Aax. tournament lËy8i ,pld 98,sales had tri e and the company again mioved, this The McDonald's Charity Golf time to, a 22,000 sq. ft. plant, also Tournaxiient raised more than in Ajax. $6$000 for Whitby General Hos- Five years'later, as growth pital. continued, Stonhard returned te .More than 100 golfers paticpa- Whitby and a custonm-built; in- ted in the event, held annuall at dustrial and administrative com- the Thunderbird Golf Club. plex. The amount raised was $2,000 This new office will be the site more than last year's donation, of a national sales meeting Aug. thanks te, the donation of green 18-21. fees by Thunderbird. Stenhard has sales offices in Sha ron ge recorded the every provinceand distribution lowros fort e ladies while centres. in. Montreal, Vancouver Glen-Us had low gross for the and Edmonton, as- well as the men. U.S., South America, Europe,_ Ken Baxter won the closeat te, Asia and Australia. the pin competitioni whilw Dan It s uplies flooring ýfor -Morison,'recorded the-longest;'varitYoîfindustrýial; commèreial, drive. ig~d~ma cr 4.Yl"é whimtby bus.iness