Whitby Free Press, 4 Sep 1991, p. 2

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PA G 9, WIMBYMgPUEtss,ýWMDN ASPI!EMERi g91 Helped to establish hospital in Whbitby Kn IHobbs retires asfml hyiin ThI*ings bave corne a long way shice 1957. Large medical build- ings bave replaced tbe sînal family practice, and bouse calîs are almost a tbing of tbe past. But for Hobbs, the bouse cal basn't totally disappeared. For Jaciw, it's Stijl a regular occurrence. MedÎicine itself bas expanded te, huge proportions. Hobbs com- p ares a 1991 inedicine guide witb a 1957 guide. The '91 guide dwarfs the «57 version: "Medicine bas really cbanged,» says Hobbs. The fundamentals baven't been altered. Despite tbe change I in medical facilities, Hobbs believes today's young doctors have the siane ideals. 'Young fellows we have here are very dedicated. Most medical - grads have a basic philosopby te proivide service for patients." Hobbs not only works on bhaîf of bis patients but for the commnitywelfaro. Hobbs is ROSEMARY BROWN Centurion Award Wlnner 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990. bath, great location for this Ctarter AS EIB U home at $1,39,900.00. Neat Bargainl 34 ORG GS I know Whtbyl I live in, Whitby and have speciaiized in Whitby Real Estate for many years. mu PEA1TOP M IF QUESTIONS YOU FIND, PLEASE KEEP ME IN MIND, ROSEMARY BROWN, SALES REPRESENTATIVE IN YOUR TOWN. BUS: 433-2121 RES: 668-3504 213 Byron Street. S. Whitby, Ontario LUN 4P7 (416) 668-3487 Bulletin Board Service (416) 668-4480 SYSTEM BOARD UPGRADES 8088 te 286/12 with one meg. exchanged & installed.....$249.0 8088 te 286/20 with one meg, exchanged & installed....$269.00 8088 to 386SX-16 with one meg. exchanged & installed ... $399.00. An26 286 te 386/SX- 16 one meg, exchanged &- installed ....$359.00 286 te 386/SX -20 one meg, exchanged & installed......$399.00 286 te 386/25 one meg, exchanged & Installed .......$595.00 286 te 386/33 ene meg, exchanged & installed .........$625.00 Il 0 ADDITION RAM AT MIME 0F PURCHASE WILL BE $89,0 ER M *88upgrades are subject to compatablity of HD(FD controller and Refromattijng of HD, as welI as keyboard compatabilty way muffier & brake centre Il DR. KEN HOBBS will be retfring thisyiear butla to reniain active in thé community. Chris Bovie photo very iflvolved with the Whitby Rotary Club. The hardest part of retiring is flot serving patients with whorn he bas built long-lastingreIation- she the hardest part,» he says. It's bard to divorce your- selfafrompeople.» And bis patients may also find it diffieuit. FirefiÎ"ghter program was excellent "T'here have been patients that are concerned ab-out finding someoe who will ho able to, comminicate with tbem,» says Hobbs, reassuring tbem tbere are a lot of good :doctors in the area. Hobbs will soon ho making bousé calîs of a different sort -- travelling across the country i bis new 35-foot bouse trailer. To the. Editm-. Once agan this suminer, one of our children. had the privilegM.of attending the Whiby junior firefighters' prograin Our daughter, Elizabeth, followed in the footste of her three older brotbers who have alse taken part i this very worthwbile prograin. Along with having alot of fun, the children alse caine home with WHITBY SALESPE RSON IN 1990 AT R FM JOH I NTON #p 1 JsON aTObNY P. D LET ME SELL YOUR.kIOME WHITBY RESIDENT WH ITBY COMPANY OSHAWA REAL ESýTATE BOARD TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD REMX SMMIRELTY(191)LDl am FREE EVALUATIONS Ma' RES: 430-8403 BUS: 668-3800 LSLISTINGS SOLO. BASED ON OSIJIAWA &iDISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARDS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE DATA........... new knowiedge about lire safety and lire prevention. We, as parents, have Iearned a lot as well. Graduation day was both informative and entertaining as the. students displayed seme of what they-bail learned and aise receved their shirts and hats proclaiming them as juzmioe firefigbters. May we extend ouw thanks tu the Town of Wbitby, to fire chief Crouch'and his department, and especially to David Boxais and bis; teaching, staff for ail the. bard work and enthuiasm tboy put into planning and carrying, out this excellent- program., David and Joan Hewiu Whiby support,. cancer beaten. Pleas e v. MAINTENANCE FREE Beautiful mature lot, 2bclrm, 4 p PyCrsBovi. It was thehbard work of seme local residents that'resulted i the- establishmnent of WbiÏtby General Hospital. And one of those committed residents, Dr. Ken Hobbs, is rotiin this year from practico Hobi;'fik-ibes iswork with oseph Ruddy on tbe hospital build*ng commaittee as bis grea- testachiovemont ini tbe medical- related field. Tii. comrittee was formed in 1962, and eighit long and bard y ears laterWhit4y had its own hospialtnaed after Ruddy. A gradtuate of tbe University of western Ontario, Hobbs practi- oed at Obio Valley Generàl Hos- pital i Wheeling -est Virginia. While at Ohio Valley, ho met Dr. G.A. Jaciw,, also a graduate of Western. Together tbey deci- ded teo oen a practice i the vicinity of1Toronto. «When we came to Whitby, in 1957 the population was 7,000,» said I{obbs. "Thore were about seven or eigbt doctors in town. The prac- tice was pretty slow in tbe begin- 4'ben I tried to get a ba-n I was told if I worked at GM? I could get $3,000, but I could only get $1,000 because I was a doc- 1 1

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