Whitby Free Press, 2 Oct 1991, p. 32

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PAGE 32j WHYFY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBZR 2,1991 E.U........ . EXPERIENCED FRIENCH teacher for ail levels. Cal 433-4222. PRIVATE MORTGAGES -'the place to go when your bank says "N. erving Whftby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMVENTS. THE FACTRY Rates From 9.49% Lower Than The Banks On Prime Deals Debte Out 0f Control? Bad Credit? No Income? Our Speciality For Fast Professional Service Teresa or Jennel 666-4986 TAKE ADVANTAGE of our 98 per.cent coverage ai Whitby when buying -or, selling your wares. Wh tb Free Press. 668-0594. .. MII ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps w'e can hetp. Phono 666-2090. LJThe Mutul ru HE1B LRAN 725-6564 DALE G. RUSSELL dRywaII finlâhIng bonfbregias lnsulation stexture spray - faricy celling designs *crown moldings Owiver cwaWd - oetabrnhd li1972 W. spedalm hn coetow salk(facL Clammont 1-416-649-1256 *Painting Storm Doors Douag Hart Kenovagtio»na 725a 4718 H OLD FAMILY PHOTOS? Need* additional copies? No negative needed. Quality copies made af your- favourite pictures. Robert Aldsworth Photo World, 576-5123. GRANDMAS COMPANY. Green cleans (noa chemnicals). Homes and offices. W. offer nUMther-in-law c ean' (ready( for inspection!). Ail emrployees, are police-security chlecked, bonded & nsured M'ember of Whitby Chamber of Commerce. 725-9177 (24 hour answering). *DrywaJIIng (tape & fnishlng) *Roc Rooms - Basemients eTexture Spraylng Paining (exterlorAntoetr) Trîm Fme stmats 576-7503 KLEEN-KUT UPHOLSTERY- re-upholstery of antiques. Ail kinds of recovering. Vour fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitby. PAINTERS PLUS. Service and quality are not an accident. For 10 per cent- off and no GST, cail Bill or Geri, 4350-6057 atter 5 p.m. ISL CUSTrOM CARPENTRY - French doors, bars, r ec rooms, trim, etc. tan, 428-1287. CUSTOM-MADE WINDOWS, skylights, doors, kitchen cabinets,- bathrooms, ceramic;tule, dr..ywall repaîr, texture spraying, painting. Ail home improvements. 655-5271t KITCHENS LTD. 605 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 668-5162 1 o,,à me E s t. 3 5 YVrs. *Full training and ongoing support *Necessary equlpment for children 6 weeks and older For more info Perry Ho use Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 CEDAR VALLEY RESORT. East of Orono, 4th or th Concession lino, 7 km. east ai Hwy. 35/115.- Seasonal camp- ground. Beautif ut. $840. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - 3 bedrooms, fully f urnished, air conditioned homes. Pools, hot tub. Near, beaches, attractions. Children welcome. (Less than motel.) 683-5503. *fi nsu iUu *RECYCLING ONE I TON 0F * NEWSPAPERS *SA VES N,- I19'ThEES WE'RE LOOKING FOR MWATUiRE,,,,, RELIABLE HOME DAY CAME PRO VIDERS The Wee Watch Private Home Day Care, you can earn a good Full insuranoe coverage Wee Payments for statutor-y holdays . Payment for the f irst 5 days of a chiîd's iîîness 4 Iwfajc irmation cal!: 686-3995 a icensed Agency RELIABLE, DAY CARE in a sale, friendly environment. Gardent Manning. Cail Donna, 4306-7052. MOTHER 0F 2, qualified teacher, will babysit in my home. Snacks & lunches. Well-stocked ptay roomn & fenced yard. Whitby/ Oshawa brder. Cali 404-1303. BABYSITTING- temporary and emnergency available. Ail ages welcome. Day care space aso availabte in a f un and sale en- vironment. Fatlingbrook. 430-6278. WANTED - Reliabte- loving nanny required in my home on a daity basis <Mon JFri.) to take care of 2 littie boys, ages 2 & 4. Good wage & benefits. Please cati 430-1661 after 6 p.m. BROOKWOOD - REUIABLE day çare in my loving home. Close ta, schools. Lunch, snacks & receipts. CatI anytime. 666-9382. DAY CARE avallable ln my home. Fresh air. Saiety. References. Ages 2-5 years. Rossland& Anderson. 668-7025. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IrS FAST - I1'S EASYl ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. THINK BIG - CALL THIlS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS CENTRAL ONTARIO WOOD SHOW October 18-20. Meo East Trade Contre. Brack Raad North. Pickernng. Seminars. demonstrations. competitionh. moale Admission $500 Cryderman Productions (519) 351- 8344. VACATION/TRAVEL SOUTH CAROLINA - MYRTIE BEACH RESORT. Oceanîront condom, housekeuping provided. Indloor pools, saunas, tennis. Golf and vacation packages; winter rentis from $400lmanth. Fee brochure: 1-800- 4.48-5653. ENJOY THANKSGIVING in Beaulilul Halibuton Highlands. Savon meala. indluding Tbanksgtving dinner. Freplaces. TVa, entertaunment. indoor whiripool and. sauna, watettront equipment inciuded. Caîl toilitree1- 800-461-7699. SELECTIVE SINGLES Travel'Regiairy. Where membera design the trips and enjoy savinga on group rates and single suppiements. Annual Foe. 2245 Ounwin Drive. Missiasauga. Ont. L5L 1 A3. (416) 820-1442. BAHAMAS VACATION. Enjoy a cruise to the Bahamas for 5 days and 4 nights. $17350 US. per persan. Catl <602) 350-9014. 'Restrictions appiy.* Licensed and Banded. FLEA MARKETS CALABOGIE FLEA MARK<ET Open Sandaya. 10.Spm. Antiques. colectibles, sports carda. Vendinà space available. Business opportunities in aurmalt localed in the hean oi tounsm. 613) 752-2468. ADOPTION ADOPTIONPRÉGNANT? Young, rnerried protossionol couple wishes tai pravide wondorlul home for InIant. Working with govemment 11censed agency. Cai calieci aller 4pm. <416) 771-0697. MOBILE HOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES MOTORHOMES. lnventoiy Uiquidation Sale, 40 units. New and usrd. Ail sizes and makes. Ail prices slaahed. Cail 1-800-263- 7955. Nrih Brock AV. Port Porry. Ont. CHINA NORITAKE SALEI Terriic discounts an!current patearnst Oelivered wel-packed. insured. For puice lisi on your Nontake patnm- Atxandars, *The Naniaite Experts, Tronto, toitree 1-800-263-5896. FOR SALE POTATO IGGER wiîh pianting and hiliiîng attachmur:s. Oniy $399. Phone (519> 659-0601, UHNEN HOUSE INC Gaosudown Ouveis train $89 Ci Susan Abidgaard tor aur WEEKLY SPECIALS 1800- 661-3696. 24 hr survce AMAZING PRODUCT! Irs Eluctronicl Your dog wilI sLiy on your propert. wihout being lied up Outais. PAC. RRMI, Bancroft, Ontario. KOL 1(;0 1.800 NO tIEASH Fax (613> 332.1375ý MORTGAGES NEED FAST CASH? We hava mangagu inonay ta piy oil your bilist Na quaîlying hassuisi Barrow $10 000 law manihly re-paymcnt Intransican Financji < 416) o50 9455 Tliret1800268-1429 OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES AUCTION 18 WAIERFRONT ISLAND LOTS. Gurgit Bay. Sandy beaches, picuresique Opening Bd $9,900. Sold ta the highest bidders. Preview ibis weeiîend, 12-4. Auction Hothne (416) 695-SOLO (7653>. PROPERTIES TO BE SOLO lar unpaid taxes. Crawn Land avalsabitity. For information an bath write: Praperties. Oept. CN, Box 5380, Smn F. Ontawa, K2C BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IMMEOIATE PROFITS selling hîgh quality 10K< jewelry. Exciting home panty plan. Hot pre.Xmas season. The Gold iscovery. 14335 - 47 Avenue, Edmonton. AB. T6H 0B9. <403> 434-2550. ENTHUSIASTIC FRANCHISEES WANTEO NOW. 'Shelield & Sans» wit nearly 100 stores'naconwide has Srme relaîl locations availabte in Barrie, Pembrahe. under Boy. Cal 604) 859-10914. THE ORIGINALJUICEWORKS* VENOINO Machine. Earn cash profits daity, vendng fruit juices. Old South. DoewDrop. McCains. Sunklat. Uptons. Investeniatrm $14,995. Into Canadawide 1-800-465-5006. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow bairwarmot in yowu basement or garage. Odarlesaperation. Low Investiment. ?..arket guorenteedl Free information. Early Bird Ecolagy. R.R di. Smitvile, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (4)66434252. HELP WANTED SUNSHiNE VILLAGE Ski Resait, Banff, Albeuta, requires enthuaiastnc Individuais, cammitted ta Service Excellence. lar variaus seesonal positions. Box 1510. Banff. AB. TOL OCO. (403> 762-6546. SALES HELP WANTED MAKE A FORTUNE making amhers happy. Te ultimaîe fundraising toat os creating hundreda aI new oppotunoilies wth incredibty HIGH INCOMES. Urgentty need sales people. 1-800-263-1900. CAREER TRAINING IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. Lors discuss il. lnraducang extended programas and Credit Courses. Cal William ai t 800-265-7173 Martel Training Sysloras. LEARN AUCTIONEERING aithUe Southwestem Ontano Sohool ai Auciîaneering. Next clas: Navember 9-15 Information, contact: Southwestern Ofîtario Schoal ai Auciîaneenng, R R 05. Woodslack. Ontano. N4S 7V9ý (519) 537-2115, STEEL BUILDINGS CLEARANCE ON ENDO0F SUMMER ittventory aI steel Buildings Save $$$. 20x30 $2.092, 40x6O $6.117 PîancoerEconospan 1-800-668 5422 BEST BUlL DING PRICES - SIavil Sitaiaitî Typa - nai quonbet - 32x48 $5920; 40x64 $8556; 50n96 $15.331. 60x120 $21.270 - nan-expandiblo end(s). aliter sîzes availabla - lrntesd steel - Patagon - 24 Hauts 1 800- 263 8499 SI bEL BUILDINGS Bocausu aI a succass!ku Piuwing Match. ta tact-ryhas alaocatad us 30 addîîîonai buildings la be dîsposdd 01tCaii nfloar hast soecton Fitra Sitoi 1 900-66886eI53 BUSINESS SERVICES B3LRNED OUT? Over uxîended. bared, led up wiîh youu cuirutit siluation? Usa this apPartunily andi yaur uxpuilisa ga bacame iînitîciaiîy mîîopitduni Cal i 519 758 3923 (124 hr rcoierdd ntssagal Your ad could appear ln community newspapers in Ontario, or rlght across Canada, or âny Indîvîdual province. Spaco 15 Llrnited, so Call This Newspaper Today! BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a wtder rnathe't.aif ,tl,,htorciî,',tite ,o7le n-il meaîbersIip h. Otîlario .îrd <a,î,fî,i coi(&)tritiîty Neosvsp.tporAsscicationsx Cntra ontaria 55 neawxpapo t-.- l 100for, wcids -Alit Cntarîi111 nowxtp.pers - $350 loi25wordls c ~AlCaafila -.77 Iî.wsrapors -$914 o 2 worda For f 1#ther I nformnation please cali1(the WMItby Fiee Press Classîf leds - 668-0594 C*DLD CARI I CWLD CARI I C*PLO CMW $ER VICES swwueE$..--SERVUCIB$ Speciatizing un Early Childhood Education. For Peaoe of Mund. FAIL SPECIAL Low Rates. Quatity Work *Drywail & Taping " Roc Rooms -Fancy Ceiîing Designs - Plaster Motdings Cal AI toay for your free estimate 666-1657 -1 1 .".P" - ".. 1

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