Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1991, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WWMTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEFrEMMER 26, 1991 Ca.r costs drive« Canadians south SUNSHINE AUTO. SALES 11(14M4roR/r(r Dot use your môney try cur RENT TO OWN! As;V:e tite f $00 own anci $100 per month on ou r NO .INTERE$T payentplan. No one refusedi ~ PLPOInsur arce and Licence plates neecded. Over 2casto choose from.' Also outright sales as Is or Certifled e esonable prices. For. more information phone, MH OEOFTEETTO OWN SUNSINE AU TO: SALES, * Brook St. N.:Whitby: WISE SHOPPIRS SHOP AT VAN. HEIIEN TIRES Radial T/As FREE LIMITED ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE *Superior tread li e f rom advanced tread and beit conf igu rations. " Road gripping wet, dry and snow traction t rom al-season tread design - branded M&S for mud and snow. " Qulck steerlng response,, due to two f ull-width stacked steel beits and polyester sldeIl lpiles " Full depth lateral grooves shed water to resist hydroplaning. " Reversible for your choice of raised white or serrated black letters. Select sizes available in black letters only. *S speed-rated: permits continuous use up to 180km/h (112 mph). P245/50Rl 6... 1118.0 P215/È0R1 3..106.00 P225/60SR1 4...103.00 P235/50R13 .....118.00 P235/60SR1 4...107.00 P245/50R1 4.. 126.00 P245/60SR1 4 A..11.00 P265/5R14 ..128.00 P236/60SR1 5...1 14.00 P265/50R15..130.00 P245/60SR15...119.00 P275/50R1 5..134.00 P255/60SR1 5 ... 123.00 P29515OR15..140.00 P275/60SR15 ...130.00 P195/60SR13..88.00 P215/65SR1 5...104.00 P205160SR1 3..92.00 P 175/70SR1 3. 83 .00 P215/60SR13..96.00 P18517OSR13..87.00 P19516OSR14..97.00 P19517OSR13..90.00 P215/60SR14..99.00 P20517OSR13..94.00 Pl185/70SR1 4..93.00 P 195/70SR14 ...99.00 P205/70SR14 ...105.00 P215/70SR14 ... 107.00 P22517OSR14 ... 109.00 P235/70SR14 4..112.00 P215/70SR15 ... 105.00 P225/70SR15 ... 109.00 P2357OSR15 ... 113.00 P255/70SR15 ... 118.00 P28517OSR15 ... 132.00 OAA president Michael S.' McNeil says that despite the increase in owning and operating a car, Canacians still attach great importance te the convenience and freedom an automobile provides.. "Unfortunately," he says, "many Canadians attempting ta economize on operatillg ceets are being driven to the United States where gasoline is not taxoline."1 DRIV SAFELY wîth RANDY RANDY McLEAN US'A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIALIZES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY. Mr. McLean has reviewed thousands of indivîduai motor' vehicle accident reports anid his close working relationships with police agencies, governments, safety associationls, industry anid the public, have given hm a truc overview of traffic satety issues. problems and solutions in Canada. Dangerous spaoe .According te. CAA's calcula- tions, a motorist who accesses the United States frequently can enjoy savingu of close to $500 per year on fuel cos alone by purchasing gasoline in the U.S. rather than buying excessively- taxed Canadian gasoline.ý "No doubt this'is, hurting the Canadian economy: in general and the tourismn ' industry in particular," says McNeil. Cruising Classics:e Calendar chaos The cost of owning and operating a car has climbed ta, about $575 a month -- up from $556 this time last year, according ta, the Canadian Automobile Association (OAA). The OAA Car Costs report is based on figures provided by Runzheimer International, a management consulting firm that prvdes service ta accurately measure costs of -transportation, taxes, meals, goods and services, lodging and housing. -' Car Cost data reveals that it now costs the Canadien motorist an average of $6,891 por year, or $574.25 per month, ta operate his or her automobil . In fact, the only motorists who can expect to pay* lesa than $500 a moLth are those who own subcompact cars and live in a low-cost province like Alberta, where the average cost per month is $493.33. OAA Car Costs for 1991-92 are based on the 1991 Ford Tempo GL with a 2.3 litre, 4-cylinder engine that is driven 24,000 kms per year. The four-door sedan is equipped with standard and optional accessories including AM/FM stereo, auto- matic transmission, power steering, power dise brakes, rear window defogger, an engine block heater and heavy duty battery. Operating coits include gas and,, o, 6 cents per. kilometré; maintenance, 1.74 cents per kçilometre; and 76 cents for tire wear. Ownership cots change littie > with the amount driven. They include insurance ($100 dedue- tible comprehensive,- $250 collision, $500 inclusiv e third- party liability), $878 per year; snow tires, $61 per year; licence and registration fees, $105 per year; depreciation, $2,849 per year; and finance expenses, $958 pr yea. Ownership costs tatalled $4,851P, up three per cent from lest year. Car Costs includes caictilations for annuel driving distances of 16,000, 24,000 and 32,000 kms with gasoline prioed at a national average of 57.6 cents per litre. assembly lime. And when it does, my1 husband and I want absolutely nothing ta do with the New Car calendar. We can handle being 12 heurs Off. We are even lerning ta adjust ta being 12 months off. ,But living in the, wrong century would surely be more than we could take. Da*u Septunber 6St. md-Docombot 1991 Bout. 5 p.u. t. 9.a pm., wooldayu LaugumEqff1hhFfechtaàlPortugusoand Cantonoo On. in ovury 50 bouuoholda i the . oueterToronto Area (lncudlng Motro Toronto, the. tglon. Of Pool, Duhmz,HaItOgl York andtHamllton-WW tth) v ill b. contactoil. sutveY queatlonbaton cesios ake wil elae o UP@Mad b mmber r cochh ouaood. SamPlLrBM Darm je confidontal. and vil ady beused nihiornbnatlon with other houuoholte, t. ohmn genotul trace) fonda. No Individualsor houasolda vill be idontiitd. Trave trivu £rom 1lm uvuy Total homohol im Uii rusturToronto Arum 1,470j»0 Aet ous nad isehl.8peonper. houambolit Lowu0¶ vaile hiMeLo Toronto et 1.22 per houmuhold ighst vhre llOwn ,spYtk Reon at 1 M prIOombal AToaripe 8.8 mfflon daly i the.OromtumToronto Arum, 14 por ceit of al houfoholda did mot haveavhlo 23 par ceit of aUlttipe made vuce to vork vith amIlmilar number returalng hogne or travelling te othur destnatliusfrom v@rk. 62ptci ftho total population ot 00O voe lleonod t. driLe 18po c cf ar i tn. vu mmd. . 72 por cuit cf au tnip. voe mad by automobile. S por cent of .1 ttipe on rmade by!wallngor bicycle. 1 poaren of mli ttips vone made by other mm uhs umotorc7cle. obviously important ta watch other vehicles, it can be equally, and sometixnes more important, ta pay attention ta the spaces between them. Consider this common accident scenari. 'A vehicle is niaking a left turn eut of a driveway on ta a niulti-lane arterial road near a si -nalized intersetion -(typical of a car eiting fom a gare station). Approaching vehicles in te curb lane s top, but cars in the second and third lane dont, tane the exiting vehicle is struck breadside by the car in the centre lane. The cars in the curb lane effectively screened the..çar eiting the driveway frmte field of vision of the driver in the centre lane, while lie or she may net have seen the space between the two .vehicles in the curb lane. Thiis should have set off warning ligts, flashing in the driver's mind. Wherever there, is a space, there is also the potential, and likelihoed, that that space will seon be filled with anether vehicle, truck, bicycle or pedestrian. Another commen accident situation occurs on 'oads. with three lanes in the same direction of travel, and an empty[space in the middle lane. What is the most often overlooked hazard that JFrequentiy, cars in unm e cALLDu eists on every road? leftlane will see, and try ta move inta, this space Space, empty space! Specifically, the empty at the same timie. spaces between ývehicles. In this' situation, the accident usually occurs No one bas ever collided with an empty sae. when one of the two drivers recognizes the Or, at least ne one bas ever been injrda impending danger but overreacté, and darts back result of colliding with space. Police accident inta bis/lier original lane causn.aý chain reaction fors on~ lstspace as one of the possible of brake lighits and swerving vehicles. collision objects.Anlweshv nt yet On cengested roads, empty spaces do net figured out bow ta sue- you or I for daage ta reinaia. mpty very long. They are usually filled their limes space, Yet, insurance cempany by movinç objects. The bigger - the. space, the records are full of accidents caused by empty quicker its.a e y to befiled. Pay particular space. . attention ta unusually large spaces 1and'spaces in "He came eut of newhere." unusual * locations. Expeet something ta fill the "Her car was invisible." Sae tcudbaohrcr,,bileoa ml "Trhe space was toe small." sie i cul b1atercra icc o <asml 'MHow can empty spaces be a hazard7' An eînpty space' beside "a driveway is,.a Most drivers are taught ta pay attention ta, dangerous combnation. Drive wvith cautionas other cars, trucks, bicycles and peestrianson or you approach this ty*pe of space, esecîialy if you. near the road. We tend ta, think of spaces as the can't se what's in thée driveway. And, vilp,ý-?t j r; PROM FA GE 22 Because in eight years (we think), we, have ta have enough money saved so that both 0f us can retire. Sometime in the srummer of 1999, that first model 2000 will make its long, slow way down the wv MO e ..**à

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