Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1991, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WH1TBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, SPEBR25;- 1991 SYWCA, Children's prograins began Sept. 16 at the Oshawa YWCA. Programa include -Kindergym, Children's Hour, Little, ChefEs, Take-a-Break and -many re. For* information or.t eitr ca 576-8880. NATIONAL CAGE BIRD SHOW AND DISPLAY 0F PAWIS Tii. Durham Avicultural Sodet~y of Ontarlo will hold the 32nd national cage bird show and diaplay of parrots on Se t 29,10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at erin ReretonCm lexq Valley Far Rd.L suhof wy.'2% West of BrockRd) Admission is- $3,.$2, forseir and, children under age 12. For more information, contact WMce Moase at 723-1978. g I. VARIETY SHOW Tiie Rainbow Caat' of Rayefra will present .Siiowcase ,of Entertainment Variety Show at Eastdale -Collegiate auditorium, 265 Harmony Rd., N., Oshawa, on Saturday, Sept. 28. 'fie first show will'b. at 12:30 p.m. final dresa rehearsal benefit perform- ance), with a second -show at 7:30 p.m., Cost is $5 for adulte,, $3 for children. Tis is a special eventta rais. money for, 1991 United Way fundraising drive. ~.~Tt# CORPORATION-0F THE TOW N CF WHITBY PARKS AND RECREAllON DEPT. SPECIAL NOTICE COMMUNITY'SCHOOILS ANNUAL' Due notSicsgiven for the annuai geèneral meetings ýf thm following community schools: BELLWOOD0 COMMUNITY SCIIOOL 30 Bellwood Drive 571-4770 GLEN DHU cowmuNITy SCIIOOL 29 Fallingbrook Street 666-0969 PALMERSTON COMMUNITY 801001 400 Palmerston Avenue 666-0959 TuSmmy, Ocbaber29- 7:00 pin. W.éioscb, Ocbbl«o 23.- 7:30 pin. WockissyOclober 9 - 7.15 pin. PRINGLE CREEI< COMMUNITY SOHOOL Wedre*isy, Ocloborle6- 80 Ribbtesdale Drive 7:30 pin. 668-0666 FOR BEER LOVERS ONLY BRE W your own great tasting ~ BER on our premises. 26 VARIETIES TO CHOOSE FROMI! 831BEER rewr Orff OGNELGIA SOCIETY Ontarjo Genealogical -Society will hold. a meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 7:15 to, 10 p.m., in the cfeteria at Henry Street Hligh School,' 614 Henry St, Wbitby. Guest speaker, Louise Johnson, will discuss the topic <Ajax - Past, Present and Future.' Admission is free,, and all are welcome. For further .information, oeIl Bessie Gannoný at 723-7460 or Joyce Hilten at 668-8177. MACHEUMENFITEIRS GUILD S Oshawa Machine' Knitters Guild will hold- a meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 7 p.m., at Dr. S.J. Phillips School, 625 Simcoe- St. N. (at Rosland), Oshawa. There wili be a demonstration on how te make afghans. For further information, call 728-8531. PARINMSON SUPPORT .GROUF Parkinson Support Group, Durham Region chapter, will hold a general meeting on. Monday, Oct. 7, fm 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., at St.. Mark's. United Church, Wiiitbyý (corner of Coborne and Centre Sta., south do or entrance to assembly hall). Ail are wlcom,. Refreshinents will b. available. For more information, caIl 666-8576 or 668-6580. BIRD HOW Tii. 32nd National Bird Show and Display of Parrots ill fib. held on Sunday, Sept. 29, 10 a.m. teo 4 p.m., at the' Pickering recreation complex, Valley Farm Rd., Plckering (south from Hwy. 2, w*est of Brock Rd.). ýAdmission is $3, $2 for seniors or children ag.d 12 and under. ARTEERITIS FUNDRAISER Volunteers will hold a fun- draising sale for the Arthritis Sale at 22 Baldwin St., Brooklin oh Saturday, Sept. 28, 9 a.m. te 5 p..Raffle p 'ze Il b. drawn. Frmore information caîl 655- 8896. J NNon'-prfit communlt goup whlch aroasedin Whtyor have a utlai'Whltbyý membership may place their> page a no cost. FIELD NA¶VRALIMT The. Durham Region,' Field Naturaliats will hold a meeting on Monda 'Sept. 30, 7:30 p2.m., at the NLiewPubliceLibrary, 250 Beatrice St. E. Oshawa. James Cook of tii D;rhiam Board of EduÎcation will speak on. the topic * Outdoor and. Environ- mental Education in Durham!' General meetings are held on the last Monday of each month. Tiiere are also outings, walka and workahops throughout the. year. New members are welcome. .FREE 1NO SPANISH EEMENTARY UDEN1M Oshawa Spanish Canadian Cultural Society offers Spanish as a second language fi=m idnder- gartento 'grade 8. Classes are offered outside regular echool hours. The'program includes text books for each level, arts and craftsý, imaginative games to help learn and review vocabulary, and grammar, and tr-aditional sô'ngs in Spanish. Also included is the Walt Disney talkng book. Classes start in Septemiber.. For enrol- ment, call 430-7829 or 579-2334. SENIOIRS SLO-ITC *Tii. Wiiitby Seniors Activity Centre has. organized'its flrst ever slo-pitch game to, b. held on Friday, Sept. 27 at 2 p.m. at Peel Pàrk. Bth teama are encouraging Wihitby seniors, te corne out -to watch the game and cheer for the team of their choice. SODA SHOP BOP Tii. Big Brothers. Association of Oshawà-Whitby will hold a buffet dinner dance ('Canadian-' Ukrainian cuisine' on, Friday, Sept. 27, 8 p.m. te f a.m., at -Lviv St. George's Ukrainian hall' 592 Albert St., Oshawa. Tii. dance will begin at 8 p.m., with a buffet dinner served at 10 p.m. Tiiere will b. a prize for best -costume. ickets are $25 per, person and maY be obtained by calling 579-2551. -BUwCA FS HP LBLUE OCEAN FISH & CHIPS] RETIBMEN-PLANNING ,The 'Town. oif- Whitby, parka and recreation department and, the Whitby Public' Libra - are co-ordnating -a,,retirement planing1 ram for, remieao Whihy- Iii »vn-Yvek-progrm, dIll b. Offiéred at, the .libraryon Tuesdayws ýfrom, 7 ..to19 p.m. 1inImRg ,Oct.- 8, Resourco people -"výi* , informiation .on pensminàvestments,. legai' isue%, use of leisur time, hoalth,. housing .and general retirement options. The. fee for the . pragram is $25 siengleï, or$4 par* couple . R1egstr in peraon_ at Informatiçp Whitby at, tii.library from 9:30l a.m. t 9--P.m . -W1eékdays, or Satuirdays from Wam.to5'p.mn. Deadline for.registr.ionis Oct.32., For information, cail 668-1424 ROTIARY CLUB MEETINGS The Rotary Club> of Whitby meets everyTuùesday, 7:15 a.m., at the Golden Griddle Restaurant Kendalwood Plaza, Whitby. For further. information, contact Peers Davidson at 668-6759 or Krish Krishnan at 666-3642. H~PFOIR VETERANM Veernsor, members cf veterans' families c an get. infor- mation about pensions, allow- ances -or medical assistance by who bat their pensions when' they remarýried cam probably get their pensions resumed. OPEN HOUSE AT WKITBY COMM«UNITY CARE Whitby. Community Car. will hold an open houa. in Sclebration of the. official opening ofits new office at 209 Dundas St., E. on Tiiursday, Sept. 26, from 3 to 5 p.m. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place at 3:30 p.m. Al are welcome to attend. MAKING CHEANGES Tii. purpose of the, group is ta, help adultchildren of alcoholics mak .cangs~in s. heir lives.by, providing ,tii needed information and support. -Thei. Family Education Resource Centre: of. Durham Houa. will offer the 12-session group at. Durhami Houa. on.-.Wednesday. Oct. 9i' from 7 to 9.p.m. Tii. format wil b._ short talka, videos and group discussions. For more information and to register, cal the centre at 579-2021 or 686-4353. 1

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