Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1991, p. 32

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PAGE 32, WHITBY FME PRESS,WDNSAE1EMR2519 ., 1eu THE, TGV CONSULTANTS lnterested in FREE TOYS? Why flot hast a Jocus Toy Partyl An. ideal way to shop eauly for Christmas. A great fundrasng idea. Start your own exciting career. Fora complmentay catalogue and more information, please cal HoU I668-5042 Mog 66&4925. DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE with major steel building manufacturer. Snsameas taken. T o qualiy(303) 759-3200, ext. 902. WDEPENDENCE, SECURITY and an Executive Incarne are y rssowner of the Good News Advertising Agency in Whitby/ Oshawa. You belonp to an t matoal Network with pre-sald beal clients and recelve f ull training. supplies and on-gain g support. Ideal for M/F with salés/marketing * background. kwvestmetit from $3,500. Free bifo/kit: caili416) 248-5555 colleot. j- - - - - - - - GUITAR LESSONS. Beginner and advanced. Accoustia or electric. CalilLau, 666-1979, Whitby. Attention Music Loversi PLAY-IN-A-MONTH An exclting keybaard course for adult will teach you lni a painlesa way how ta play music you always enjayed.- For more information cal Halina or Stan J430-3038 DAY CARE- AVAILABLE ln my home. Excellent references. Any age welcome. Vernon & Cachrane area. 668-8617. DAY CARE AVAILABLE- Warmn & carin enviranment that a child will fin6- stimulating & fun, according ta their needs. Garden/Rossland. 430-6278. IIMORTPAGM*i ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE gettlng auto insurance bécause cf age, pon driving record, or suspension of license? Perhaps -we can help. Phone 666-2090. blonfbre l o ualir texture spray.- fancy ceillng designa *cmm ownmdin~< eW ap.t lclasraaIhfacdmx Clarenont 1-416-M4-1256 Painting - Storm Doors Doug Hart Renovationa 725-4718 PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place ta go when your bank says *O7Serving Whitby, since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. Driving Lessons, $16 per lesson $40 per road test I Cam IEsquire Driving I 436-9254 KITCHENS LTD. 605 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 668-5162 U~1ÂYA'f~I>Est.35Yrs. JDOORS AND WINDOWSI QUAUTY DAY CARE ln my home. Provided b mother of two. References avai able. Cl oset BehWood School. 576-7503. REULABLE, DAY CARE ln a sale, frlendly environment. GardenV Manning. Gall Donna, 430-7052. DAY CARE - FUN &* LOVING home. Stimulating curriculumt consists of sangs. atonies. work sheets. table talk, crafts -& playtirne. Also piano & violin lessons for little anas included. Nutritiaus lunch & snacks. Reasonable rates.. Many refer- ences. Rossland/Anderson area. Call Sharan, 666-8167. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 DAY CARE AVAILABLE in loving home environment. Experienced. mother of two. Certif led infant CPR Great location for Hwy. 7 travellers. Any age welcome. 655-3742. UVE-OUT NANNY/babysitter for 4-1/2-year-old & 7-month-old, 2-5 days per week, 8:30 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Fallingbrook/Dryden. Please cal 430-3036. FALL SPECIAL Low Rates, Quality Work *Drywall & Taping ~ -Rec Rooms -Fancy Ceiling Design.s " Plaster Moldings Cali AI toclay for your free estimate 666-1657 PilRTIEIPilJ brIZ hllrn vai -655-491 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE irs FAST - Irs EASY! ONE CALL, ONE, BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG.- CALL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARKET. Open Daiiy. Vendors Saturdays and Sundays. Antiques, CaîIactibles. indoor ousdoor vending space availabie. (613) 752-2468. ird Feeding Park and pienla ares, spart carda. VACATION/TRAVEL SOUTH CAROLINA - MYRTIE BEACH RESORT. Oceantrant condos. housakeeping provlded. Indoor pools, saunas. tennis. Golf and vacation packages; wînter reniaia from $400Imonth. Fra brochure: 1-8W- 448-5653.1 ENJOY THANKSGIVING in Beautiful Haliburlon Highlands. Seanen isa intiuding Ihanksgiving dinnar. Fireplacas. TVa, entanainnient, indaor whlrlpoal and sauna, waterlront eqipment inctuded. Cali tolîfres 1- 800-461-7699. BAHAMAS VACATION. Enjoy a cruise tao e Bahiamas for 5 days and 4 nighis. $17350 U S. par persan. Cali (602) 350-9014. 'Restrctions apply.* 'Licensed and Bonded., RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEH & BONAIR CAMPING, Traitera. Hardlop- Folddown. Fith-Wheel. Travel, Park-Modela. Truck- Campars, Paris-accaissories. New-Used. Fibreline & Luor Fbergtass à Aluminum Truck-Capa. Consignmanis Wetcoma. Royal Traiter & R.V. Contre in Teviaidata, Ont. (519) 343-2122. MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES. lnventoiy Liquidation Sale. 40 units. New and used. Ail sizus and moaes. Ail prices slashrsd. Cati 1-800-263- 7955: North Brook RV. Port Perry. Ont. FOR SALE, JEEP OWNERS. Pans, Accessories for jeeps. 1942 Io 1991. Huge stock. 10w prices. Ouick service. Gemini Sales, 4736 E. Hastings. Burnaby. B.C.. V5C 2K7. Phone (604) 294-2623,.604) 294-4214. POTATO DIGGEFl wiih ptaning and hilling aitachmatnts. Onty $399. Phone 519) 659-0601. IF YOUR 006 WONT STAY HOME. We have the answertl is Amazing. It Elactronic. t-worksf Details: PAO. fRlgl, Bancroft. Ontario, KOL 1CO. 1-800-NO- LEASH. Fax (613) 332-1375. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO for unpaid taxes. Crown Land avaiabitîty. For information on bath wirite: Properfies, Dapt. CN, Box 5380, Stn F. Ottawa. K2C 3Jl. MORTGAGES NEED FAST CASH? We have monlgage money Io pay off your blsl No qualiiying hassefat Borraw $10.000. low monthiy re-paymont. Intransicon Financial 416) 650- 9455. Tolifrea 1-600-268-1429. MEDICAL SERVICES ONE 0F THE WALKING WOUNDED? Nutrition may help.' Calf/wrte the Jaconello Centre for Nutritionai MediciAe, 751 Pape Ave.. Suite 201. Toronto, M41< 3T1. (416) 463-2911. CAREER TRAINING, S TRUCKING FOR YOU. Lors discusa il. f ntroducing c extended programrs and Credit Courses. CaliI William at, 1-800-265-7173. Markel Training Sysîemm.E LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwesiamn Ontada School ai Aucllanoerlg. Next.ctss: Novembar 0-15! Information, contact: Sauthwestem Ontara Schoal 0f Auctioneering. RR.0, Waadstock . Ontauio. N4S 7V9I. (519}1537-2115. BUSINESS OPPORTUN1ES GROWTH INDUSTRY OF THE 190s. Diatributara raquired for enviro-friendIy household, commercial cfeaners & personai care praducts. Sacurad saga wilh. financiai independenca. Eaffh Producta. 416) 841-4414. THE ORIGINALJUICEWORKS* VENDING Machi ne. Eamn cath profits daify. vending frit jutaes; C South. Dew Drop. McCains, Suniisi, Uptons. Inveatments from $14,995. Inta Canadawide 1-800-465-5006. 1-9001976 pay par cali numbers available for Canadiens, in the US. Use our programa. create your own. Low stan up. huge profita. 416) 775-549. x27. RAISE CHINCHILLAS. We provide quaiity breading. stock, cages, supplies, detivery. Complete Instruction. Guaranteed market ofIod. Guaranteed production. Canadian Chinchilla, Box 1684. St. Maryt. Ontailo NOM 2V0. 519) 22"4117. HELP WANTED SUNSHINE VILLAGE Ski Resori, Banff. Alberta. requires enihusiasiic individuals. committed to Service Escellence, for various seasonai positions. Box 1510, Banff, AB, TOL 000. <403) 762-6546. NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gihas nueda Demionsirators ta self toys and giflsaia Home Parties. No invasiment or experience required. Esiabtîshed company. Cal today (519)258-7905. SALES HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE PART-TIME SALES (Na Board Fees) province wide. Dont lt your licence aspire. John F. Campbell Real Estate Ltd. <416) 588-2678 (Save tlîis ad) «BE RICH AND FAMOUS' FT 5100.000. PT $25,000 potential. Market Canadas Hotteat Muaic Videa Program. Be your own boss. Cail us today. Protected Terniories. 1-800-263-1900. STEEL BUILDINGS CLEARANCE ON ENDO0F SUMMER Inventory ai Steel Buildings. Savae5$, 20x3O $2.092, 40x6O $6,117. Pioneer/Econospan 1-800-6685422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel StraîtwaUf Typa - not quonset - 32x48 $5920; 40x64 $8556; 50x96 $15.331; 60xl2 12$21,270 - non-expandabie and(s), othar sizes avalabi e - imiîed sieel - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800- 26318499. SPAN-TEON STEEL BUILDINGS LTO. Ouality buildings ai an alfordabie price. waod/steeI or ad steel. large or omail. Dont take chances, taifi ta the spaoailists. 1-800- 561-2200. BUILDINGS. Plowing Match Special. Cuonsets,*S* Modela and StraightwaIIs. Factory haî altocated 29 Buildings. Varioua sizea. No reasonabie offer rafusad. Cal Future 1-800668-8653. STEEL BUILDING SALE. 20X30 $2632; 25X36 53762; 33X40 $5058. 4OX60 $7071. Prices inctuda Steel EnctwaiIa and AI Taxes: Pnoed ta, clear Cati 1-800668- 4338 or (416)842-2100. Yaur ad could appear ln communîty newspapers ln Ontario, or rîght across Canada, or any IndIvidua province. Space Is Lmîfed, 50 Cal This Newspaper Todayi BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a widar market, adveilise throughoul the rogional membersh, ipohé, Ontario and Canadian Cammunity NowspaperAssociations enrtral Ontario 55 nawspapars - $160 for 25 words - Ait Ontario 171 newspapera - $35 for 25 words ýI7 Ait Canada 572 nea rs - $974 for 25 words, For further Information please cal1 the Whi Iby Free Press Classîfleds - 668-0594 Specializing in Early Childhood .Education. For Peace of Mmnd..

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