Whitby Free Press, 25 Sep 1991, p. 6

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PAGE 61WHITY RPRESS, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBlER 25&'1991 The only Whîtby Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for- Whitby residents! Pubiished every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario, mc. at 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario Il N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto LUne 427-1834 DougAnderson -,Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Pouto Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration #05351ý EditrEimu P rovinoe -muspa Our representatives at Durtýam Reglon face a.to.ughtask - corig upwih $50 million to'pay for a waste transfer station.* lt'a task that nobody expected at thé lime when teReglon and Metro came Up with a controversial agreement over a temporary landfil site at Whtevale. <That agreemen'nt*, although made- after considerable protest by, Pickering residents, would have meant-a pay-off* of at'ieast $50 'million by Metro, for use of the Region dump - funding that would enable Durham to help pay for its own longterm waste manaagment solution. But the province1 set its ownagenda on> meeting the" waste management crIsis, and'thereby scuttied what was an effective plan of action by the Region to handie its own waste. Momeover, the province ordered the Reglon to bulid a waste transfer faoility, ta the consterna- tion of regional counciliors who had preferred a- made-ln-Durham solution. What started out as* a $10 million waste transfer location has sudde nly become a $50 mil lion, project. Apart f rom theè surprising fact that. counciliors seemed to have no hint' of the updated cost of the, facility before last, week's announcement, them ils the dlstressing possibility that taxpayers miglht have to pay for Rt. The provincial- powers-that-be and local MVPPs should get an earful about what is truly a crisis situation - racing to meet a deadline to get the transfer site ln operation while trying to corme up with funding ta, pay fortR. There's, no question that the.province should paythe enire tab afler wrecking local plans to handie waste ln the best fiscal manner, together. with ongoing programs to dlvertwaste. And we have, no doubt that our Region reps will be conveying that message in.thestrongest possible terms. Wheme did govemment. To the odItor: find the money? Where did his govermant find the money ta appoint a 'former' CaNr~.e <o"nat mdamkr n f i - -Y ý e e5 ii 4 Savina Whitbv'ain forestj By -Edie Gomille We con nover haveý enough -of nature. We, must b., refreshed -by the Isight of inexhaustible vigour, ývast and titanlo fMatures, thesea cast, wth its' wrecks, the ýWilderness -with its living. and -its decaying treeas- Henry David Thoreau Waldsn .An important part of Whitby's natural herfiage is in danger of beil defliled. 1 am speaking af the Lynde Marsh aiea, and the lands to its immediata aast, J ust south of Victoria St. W. It is theà vary poasibe, lss and/ar degradation of those aras in particular that has -motivated aý number of Whitby and Oshawa citizens ta demonstrate at the marsh site, and, ta collect signatures asking, the, provincial government ta intervene ta protect this sensitive aiea fram the undeniably, certain negativa impact of almost 7,000 rasidents slated ta live close ta, the marsh. The. major problemr is that ana cannat place almast 7,000 people next ta a marsh, considared by, CLOCA ta be a 'highly sensitive' aiea, considered a regionally, and, pravincially significant wetland in a 1987 Ministry af Natural Resources repart, andgiven an MNR class 1 neyer ceases amaze me VIII.VI "JI , ratng -- me-nîgrest uesignation It nvrca to aaem their f irst terni) to a, $100,000 a- eln a ae _ xeti how, our federal'MP cari spout Off yer job on the Federal to etan thavcass1 ang. Lyei the words put into his mouth (n orti htcas1raig yd hence into. print) the exact Cevelopment. Bank - a five-year Marsh will die. blubbering of, h is superiors: sppointmnent? 1significnt pantis and ihome t 'Ottawa, has no money for Whr 1i i govemment t cotis ronial employee raises., nher f he mnyt ianetePie 30 birds and. two amphîblan After fallinig flat faceo Minister's pledge to U.S. President- species currentîy, classified, as wthther s-caledconingncy Bush's 'popularity campaign' in the regionaîly, provinciaîîy or nationaliy plan to see that seniors and other WPer s Gifignificat, inclding th deserving Canadianis would, get Whrtsbsgoenetg ing treatened eastern spiny softshell their cheques the week of the ofn the money to pay for their turtie. Muskrats, beaver, mink, postai strike, ha is now attempting poularity campalgn that"former racoon and red foxcalit home. to boîster his party's [owly prnancin minister, Mr. Wilson is Acci'cIing to Bird and Hale, Ltd., stnigby tryina to instail in the pracin around Europe peding consuiting engineers anld standinfg bseecos htth 'dt new democracies'? biologists, a total of 146 bird, 20 PuidSeofvise .Alieotanthe 'The recession is over' crooned mamrmal, -14 amphibian and reptile, Puoiic Sennce AlianceeofaCatad members are the scourge of te hs brtn edr a the and. 29 f ish species occur in the earth. convention last month -- Yea, Yea, aiea - a veritable Garden of Eden. In view of the fact that the anid ail t 'hose job losse and f the proposai for residentiai ovrhlnigmoiy ýPA i pit'in hepress. èNam: the Mn r fMncia farh tban$27000a yer, wold ike e and place, Mi. Soatens. f irst must approve the necessary to mlce he flloing oint --land use change already passed W~ and chalne Mr. oegites ~ Jim McLean our municipal and regional. time, at his convenienca. to debata tha àfollowingpointsp: - How- could hbis governimant T c th d or. lùstify giving top civil servants a U efty increase in-income of 4.5 per ,cent; an, il par cent increein- MP alres on anuary '1, ji w r o Mw ots eore-freezing pblie onoe m abutwejoop service pay. (A. $9 000 increasa- hs eol e~ e that included $6 OF0 aliowance for To the Edtor: cofletiaPôrgn*.u pre>, 59 * :meals, accommodation and'travel owvbagniu'ades 1t (a -new item)). Re: Jobs In Ontarlo the. rights. of' emples t if bis govammerit is 80 keen on awithdraw.thair servcs, whille, at i estraint of public funds, how Ã"ome Racant events in Ontario the sme ti me, inciting employees the travel budget of MPs and their underscore three main reasons for wha ga9 on strika ta »engage in families 15 -expected ta hit $12 concemn that oui childian and their lawlessness and vendettas against million this year (compared with children will inherit diminished job employees and employei'5 who nf., ill ion.,1a yeir ago)? nteprtntatheheOta rivata wish ta see the business contnue 16 ie lmbdo43 perceont. (C AW) 'and S-h M y Cur 7(C E M: UftbWth1 iid8 councils, we can look forwaïd ta * the poss.iblities'af flooding (ram a -100year storm; lae bsments because f conveniently lowarad f loadlinas; noise,' land, and watar. pollution; trea cutting ln adj acent ýareas, (the Lynde Shores Coânservation Aiea); fires; Vandalismi' and harassment of wildlifa. I visitad the aiea of propoised. devalopment. (a .auphemism: destruction is the more apt word) the other momning, and took some photographs. As I walked- across the Victoria'St. bidgle, f ishing lina entangled my l1ft oot. ,Garbaga was visible an tha enbankment beiow. Sunrays, -intarmittantly, radiatad from t ha blulsh-grey sky as I quietly ambled,:along,,',ha boardwalk jutting out. into the marsh. A big grey and whita bird flad' quickly at my. appraach. Glancing* every now and thon inta the bulîrushes bardering the* right sida of the boardwalk, 1 saw a styrafoam, cup, .a, pop can and .a condom. Vat relatively faw peopla frequent'the aiea et prasant. Can you imagina what the aiea- will look - lkGe n you, add 6,700 -humans, soma af whom stilI thinký'- of the'earth as thair garbaga can,* and- for whom the area's non-human inhabitants are of little cons equenca? I weap ta think of it. A feeling of disgust,. rag ehand* despair thraataens *Ita overwhe1 lm me when I thinik of what ègoas on' haee when t comas to t heà 'planning'. procass. Accaiding *ta the, Whitby and Durham officiai plans,. the formulation af which was no doubt castly, and tima-cansumning (the plans.wera adopted in- 1974' and '1976, îaspectivaly), the aiea now slated for bulldozing was gi1van major open spacafpark dasignatian -- a Wise decision', showing the vision and foresight that one expects of planners, of human beings Who stili had a vestige af the natural left in themseives and Who. anticipatad.. the need of an augmented future Whtby .aiea population 'ta immarse itself in thea rastorativa quiet Of a natural anvironmant., .TIia CLOCA masterplan of the 1970s also anvisioned the afieaas a.future'acquiin for the people of Whtbyq,, Tolhis credit, CLO>bA, res 'ources planner, William Fry, ir'ina Dec.1988--letter taô'Whitby's 'director of plannngMobait Short, a letter snédrsed by the CLOCA board, ý---expresses 'serlous raservati' -about «the -proposad Lyne- hors SconaiyPlan (.e. the, afiMmt h'ta "change. the maor open l<spa ce," hazard. lands and intttin designationt aow esidentia, - industrial, .and commercial devaiopmant. Yet, ,in, April ,1989',CLOCA changed. its mir;w. '-The: readar goig through CLOÇ,A's thrae- ineh Lynde. Shores file, -.as ,'ve been, doing for three days, notices that Mi. Fry's nme ilsreplaced,,in ýtha-,ca'rrespondance- ,at soma epbint thereafter, - a-. change ý.that rasqs certain -,questions az-'nd invites speulation. The last picture I1 took ipn that cool morning lest week symbolizes what is at stake. ft shows a larpe plastic bag dwarfing. a lovely white pond litby and" reglonal cUncl(ta l- his -credft,, councillar Brunelle .voted against ,l.tha .proposed officiai plan amendment that wauld, ýif. approved by tlhe Ministry- of Municipal Affairs, entail the' intensive residentiai development- sa ->potentialiy -destructive ta the marsh) ought ta ,have cadberad'ta its'officiai plans and respacted CLOCA's oanginal opinion Inthis. mater,.- Aftr iits- that agency's «mandate-to preÏiserVa" and protect land, 'water and -aiais under its jiirisdicatian -r a funcion, somYe of you would,,rightly poit out t has flot' always'-parforma. Tharefora, it is up to'Ùs ta make. aur opinions known to the provincial Ministry of thaEnÈviron'ment and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs '(check' the blua pages, provincial numbar in. yaur telephone directory). Also, , support the efforts of Friends of Lynde Marsh'-- bacause they are working, hard ta ensure that, as formei r Mayor Des Newman,,racently (Aug. -,28/91 urqôd in this 'paper,- the 'assentiai uniquaness' af Whftby will- bli preserved. Opinions expressed ar those .of the author. portunitiles ,-in prvate sctor., changad to -protact, ýnan-strlking employees and mana;aement, n indead the pblWc.froij1 thià sort of. conduct, invastars wil1 not invest, investmaints will be withdrawn (aO. Crown Lue), -and'the lecaà nomy' a f Ontario will daganerate tt halevai of thosa sean in raent times in, communist cauntries. Invoeors- and employees' oppotuntiesfortheir, children will rapidly try <1ta .gravitate <tich.they a ra nowdoingd) ta thosa provinces and'countries,,whèea 1freedom of expression' and r vlihood ýalso masfmaedom from- intimidation bfellow mpoaaand, fraedom fm the tyranny 0of govarnment- legislated Intéiference m. normai business maniagemnent. 1

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