Whitby Free Press, 11 Sep 1991, p. 6

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.1: V ~ , t' JS4~ t. ~ ~ .~ ~Fi '~ . ~ V PAGE 6, WEITBY FREE PRE8S~ WEDNESDAY, The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated:. by Whitby residents for Whîtby residents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarlo Imc. at 1 31 Brook St. N, Whitby, Ontario il N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto LUne 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor AIlexanda Martin- Production Manager., 2nd Classý Postal. Registration #05351, Gt'taôts sra ight To the Editor: made a profit the last three years,. a portion of which' was gien back Re: Ltter-from Louis S. Allore, ta the ,federàl government -- 50 Whitby Free Pres, Sept. 4 Issue. you s50. WO areflot addtig ta any publie debt. The writer of this letter .,deserves 1I wish you would- gel your facts an answer ta statements. made. straight befara omlnting an a Fîrat of ail, the ost office has situation aboutgwmiichyou: are dragged theirfta the obviously ill-informed. bargalnlng table for over twa years -- ur last.contract expired in 1989. A. Cralg Secandly, the post office bas Whltby GoodwiII i Whitby To ýtho Edftor:é, While starvation and natural disaster off lict millions ai people worldwida, ýresidonts 'af Whit1W- have halpeëd show.that Canadian Oenerosity la pot runnung dry. In 1991, tragèdieeranging fram the GuI! War to ,a -vol#ano ln the Philippines haïe-drawn heavily on cbaritabla ivlng. People'h ave begun ta talk about donor fatigue and wonder whqthar Conadians can reolly 'make a difeé-rence1 . Bangladesh, oneofths ,worlds most impoverishad' nations, suffarod the' moat "lthal'starm oa. the dacada. ft. kllled over 125,000 people. Canadian-funded shellars saed throusandsAfrom 't.he cyclone. Food and mnedical supplies sustained survivors ln the chaos aller-the winds diod away. I amn glad ta repart Ihat 28 B1angladesh chitdre,' supportod. through "Worfd Vision Canada byW sponsors In the vicinity ai Whitby. have survived the'recent tragedy. monthlM' donations will provide food ing,. education' and medicé'ine for the . children, as well as helping t.heir commuûnfties becama self-supparting.-ý Without this help, these< communities would, have, been- ill-prepared for the cyclone and the, casualties In ýBanglada.sh would' have been-much highar. At a -timne When Canadian ».generasity has -been tested, 1 wish ta commend the ,peaple in your communiîty w*vho haveý shown that goodwill is-tili in gaod.supply, 1W heIing ensure a future for children in agloeesh. Don Scott Preaddnt Wo ld iolon Canad Comm on Pause day hearing s By Drmmond White Durham Centre MPP Thraughout the summer, several provincial commttees are travelling throughout the province ta hear, people's rekltions ta proposed législation and their response ta govemrment InitIatives. Six èormmttees are travelling; ana hears responses ta the budget, ane la daalng wfth the Emfployea ,Wage Protection, Prograrn, one hears. viewson th Q rent contrai: bill, and 80 on. As yau May knovi, 1 arn chairman of the legislativa committea on the Administration0f -Justice. Befare us la Bill 1150 the common pause day' législation. ln, addition ta many day of hearinga in Toronto, we are conducting hing nalptaof the provineThsb atpt ta nsure thja't rtail àmplaees iwill have the rlght ta a commonpas qa wlh thair-familles, and ta balance thoti rlgtwihhepo tonf touim and recreation on thatday. One week, wa-started by. flying, tolý.hunder..Bay on Sunday,.hald, heaina hee n onay, and then moved, on ta, Sudbùry that evenl .ng. Tuesday, w had badngs in -Sudbury,, bussed ovaerta North Bay,and go onfor the rest oftIhe lc.Bythe enldftht we e,a had heard and' talked.wth representatives of the North and had a fasrly .thorough knawedge of Northemn Ontariios vrew. on Sunday- shovpng/Worldng. 111he next week, we started 1W arrnvin9 in Ottawa on- tuna4 vnngadwrked back ta Toronto' wtth.* days of hearinga in Kl(ngston and Peterborough, as weil as in Ottawa.' lh~hped thta t eaïo spl1endeuh tkme inlthe communities ta get àa senseo ai hem beyond mèelng_ rpomns.n hatéels. Unfortunateily,* the acheduto, has -.been so light that th' presenteie.haveêbeMf the-only people.that we-have hata chance ta meet. In -each'community.- business grot>s for antd gainsiSunday., shoppinglworldng appeared as dd labo ur, chrh anid other *commrunîity groupa. I found,.R lnterestingthat, oly through.thls kind ai procesaoa hearlng from loceal areas. could we possily know of the differant alants ànd.'fealingâa thatA hay hav»..Whaýramy,ýmeet, th-~ uiaeda of Toronto rnay not wok In North Bayor K pston. iklnow that By Stephen G. Leahy. The ta and fro of - political debate and argument b as litile consructve -value. Poiia argument lsaa toal for flnding f laws in~~~~ th pailnspint evainew ThisI !anusfti ul pint rovain weaknesses in soma plan or proposai . -but, it ý doas -nothing tai croate anything ýnew or baller. ln politicsto day, 'the aimi fthé gare'lata f ind something wrong with ideas ogr proposaIs suggested by anyone Wit h a different political viewpîoint. Walch ,q uestion poriod in theHouse of GCommons or ai Queen's* Park adyau can see, tbis ganîeplayed.,,In 'order ta win, a party and, ismombers muai devais mast i ai theÈ ir timo and energy shawing how.wrong rire the others. In this way, provirq'they -are right, sm.mply by provmng' othars wrang,, unfortunaItal baves 1111e effort, 'ta devalop naw plans, ideas or soltions. Thiskind ai'policl argument' doesn't just occur between politicians. Il exista in householda, in ,aýchoola, in«the "or place. Al ai ' us wb have personally been involveëd in, thèse kinda aif debales know how tiring, unproductive and To the Editor: Many Canadions have. struggled for most ai their lde ta scrape up a dawn - paymant and thon pay for thair oWn -home. The comblnad prIncIpal, and intereat thypay çver tha terni ai their .,Mortgage bar exceeda the Initiai. purchase price 0f Ihair home. They pay 1 for- thoir homne In atar-tax dollars'--money an hl.,hch'theèy hav ' already-posd tax. This la tb. largeat single. invosment, thit thé morty ai Canadions wiIlevar make in thelr..lifetîme. Thsy suifer rnany deprivalions -and continue ta incur mfalnto!lance costa, mu'ilcipal *taxesý, régio'nal taxes. and 7ther axpqnsosaiemo.ownership. M~an' hopeto use the praçeoçis ai the aventual sala of Iheir borne S EPTEMBAE1 even dest ructive'they can bô. When the objôcive is ta reveai the truth, argument and '-de bate ca >n'be useful. However, when the objective becoffiesta show that 'I arn -right -amd you areawrong,' -that, la- what- we now. caill a political argument. Some,ý quite wrongly, even,,think ýof this-'I arn right and you ar e wrong' kind of thinking as the nature af the political *process. One. of the sadder signs ofthe 'times <are these ;kinde-of -politilà debates betweon the elected leaders and, the, people they are supposed ta represent. There- are, plenty. of exarnples of this$ ad i levaIs cf.government. In *Whtby, ana *of the more public ,exomplas bas -been, the' uproar aover .the ý-building' of theý Kapuscinski parkette. -in this cam, Town caunidacided ta site a new' park, ý,not In an opon ý floadplain. wbere many residents wished, Ibut in a' woodlôt.. From n!i-June through ta mld-ýAugust, tee debate raged- betwee n residents and thoir elected representaitives. in' the pages af, this -paper, arguments .-nd- 'counter- arguments were presented ta, reveal 'the truth' of what 1happened and, afi course, who was at faulf. The. end resuli was. that the to buy- a larger ana ta accommodate an incr--asing iarnily size, ta retira, travel or ta cmate an aste for thelrhlldren.- The. NDP governiment- ai Ontario 'plana, ta end this and phabe' a large tax aon -thé equity' ln their homes. I feel like Darothy ln thé Wlzard ai Oz. 1 want 'ta go .home ta Kansos -bocause .I 1can'beieve that Ibis làa al rôaily -happening' boere in Ontario. Tell a frIand, jr butter y et, tael your local' NDP member afi tha Ontario Législature that trou ara sbocked and outrqgedL T lI tham. you will 'neyer support sur%.atéx andthat your hohneia laili your castîs.- parkette 15 where- Most people didn't '«want 'It.' The paltilians involved bfel,, harassed -and misunder stood. Thé"e roidents in. the areaare f rustrated .pnd lfed up with the political p'ra"cess.. 'RI seems, a g reat p"Ity -that at the local- leveaýI thfissm kind of game la being, pîayed. After ail, this is whara eéach of us can speak wltli aur representatives face, ta face because they lva dow~ntha stret This is weew.hvto bewillin' ta, undertàndothar points of view and'thén ba willing ta change aur. awn point af view. < i ight now, someone who» la willing ta considar an opposite pitof view, anid -Incorporais someone-,,lsW's ideas into thair own position, would be c nste weak. At besi, their 'viewpain would- now b. considered, .ýcompromised. We seern ta give a highâr "value ta an abllity, ta wmn arguments and defend a point. of view no, malter what. Thora- are> times ta defend a point ai vlew ,n o malter .wbat, but not nearly, as aftonîas 'wat ry ta. Our politiians take- the view -that ln -orderta be elected they muai be stirong and decIsivo. We haveoftn hardthem say ýfthey, <are 'paid'ta maike decisionis. They, are, not paid,.,ta. nake decisions, tbey ,,are, paid ta reprasent -us. They' cannot represment us ifthey aran't prepared *-ta cýhange -their Points ai view. They cannai représent us if, they- are nÏot able ta genu'inely listen.,*They cannai represent us if tbey cannot, or Will * nol, talk ta us. They carnot represent 'us if lhey spend most ai their time trying ta prove they ar right -1W showinig how wrong sameone olse is. If we dan'twish this silly garna tacontinue, we have 1ta tel pliticians, that wa elect them ta listen, ta understandother, pointa of view and ta find soluions thalfit tho. situations. Anyone cmdanmoka decisions.,Few, people' coàn-really listen. This' Novëmbèr, - ask those running for municpla[electlIon if th- y are predpared 'to jreally ýlisten abdta c'hange thoir.pcoiaviaw. -Find out' if they ara more interested ln winning arguments, or doing the right-thing foribhe peoplea 'they:-ropreont;. Andi atler they' -have said they will dù thesa things, asIc them howlhey il do them. M là»199 r - il. 1991 s, ýOutrageous$"

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