Whitby Free Press, 4 Sep 1991, p. 7

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WHFBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, REMBER 4,1991, PAGE 7 PAGE SEVEN Fait]h, prayer and miaes ' The folowing transcript foUl off the back of a beor truck in north Wbitby, and is heroby offered without further ,~ Reassuring voice: Lot me assure you that what you sayf '1i,-. (4 //, will be botwoen you and me only. Lie back on the couch. Lot ///.Iif\ -1..- Deep baritone: It'the voters. Ilve done everything in my isdwnto12prcn.\\ -j powr snce I became Prime Minister in 1984. But my rating Reassuring voico: Twelve per cent of 25 million is threo e million. More than throo million people liko jyou. - ..,\~\\' Deep baritone: Weil, if my namo isn't Bnan Mulroney! 4 f> 1 Voice: Give or take a few. ________________________________ Brian: H[ey! Focus those troopsright, the next election is in our hands. We could win the darnod thing! _________________________________ Voice: But thon, 22 million or more dialike you. Ton _____________________________ million may really hate you. Brian: i thought you were supposed to make me, feel botter. Voice: I promieed te listen, te, refloct your ideas back te you, to helpyou botter se yourself. Brian: Cet this, and got this right. Reality will. not win the* next lection. Faith, prayor, miracles may be needed. Whero do you come in? Voice: Having been graduated from the achool for psychologists, I offer a way for you, my patient, to get in btter teuch with the roality of his boing, and te think over the possibilities which lie ... Brian: Cen we start agaiEn? 'a Voice: Okay. rmn John. Fm hors te help you think through whats been bothiering you. You can tell us what is on your minci Brian: Nve won the lest two elections cleaAy, but in about a yoar and a lialf I've got another coming up. I promised the Part~y that we'd win that one, too. 1've teld the press. Ive said it on television. But I dont know how. I nood a miracle. John: I don't land those out. Brien: Twelve per cent. After al Ilve done for this country. lys given 'emn the Free Trade deal. Cross-border shopping. I delivered Quebec seats te the House of Commons ike notî even Diefenbaker could délivere'm. John: Sounds good. Brian: I brought tho country a sound dolar, up to 87 cents. Ilys begun toecut the deficit, at least the spending isn't growing as much as it was when I took power. Interest rates GLEN DHU, THE OU) DOW FABM ON ROSSLAND ROM),, C. 1925 areabutas owasthe'v benfor a while. Tihis fine brick houses was tho residence of William Dow who settled i Whitby in 1833. The John Whocoud wet moebouses was demoliéhed in 1984, and the Glen Dhu School je located a eshort distance north of Bria: r dong or anaa wat di fo Sceffrvileits site. Glen Dhu je Gaelic furBlack Veiley' or 'Dow's Valley!' QuBec. Thats weng o aaawa i o cefrilWhitbyr Arddwu photo John: Taswe you closed down the Iron Ors operations? Bilan: That's it. It was a dlean job. John: You want te do the same now for Canada? 1 ZR G Bria: ls pomisd e oil ff Ar Cnad CB. Iwen tefromn the Wednesday, September 2, 1981 edition of the go even further, te privatize the CRTC, Atemic Energy,WHTYFE PRS Revenue Canada, the Armed Forces, whatever they'e celled e Whitby Works Department je converting its vehicles te propane fuel. these days, the RCMP, you name it. a John Buchianan of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association has accused the Free Prese of John Woud al tht hlp you in te eectin? ublic ceneorship in an editorial regerding bue service for students. BJohn: Heyo Wdon' ththdo u a nhsethingleti oppr on?0Wtby Public Librery je being praised for its services for the disabled. do tn:he bcaue teynd t do ns. o thin k tho e p oplar e a Dominion Stores are selling round steak for $2.46 a pound and rump roest for $2.56 a of Schefferville wanted te ses Iron Ors cloeed? We make the pud tough decisions, not the popular ones. John: Could thero be a connection between that and*your poil ratinge? Bzian: Poils? 2 ZR G John: You know ... the 12 per cent from the Thursday, Septembor 1, 1966 edition of the Brian: Now 1 wonder.. you know that gives OU NusMae wsbon somethingte think about, doeen't it? What, efter ail ve e John Panteny of i)uPont, inpt tre imes inofivhe nilits.Cabro omeci e dons, te ilî bugger would turn around ...apatpeietfteWhbyCebrofC mrcjbig John: ellime's p. Hrld oiTe fteMO trio Hospital lias been elected president of the Metropolitan Brian: Huli? Hrl eso h John: Thatil be $99.75. Toronte chapter of the Public Personnel Association. Brian:$99? *Dieling 411 for telephone information and 611 for repaire lias begun ini Whitby. John: Plus $7.66 PST. Brien: $103.411 j, ýj Il t;ýJ l - ;, 4 4 ý - t ý ; - , U 1'ýk -

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