Vol.21, o. 4 Wenesay, ugut 21199 32 age Àtlantî:e NOise level accept1able' Testngstili continues, but Atlanti c kagigofcaiWr cmoral"wt muùffingevices ixistalleA on noisyin9 mchie>« at heplninue «Tenoise level lhas been mfedow to a cetbelvl"sy eèa Manager Bob Neison. He says, however, that the devices will continue to be monitored as" testsare carried out in different conditions. Uit's a slow process ... you have to wait for a variety of reasonsYn Nelson Baya plant empioeswolv i h ra where complante had ben ade say the n'oise is "not noticeable. The noise was first detectedilast winter. Describdas a "lowy, penetrating droning"that varies iferntÜareas ofesouha' à ' cena itb. NSID diffirntnsityothesou nd ba enlWuhr umn * Lust January, Atiantic management shut down the Plant when the problein becamne severe and residents complained to the Town. It ws discovered that the noise orq*ginatedfr&om four 60-ft. ezhaust stack.scoennectdto vacuum pumps used in the newsprint dryingpoes Attempts te correctgrthe problern were unsuccesaful, and iApril the Townase that equipment producing the noise be turne& off at niu-hts and on Sundays. But Atlantic did not ahut down 'the equipment saying it wouid hurt operationa. SHAYNE BAYFORD han jiist returned to Whitby after winning silver a nd bronze medal i roUler skating at the Pan-American Games ni Cuba. Chw ov1. plo, ]Bayford a Pan-Arn medalist Shayne Bayford ot what he had hoped for, and maýybe a littiemoe at te Pan American Gaines in=Cb asat week. The 17-year-old won sfiver and bronze medais in men's senior roUler skatings, a demonstration sport at teGaines. «I was hoping te, do that weU, said Bayford, at bis Wihitby home on Monday, having just *arived after more than -two wreeks in the bot Culba limat.. Bayford kuew bis fi rat major cer- petition at the senior men's level wouid llkely not reap the goid medaiste which he wmamiaoeutomed at the more junior levels. For the firat time h. cmpted against Scott Cohen cf the J.s, foiur-turne .-woid champiOn. Cohen won Pan-Arn goid inot gre and freestle whiie' Bayford was runner-up iu figuresadthird in But Cohen la age 26, whiie Bar- ford,a amembe-o té hitby Rouier Skating Clb has pienty of turne in which te builâ sccas Bayford Baya bisePa-Arnresuits were also important as he gaiued an edge that might heip hum in future coMmpetitions. That edge la recogn- tion. It could heip- at the worid chain- pionddi uOctober in Anstralia wbere Bayford will face mmorcf the very best in mèesroUler skating including Cohen., «It was great for the experience," said Bayford of the Pan-Az roUler- skating event, heid outdoors. He leaves today. (Wednesday) for Calgary where he wlU train on a woodeni floor, used in competition. Bayford has been training in Toronâtî at the Granite Club w*ith fr-eeekating coach Lewis Ston Jamie Crouch of Torontoý, formry of W#hitbhy, and partuer Heather Paterson won silver in dance pairs competition at the Pan-Amn Gaines. Grou p applauds cancell ation of bus plan' Acommuter iobby group'si doubts about the new bus servc lanned or Durham Region were confirmed iast wek when he ntarlo governmnent announced it would cancel the service. "Our association is apglaug that decision, nobody wanted the bus service, ayaDfave Lester, excutve director of the Tronto-Peterorouh-Haveiock Lne PmsenerAssociation. Ontaro Transportation Minister Giies Pouliot said the bus scheme -al-mday, service consisting of,. four searte bus ro utes from Peterborough and Port Perry tWitby and Oshawa - was too, expenisive. The passenge sscation, consisting of 200' mem- bers, told TheigFree resi JuIy that they doubted thé governinent wouid proceed with the special GO Transit service announced lest fal by then Transportation Miiater Ed Phiiip. Private carriers wouid have provided buses and service, wiith the province paying $1.8 million of the annual $2.5 million operatingexpenes The ministry said is ekhttecost was almost four times more than the origmai estimate of $500,000. Durhamn East MPP Gord Milse said he suported last week's announcement to cancel- the service and te, undertake a complete review of transportation i southeastem Ontario. "W. need better public transportation i our ares, but the proposais submitted by the bus companies were juat too expensive,» said Milis "In addition, municipalities identlfled a number of concerna wvith the prcposed bus service.» Lester said that *hile the association was pieased with the canceilation, «We're disaprointed ithE fact' th didn't mention any alternative. Reasoito will send a ietter te the'new minister te requst a-meetin& but Lester says he doesn't expect such a meeting will coeur until the traspotation study la compieted. I sece that the study Wfli be comà pieted b~y the "W. still got notbing as far transpotation," saya- Lester, adding he doesnt expect ayinfor-atIestI another two years. SEE PAGE 31 FALL REGISTRATIONS Page 23 1 4. t . .8 à * 'l' à f vi .'w a .4 *4 - *.,.i ý, i u 0 431, t. îý