PAGE 12, WHITY FREE PRES WDligeSYI 11 Th. Duam DiUbt es Centre wiil hold a general meeting on <Diabotes in.the. Ninetiet? with several health, professîonahe, includlng a question-end-answe period, at St. Gregory's auditorium, 194 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa on Wednesdy, Sept. 25 at 7:30 p.m. There wiil b. produot displays and free siples. Ail are welcome. For furtiier information, cail 434-7233 DURHAM ENVIRONhUENAL &NBTW ORK.- Tho neit meeting of Durham Enviromental Netwoà rk (DEN) will ho held on Wednosday, sept. 18, 7:30 to 9:465 p.. at Bowanvilecourt room #1 (above the firohall on Church St., near Tomperance). Included in the agenda from T'oronto Envionmetal Aliance on the dangers of pesticide use wil ho a report from tiie Town of Newcate 'planning staff rgrngthe ofciiplnreview and pbinrput, a report on the Town of, Newcate wtrfot study and DEN's upcoming plans for 1991-92. Ail interested individuals and. groupe are welcomne to attend. For flirtiier inmton, cul Oeil at 286-9565 or Karen at '435-0497 (business CAPIC DINNER MEETIG The Canadien Association for Production and Inventory Control will iiold, a dinner meeting on Thusday,'Sept. 19 et the Earl of Durham, .227: Brock St.- S., Whitbhr. Douglas A. Cudfi of Cooper and Lybrand Consuting Group Wiil speak on '.Thie Based Mangem n ndToal alt Management -- Building Bocksà Towards World Clams Competi- tiveneas.' For registration and furtixer details, cal (416) 576-0210, ext. 479. OOOKING CLASS Vegetarian 9 ..Fx ingW oeokngclass il o Saturday. Sept. 28 il a. te5 ~nRepsi ontemt23 toM instructor. The cdasincludes sampl ieecourse mel and a nutri~~l lc~ Meditation classes begin Thura- day, sept. 19. For information, cal Go Naturel Healtii and Beauty Centre, 121 Brock St. N., telepiione 668-2661. TW06DAY SEbMNAR The Canadien Association lor Production- and Inventory Control (CAPIC), Durham chapter, in association witii;prodtvity impoveentcentre of Durhemh Cegwiil condut a two-day seunrSept 25-26. The topic is Management,* Overview and Succesul Implementation of Manufacturng Resource Plan- ning (MRP flI). For 'registration and fuirtiier details, oeIl (416) 576-0210, ext. 479. LEANIN DIABIITiS ASSOCIATION The 'Learning Disabilities Association, Oshawa chapter, wil hold.. a montiily meeting on Thursday, Sept. 26,,7:30 p.m, et the. Whitby Publei Lbraiy. There il b. a presentation on What is a Learning Disability.' This is a parent suppor group and al are weîcome. Ad= son ia free. For more.information, calI 655-4175. DEAMTY ATING <Healthy Eating for your Heart' i. a one-hour presentation sponaorod by Durham gave-a-Heert and - Whitby General, Hospital, and funded by the. Ontario Ministry of, Health. To book a presentetion et *worksites, high achools and service clubs in Durham Ron, oeil prqject codntr ik Pldgoon et 666-0995. Activities include nutrition; roulette,. tait. tests, rate your plate, what's ini it, with information on nutrition, heurt disease, fast foodu cholesterol and weight control. Blue Jay, fans go to tii. Dom. with theDuha Rwà on Branch of the. Canadien ti-tute of Management'on Oct. 1, Jeys vs.& California 'Angels. Coet, e27.509 includes ticket, return bus ride from Wbitby Mal and GSTJ. Bus leaving - et 6» p.m. Limitod number of tickets. To resorve cail (416) 434-7669. YMA AS NEW SPAoE The YMCA. Durham Reglon hmu a new, exp anded ,home for many Whitby programs in Wehitby atitChurch at Reyold ad Gilbert streets. Agan olee ilb. Our TMme Tfgethor, Hodge, Podge art, Sticky Finger and Tickle Trunk. The gymnesum nthe. churchi wil b. homo to idi Gyumbaticfor age5 -2,#to 4e aduit fitries classes, Kid!s Club on Mondaysaend Wedn"n8dY5 3:45 to 5:30 p.m.aàs welas floor hockoey and youth beakethali. Other *aduit prcgresinclude, ballroomdancing, cookngl and a' vrty of eraft classes. Bad minton, mens floor hockey and monl'bà uketbell ýare also offered by -the. YMCA. Cal 668-6868or 683-4093 toregiater or for fartiier information. SNOWMOBILE AND ATV SHOW Port Perry Snowmobile, Club will host an int enational mow- mobile and ýATV show, from& Frdaà y, Sept. 20 to Sunday, Sept. 22 at thé. Metro' EaBt Tride b. the. new 1992 Arýctc, ýCake Polaris, Ski-dooý Yûiaha, 'Honda and suzukis. On sale wiil b. helmets, accssories, clothrng:andi more. Proceeds wiil go to Easiter Sea Snowaraia. Parlding is fi».. For*more information, oei (416) 427-420.1. Bulbs to be sold at horti cultural.méeeting By Broaklià NWMater Gardemer The Broolin Horticultural Society will devote -part, of their Sept. 25 meeting to the sale of top quality- Datch bulbe et- greetly reduced pnes to mnembers and visiter.. Full information end domon- strations wiil be given regarding pleting the wide veriety cf bulbe P' ilIe Membersof the. Master Gardener program wil b. on iiend te answer questions on this3 or -otiier subjecte. The meeting takes place et Brooklin United Ciiurch et 7:30 T.Mhe end of summer is approaching -- moot gerden annuels are completing their cycle. Now i. the. time te lift them Wicese Cotg OPEN HOUSE September 2lst and 22nd~ 10 arn to 5 pm To give your. home that cozy country look of the season please join us for some hot spioed eider while you browse through our selection of fal bouquets and baskets. Along »with our regular stock weve added some cozy quilts, duvet covers, twigdoil fumiture, picture frames and a sneak preview of our Christmas paper Une. Please feel free ta bring a friend. 76 WINCHESTER ROAD,i BROOKLIN Across from arena DIANE 655-3059 .7/ CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITB3Y IOTICE RUIRAILNRCYCUNG Tihe Town of Whyhs sponsorod a set of üS à oo, IORoOydki OontahkIeo e 0b m coin unctionwith teRg o .I Igloo Rocyclhng Program. Rurd msadente not vrocelvin ajbsi cllection of rocym clabls n now paricipas i he = ctonand Reqichin nfflmb ng m c i>ycbig mateuils tb an Igloo sie.Cufskcollectiof etre as W* iUcnet be provided irural l'i. Igloo ROcycing Containersam klocatd on thie woSt s of GaMrard Roadut M rÎi of MyrtIe Road East 7 Tu s 5nov hie Tom%' Mrtle Fre Hal Statof The fdblwfng niatorilwl b. acceptod at tis site: 1. ows anad mwsa er sels. 2. Gasboesadjs 3. MfetlfoodianMbvo agecus. 4. Plagie pop botes only DO not huaîV non-rocclbl materWs atthis location. For f&~ O hoemaan. pleïcal us. PUC WOUWDEPARW OPERA11ONBTRE from tii. beds and borders and put them into the compoïst pile to work their final magie. Th. sp"e left bebind can be dug now m propration for planting spring flowering bulbe. Early fel ia the time to plan and te plant your spring bouquet. Snowdrops, crocus.., grape hiyacinths, daffodils, tulips, squills, hyecinths and more -- tiiese are the stuiffof spring. AU are hardy in our cimatic zone 5. Moot bulbe will grow well in virtualîy eny type of soil provided it- is weIî dreined. Peat mous or compost added te the soil wiîî make it loose and porous and iniprove its- drainage. Bulbe thrive in full sun and moet do well invuartial shade. Ch&ose firm bulbe, the biggest you cen afford, for these wil rewerd you with the largest and strongest blooms. Smalî bulbs, like crocus, should b. planted three te four inches deep, two teo three inches SEE PAGE 14 Fanl programs at Brooklin library FaU programrs offered et the. Brolin brench library. - for children eged 24 te 36 months, 'Tiny Tot TIme,' starting Tuesday, Sept. 24 te Oct. 29 from 10:30 te il a.m. » Preschool Time' starts Wednesday, Sept. 25 te Oct. 30 from 6:30 te 7:15 p.m., for children eged 3-W 2te 5. For botii programs, register the. week of Sept. 17 te 21. The BLCC (Brooklin Library Children's Club) began mgain Saturday, Sept. 7. There are atoîesý, crafts, games and fun every Saturday from 10.30 to 11:30 a.m. for ciLdren aged 4 and u Cali the Broolin brancii et 655-3191. 'Honey Day' Sept. 21 The. 2nd Broklin uot wroup wilold lHoneyDa'o Sa t. 2L SCOetà pwEý=doortdoor i the. »Uoln r toslhonqy, at a co'S par vpt.ý imide' relued'wlli Pport CHRIILUi BLEDAY provided toe-tap>piaghar- monica entertainment during tQWhoel o M"~J hmucheon held at St. Thomas -&-Sca Church i Birooklin Iast week.BV Homecéraft idea wanted Anyone wiio heu ideas or sug- getosfor the. iomecreft sec- ton f the. Brooklin Spring Fuir may attend a meeting on~ Sept. 23. Wunt to chngesomething. in the pzebook atoe eithti. iioecraft sectxonÇ Want to supervise the section or help out? lb.e preoding may b. dis- cussed b thoso- intereted in The. meting wlllb. h.ld- et Brooklfa Unifed Chumh (baun- Maureen Jackson et65469 Fuir board to meet Oc0t. .3- Tne Brooklin SprmNi Fir board wlil meet on ThIursdy, Tne.meefingsuttiBrooklin Communlty Centres, wilsMot at al 72860 for .f