PAGE 12,, WH1TY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUS 1, 1991 DiÎsplay-'of Reynolds scul pture *work begins IVAN MLS a 24-yar.old casical potitions in bis hmoland, Moles wiil pieit f Yugosavia, recently @pond much of bis three-month visit gavebhs furet concert i Canada at to'Canada at the home of Moinda, 1-ragarCastie Sehool'in Whitby. Dragmn and Bijana Soepanovic of Winner of numerous awards in com.- Whitby. Andr.w Hourahia. photo An exhibition -of work by Toronto, artiat John McCornbe eyolds wlopn at the Robert McLughin alery on Aug. 15 andconne until Sept. 15. - Journaliat and broadcaster Peter T rueman will open the show at a reception on Thursday, 4à g. 15,7 p4m. >Featuring some ,exaxnplesý of, Reynold's landscape ?ainti ng.., the main emphasis is on hirs career as a scuiptor. Somne ,Of- Rynold's 'subjects include Qiieen Eliabet -1, Dr. Norman Bethune, composer Healey -Willan,, artist Kazuo Nakamure and -broadcaster Joyce Davidson. 0f. sculpting,. Reynolds says, L"rllw. ensual pleasure the artist fel nworiig with Clay is the same ýpleasure we had. as40 playing in the muck It liasail of its own. "Adialogue' takes place between the a*tist and the d'ay, a ldind'cf love affair. between ,daly and sculpton~ The. .-exhibition, W 'a retrospective "'f :Reynolds,' work. Bon in Toronto in' 1916, he studied under, Arthur ismer and Enuanuel Hahn.." He haw. exhubited with'the., Ontario .Society, c f 'Artftite, the Royal Canadiani"and the Sel oBSocietr., Wr a long and' prestiglous care~' wthe .CBC, Reynolds lisrture to-sculpting with al the energy of his, previcus years., ~1