Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1991, p. 15

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wHIrBYFREE p~iÉes~ WEDNEBDAY, as, iè,i~ PAGE 15 SEýPT E M B E R -2 9-O'CT.OGB E R 6, 1991 Waste- RedconWe Sept 30té ct. 5 s Otaxo'5 The name for this year' event té place gréater emp1lasis on the Seeth a0nnual éve (ntalrooe is en hngdfrom Recycing first two Rah-- reduction and waste reduction. Week té Waste Reduction Week yeuse. Réduction and reuse are a THE DURHAM Becycing Centre il wesntedo everyr weekTee be in~alcha nhiFebruary..Blue are nana to ock.up unused telephoneý boespckdUO eerytwo oo»when -Xe new editions omeU greater priority than the third R i 1,1 recyclinig --i the waste i reduction bierarchy. Durham Region is alié lanmng to mark Waste i Reduction Week '91. A vaiety of activities have been planned by the waste reduction week co-ordinators in Durham's area municipalities. .Waste Reduction Week '91 is an annual project of the Recydling Council of Ontario, (RCO>, -a non-proft envýironmental advo- dacy group which dedicates itself to educating the various sectors of Ontario society about was te minimization. With 'steady growth, the annual event bas become more widely known ýand proclaimed. Last year, close ta 180 municipalties and orgarnizations organized activities tu awaken people to the reality of the volume' of waste that is collectively generated, and ta instill a dense of individual responsoibility in solving the problem. Durhamn Region has, implemented many waste diversion pogama. These include: *the -distribution of over 107,000 blue boxes; 0 the operation of 35igloo sites, recycing drop-off dépotfor glass4, newsaprand cana ad plastic ppotesthroughoùt *the region for résidents not serviced with' curbside collection; e the opération of depota .for residentil recyclable inaterls .8at regional transfer stations. Mater"al acceptediniclude: tires., scrap metal anad0old appliances, aluminum,1 old corrugated cardboard, waste oil, propane cylindeTs4 concretel, batteries,ý jlothes, brush, wood and drywall; e the distribution of approxi- mately 2,000 compoeting barrels to residents ý interested i backyard composting;* *the sale * f up to, 70,000 commercial baclcyard composters to the residents of Durham *Region at a reduced cest of $20 and $26; *the collection of leaves forç centralcoempostin*g, * providing resource assstance, .a fre waste audit and, if necessary, .making recommen- dations to industries interested in developng waste ireduct*on4,reuse and rewcydling porgrams;> e a fine paper study has been initiated to.study the potential of recycing, in the corporatWl comimercial sector; * the Toxic Tax, a specially equipped van for door-to-door cdiection of household hazardous wastes, by appintment; " *. a household hazardous waste depot at thé Oshawa transfer station for residential use. More .information -regarding Recycling Weekactivities or any of the above-mentïonried -r rM13 can be obtained 1ab. callng the Region works department at 668-7721. ZERO GARBAGE DAY - WEDNESDAY, >OCT. 2' Many of you are already aware that Waste Reduction Week begins on Sep t. 29. To draw spécial attention ta, the'amount of gbage individuals throw out, the Recycing Council of Ontaro has désignatédi Wednesday, Oct. 2 as -zero Garbage Day. Ever Ontarian is asked not to, generate any garbage for a day, and that doesn't mean saving it for the next diiy. As our landifilse continue- toMIl up, Ontario's challenge is té reduce its solid waste stream by 60 per cent by thé year 2000. Thats only nine years té make the ffls everyday habits. Those who.compost,, recycle and, in géneral, are thrifty souls with a conservative nature, wont find this mucl cf a challenge However, here are a féw suggestions for those wh feel it.is impossible ta put out léss than three garbage bags each week. *Make purchasés that eithér have no packaging or thé package cari be recycled. Even 10 postage me corne overpakgd in the hanging cadboard container. Tn, glass and the PE.T plastic pop botle are collected inthe blue box. Somne supermarkets, Bulk Barn, K-Mart and Reid's Dairy stores will collect film plastic. * Instéad of tbrowing organic kçitchen craps into a garbage bag, takethém ta the backyard and cover with earth and yarýd waste to create a soil conditionér called compost. " Eating in a fast food restaurant? Take your own plate. " Giving a gift? Wrap it in newspaper. " Work in a fiower shop? Compost flowér trimmingsa at home. 0* Use disposable -diapers (no fair blaming baby)? Try a diaprvce for the month or purchase- loth dia pers. e ak your own bags or hampérs ta the supermarkét. R'E C VC L E - Glass re-use.d to mke roads-l riigin Durham-,Région co»i son smooth amlas As prtofa DurhamIRgon works test project in con4junctmon with Miller -Paving, recycled glass isgbeiîng ixéd wýith granu- 1e rvel ta iake ara sub-base ueéd for paving roadB. The 12-month test Project began in January and han been used ini the repaving of Thickson Rd . Whitby. «We réceive the glass, crunch it and screen it ta, maké a pure material. Thére are noéCshar edg~s you could put your hand i;,s» ays Tom Henn sey- business clevelopment manager for Miller. Region glass, colléctéd i the blue -box programn, had beén previously taken té Con- sumers i Toronto. Howéver, the monoplisitc relatiosiup was not benefiîcial ta DurhazM. «ffthere was one item that was contazinated, they (Con- sumers)-would r9ect the whole load" said Ken Donnelly, mana- vrf aste reduction for Dur- With Miller's glass recycling, a ceramic piece would not con- taminate an entire load., 1In fact, it would be grouýnd with the glass ta form a similar matenial. Thé concept began as a pro- posai from Millerl'aving ta the Rflon. "I don't lnow if this lias* been done in this manner anywhere else," said Donnelly. The Muffer p lant is located neit té the Régon 'recydling. centre iWhitby. ' .>1 I 1~MI1~.I~2wM Éh . I proaoue&Z459ïOfl5 of grass. A uJ ,regional recychng worker watches asga li.dmpe into bina. The 39is Pavmd>bawon-b-bsseo -~ 2 -pp' Eý PEOI rie- -- ir-ý- V[ý9

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