Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1991, p. 30

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PAGE 30, WHITY FREE pREss, wEDNEsDAY, sEPTEM:BER 25, 1991 THE GREY Nuns, who were promlinen week. The nuns received an, award of in Catholie education ini Whitby for menit for thefr service in education in rnany years, were recognized by the the community. Durham separate Isehool board last Chris Boy!. photo "Wbys.Grey Nuni? were recognizd for thir contribution te the. sciiooicommunit3y by-the Durhamn sepate achool board on Immaculate &aeition, thi, Grey Nuno, were firat mvited ta corne te Whitby by Father Leo J. Austin in 1959. The ae te teach and adminisyter St. John the Evagelst atheicSciiool as" par of Whitby separate sciiool ,'Fatiior Austin thon requosted that the Grey Nuns 'consider suWtng a Catlic ehigh school Ho receved the necesual support suad Sister Anna- Claire was made the. flrst teaciier sud principal of the. shool. .Over the. years, the Grey Nuns nover wavered in the support of Archibishop Denis O'onnor CathiilEHgh Sciool. ,The contribution of the Sisters was a' complote sudful comrnitment. Numerous Sisters worked, taught and worked some more for the school. The Sisters received ltteor ne pay for their services. *The 'Orer' not only allowed numerous Sisters te romain in sevcbut aise contributed an anuldonation of $15,000 te the operating expenses of the. school. Bursares were- aIseprovided te students or familles unablIe te afford thie tuition fees Or school, uniforme. SThe. Sisters always offered te pay for any studont unable te do. se, se that no student would evèr ho turned away if a, faily was. unable .tepie the necessary fIrunda. The Grey Nuns .rovded'the first throe prin.ipalsof i ochool: Sister. Anna Claire,ý Sisfter Mildred Meleand- Sisteir Mary Goulet.*-They *provlded -the. leadershiip neoded te keep the, shool goen'.ý Even.tedy, 'the Sisters are. activelY_:- involved in .'the community, in the teaching field, i the Parish life, in home visita and .visite te Fairvew Lodge. The.-board 'presented -the award of merit 1te the Grey Sisters Of *the Inunaculate Conception in..the s'aine yeai their_-.fouàndress marguerite d'ouville was'canonized. Durhiam Board of Edcl'ation Environmental committee earns honours -o The Durham Board cf providigkdesi in 'moving the. co-ordination cf EarOh Day A cha nge at. th et zaUUUUkLUU EnviALIunenti~U Stee ning Comiittee recently receîved the .1991 Bruce Mathen Award. Tho award is presented annually te an individual staff member or staff toam who has made an exceptional contribution te the. growth of others. The. Environmental Steennu Conmmitte. was formed in thei.l of 1989 froin an ad hoc group of concerned and envinmentally committed Durham educators. Tii. group began the. task of z4AU LaraU tU7U l awarenes, knowledge sud action in thearea of 'the envinonient. With the, assistance and co-operation of numerous staff and community memibers, msuny environme.ntal activities have begun. .These include an environ- mental summiit sud follow-up confenence, tii. developmnent of a draft environinental policy, a second environmental summit, presentations to a number of other sciiool boards sud groupe, activities and iree plantiIngs ii Durhamn schools. SOn Sept. 9, director Pauline Laing and Durham board chimnIan Brown. presented committe. membens John Briggs, Jimi Cook, Jan Montg6mery, David Royle, Don Farquharson, Linda Stuparyk and Jay Thibert with plaques te, commemonate the. winning of tii. Bruce Mather Tue group aise will receive a choque i the amnount of $500 te, ho appliod te a project of their choice. ChiIld cam forum at ccllege A Child Care Community Forum is being held Saturday, Sept. 28, 9 a.m. te, 3:45 p.m., at. Durhamn CoUlee Dlivering te keynot. address is Maude B arlowo, consultant, sciilar, socal justice adviser, author, media host sud currently national chairmn, Council of Canadians. Barlow's tepic will ho 'Tue Challenge of Quality Child Caro in the 90s9' 'W. are pleased te have someone of Ms. Barlows calibre addressing the. Chuld Car. Cormnunity Forum - Durhamn Rogion," says Nancy Draper, a forum facilitaten and principal consultant conducting the, Child Cane Community Needa Study - Durhamn Region. '1he forum will ho an excellent op)portunity for parents, child cane professionals, the. communlty and govennmnent te meet sud discuss issues, strategies and models relevant te child car. cornmunity planning in Durham Rweon." The foilowing concurrent sesions have been scheduled for tuis one-day forum: traiing sud education, flexible modela, resources for parents at home, rural child care, pivate home day car. s chool-age child 'care, emlyrciild ,cgre, independent,. ]Registratio: available at centres, Dur] building -rece] calling Nar Consultants ai Tue regfisti 'Thi mn forms are ;local chuld car. iiam College (main option area) on by ricy M. Draper it (416> 571-2970. bration fee for the. forum is *$20 sud includes the. cost cf the forum matenials, lunch sud nefreshmont breaks. Child cane services wlll ho offered by E.C=. qus'Iified staff at the. presehool learning centre located at the forum site. )ESO C :10 . OAA Dating Game' By 0naBbigo Helo.Sonia ebbington reponting from tii. depths of the. woolen prison that make up My ilt. From my tartan oel do I write tuis column. Another- school year. has started,. and ý-the. changes are abundant. Most noteworthy i the. change cf principal here at DUYC. For 23 years, Denis O'Connor students have been grwn nigiitmanlshly fond of Tom Fltzsimmons, who became principal here in the 1985-86- school year. Ibis year, DU'C weicomes Brian Hughes as thie new principal. Students wish te ectend' host 'wishes te Mn. Fitzsimmons and his loyal subjects- at Msgr. Pereyma, sund we -look forward toe titre ta corne with Mr. Hughes. W. trust h. is a captain wonthy cf tii.DOUC entity. W. aiseo welcome Mr. Visconti as a new V.P. , and two new teaciiers, Mr. C. DaCunha sud Mr. K. Barltrop. The flrst two weeks cf school have been just chock-full o' events, sud se do I humblybegin. After barely a week of negular classes, a . group of grade 12 students sud two teachersmde off for >a three- day vacation undor the guise of a piiys-od, camp. Organizers. cf tii. farce dubbed it 'Camp Kandalore'and cannied "te charade se far that students were forced te, partake in activitios such -as rock diUmbing, arch.ny, canoeing sud the lik.. They blew tiieir cover, iiowever, wiien including eating sud sleeping on the agenda. 1This past week DUYC has played host te two asseniblies, the. finat of- which took ' lace on Tuosday. It was conducted, by ono Bey Hadlsud, -was .entitled' f Hang on te Your Hormones,' and consisted of a riveting talk about teen sexualitv. Tue 'ècond assembly occrred on Fniday. TH-o v'as a multimedia assembly entitled 'Champions,' sud =deaith the peilîs of substance abuicie. Jr.terest in this subject lha led <o the c=onception of Denis (>'Cc o irs AD(Students Against Drunk Drlving) chapter, * wI.ich is advised by'Mr. J. Kraus.--- . I wish 'ail the DU'C community aàproduhctive year, sud al cf youq a prodli-tive week. Until. next turne... By Kathryn a mnsy #1, Derek 93wain. frm,4*. é W"ith the first month of Next up was Andy Brereton New agrem rm fnt for nuri t eIIGLW l Anderson's school year now with Samantha Lamb, Wendy c p n almoet ove; ailscholactivities, Te and Km. Terrons. Andy EuainMnse ain-fryl e o *h wes bothi academie and social, are weU loais =akd varlous questions Euaio iise aro f ries copriigt llon. underway. before selecting contestant #3, Boyd han signed an-ageement on re ecomttng$ mllo On Thursday, Sept. 19. the Kim Torrens. behaif of boards of education, in this fiscal year. This will cover students participated in their The audience declared the giving teachers the legal. means to 'copyright ý royalties and ensure first officiai Spirit Da. Durin ovnt to be a huge succes% and photocopy works protected by that teachers, and students have the lunch period,af:Letàf each wimng couple will have an copyright- access té the materials they students sqeze nto the evening out at the movies, paid Te fgremnt between the' need,"- Boy.d says. cafeteria te wateh Andersosfor by suetcuni.Wo Ministry ofEducation and Seho@l illrece e'infor version of "The Dating Game.' knows, thiis first date may lead t<> CANCOPY (Canadian Repro- mation about CANCOPY agree- The first contestant 'was a long relationship. graphy Collective) allows not-for- ment by early October.,,Teaciers Natasha Haldane, 'with Dereli profit photocopying of -publisiied will receive "a brochure that speils Swain, Mark Iàao and Simon The student <lance committee materials for instructional out everything theoy nfieed t6 know Wnh a h eii l is met for the flrst time last purposes.* about piiotbcopying ' material that Wrcighto s h end a ocre)Wednesday te begin rearation May be- protctdby copyright. hidden froin *Natashas view. for a sehool <ance on Friday, CANCOPY«is an incorporated Posters wiil"aise h sent to Natasha- asked varlous questions, Sept. 27. This flrst dance wfll ho féderal non-profit organization schools. Theyl'ilb. posted by such as whicii teaciier do %*U a laser light dance and the music with a mandate to provide easy phiotocopiers as a reminder of the ~uonpo, ex'>1re%<> will conast of various -requests accoasteopyright materiai as do's and- don'ts'of photocopyrn -doeaio~ -nd-choc...~da3Lt~LUdi~àd<MV~U S:B ~ bu iof Q~é~IhÇA~OPYagrenL For support of Whitby, high sohool Grey N uns reoe ive sohool award 1 DE-NIS O'CONNOR HIGH SCHOOL .1 1 9

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