- wm'B FUE RESÉ WE~oeDA, SPTMR18 1i91,PAGES Whi t by C ouncl agenda(s) Mnd- mb]a Planig and, That couincil begfin proceed- ingsto-have the John D. Sticknoy*House at 170 Myrtie Rd. E. designated as a heritagestructure. The hause, bult ln the mid-1800s, Is consldered a fine exampie of 'an early amalframed f armn hause. Now owned by thom as and Ja--&nne Leedie, the house is anà dl the early planeer homes ln the Myrtie area.. Béecomneto council That'council approve the request by immanuel Christian Schoi at 4250 < AndersonSt., northoai TauntonRd., ta exempt their te n-acm <4.05 hectare) propety ram the «Interm conrtrai byiaw placed onail agricuhraýà liy zaned lands.. "Immanuel.wil bulld an eleme*nbtaryeshaolon the southerly f Ive acres af the praperty. Thé contrai byiaw waspOliicd ' Town planning .staff couid review the i theagricuituraizaone category. That council appravea site,- Properties fo'r a 45,'000 sq..ft. in'dustrIal building'at the sautheait Scorner of Thickson Rd. S.-and Victoria St. ,E. The building is the first af a two-p hase develapment an the ten-acre property. Recommended to coundil Operations CO mmittee That council authorize staff to Invite proposais for the preparation of a watershed plan for the Lynde Creek Watershed. The plan wili serve as a guide for ail f uture developmnts wthin the watershed. The Town wili approach the Centrai Lake parking rather than a total parking restriction. Town operations staff say a restriction on the north sie relieves congestion concems while stili aliowing enaugh back-up parking for the ciinic. After discusion, the recommoendation was a-mended so that north sie restcton began at 112 John St. E. and continued ta -Green, ta leave. more parking space for the clinic. Recommeded to coumcil Blue box. Pick-up may be every, 2 weeks in. Whitby BC y Marto Boucher ins"tead of $437,367 to the town if Pikup of blue boxes may take the Regionof Durham stops pay- place ever two weeks instead of in or the service, he said. ahwekat Whitby househoids. Pinanciai assistance from the The plan to aiter the service is Ministry of the Environmient was expected Ito go into effect next re9uested by Durham Region, hoe February, according to councillor sad. Tom Edwards, after a recommen- Crrug9ated1 cardboard, glass dation* was made at Mondays jars, and botties, metai food- and Town operations committee beeaeýas esapors, PET m~eeting. sf dikcontainers;- and tele- The reduction in-'service pon'oosca1eeyce mean an estimated :,saving of>' une h urn tm $123,,000 annuaià ly tô the Towvn. , fine and mixed paeer, maga- Edwards said .the« blue boxes .zinos and mixed plastics may Do are ,not always fuil with theaddt h evc ntena curentweeîyservice, future. «Tlhe >more .satu »,essful ktis-the ___________ more costi>r it-ii.,» said Edwarcls. Councilior Joe' Drunm XaSed I ~ ':" with Edwards that <the cost -oôf I-' ...... doing it is' horrendous, and thé XX. cotoéfnot doing it isalso horren-, I' M According to -Edwards Whitby ......._.............: is on. of the first communitiesté " deai with the issue of blue box Awne aktfudi Hovie veyt wo weeks. o Mbi engiv.tgtda "adde2' that the quality of' bsoivosigthe"s service wiii b. maintained. m- poss of Bclu.. in ng ei Edwardà said h. was worried mrdr f .urinton'sLsi that the reduction- in service Mahaffy- wouid, resuit iii an- increase in, The jacket, found Sept. 8 iia garb>age ail over Whitby. '* . dumpater behind the Bank of The current blueboxi contract Moea à t the four corners, ends on*. Dec. 31. The pro e containod a -clour newspaper fiv-yar onrac wth 1Ir photo of Mahaffy. Waste Systems<$1,5 The coat was turned over té annuaiiy) begins Fée. 1. Durham ý Regionai Police and Council has 'aiready approved transferred té, Niagara Regional negotiations with the presnt Poli ce, according-to Staff Ser- contractér to* make sure bXue box geant Bey Graham. service continues through Janu- The romains of -the Burlington ary. teenaior were discovered on- Currentiy the Région, of Dur- June 29, 1991, 14 days after she hamn funds tjhe service. But if the was reportedmissing. fmanciai resjponsibility falis, on. -ishermen' found the body on the- municipalities, a provision thi.ede of Beaverdams Road. wiii' be - required for the ' cost of Her body had been dismembered recycling n the 1992 budget. and ec e ieet Egdwardsa said there wiii be leus Niagara rional Police Staff of a shock if the Region of Dur- Sergean er cae si hani doesn't pay for the service mates that testing on the jacket because of tho reduction iser- may take 12 weeks. vice.. Açcording té police, there are It wouid cost about $314,952 no suspects at this tie. PRESENTS Canada's. First Refomi Party Mem"bes of theà plic are invited Tickets are $1 0.00 each and can be obtained by oellung: Oshawa Whitby,Ajax, Pickering. 721-9022 430-3495 r%- :ê,ureaif Seminar-This SatUrday iO:OÃ"OA.M. i-ree UUILY"M~~ -- k' JOHN BROU WER GARDEN' AND LANDSCAPING CENTRE 650 Lakèrldge Rd. S., Ajax, Ont. Tel.: (416) 686-1545 orOSS\1ý6580 0OP EN: mon-FI. am nOmo ($lOoo OFF, -11 Special good fii Sept. 30/9f Paint-services starting fram $499.95 Vans, trucks and commercial vehicies by estimate. Rust Bodywork extra. You'll find -we have: Quality paint services,,for.every* budget * Written warranties honored at' more than 400 locations Siate-of-,the-art -paint fià i'hos @'Expert body repairs Timely service *Fuit collision service> *And the kind of experience that cornes from servicing, more than six million-customers, 4 ~N'I ~40 !MY~ OUWER" - - - - - - - - - - 1