Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1991, p. 11

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* - - ... ~-~- . MarcKealey i. offering citi- zens a chance ta help determine the shape of Canada'. future. the Whitbýy resident, former moderator with '.the Royyal Com-. misio on h Ftre of Canada (Spicer Commission), Kealey will b. chairmen of,, Ontario idig bM' RéeeSote1'peD g' Forum "for -Constttioni'I>a. Soetens i. organizing public meetings to, get commzenÈt. about the recent coiÏntitutional refoem packagnrO posed<by'the federal government. The fc)orm,,wll cueaso ini Whflitby., but exact dates an details have not yet be sai ished. Kealeywaathe guest speaker at the WhityRoÀtary Sunrise meeting last-week.' A graduate of Waterloo and Kent State universities, Kealey* was an advisor ta then-Premier David Peterson during. the Meech Lake talks. Hie desrlbes the proces as "an experience in PUrepltc. he current package is inten- ded ta br-ng thé counfiytogether through commerce. MTe provuwýes'are copeting with each o ther- rather than other countriès',"he said. - Kealiey-agrees thaitan ecno- mie program will bring the coun- -6We Must. be ecoonmically. viable," h. ýtold club members. "We muet understand that busoi- ness croates jobs.' Hie aiseoutlined findings froâm the Spicor report, a few points on hchthere was agreement by a majorityof Canadians. Hesaid 'Canadians feltpoliti- dians were not listening ta the people and that government spending was far too hiiçh. While bilingualism. is a key issue in current relations with Quebec, Kealey feels its-' ipr tance is a keyor Canad.'« "It is the tool ta imite this country,»Kealey said. Inputw'anted on constitâtionai plan ;Keale 'chairman of 'People's Fôrum Kising..stars B hris Bvie No fanfir please: Three Man and a Bass are strictly a cap- pella. Making a variety of a pearances over the suxnmer, e ou tipped off the year at the CN' iig Star competi- tion. Despite -a talented field, the local 1gop finished firet ini the a apellia1c ateé'gory. aWe May -be back at the CNE next year to perform,» says Mat- thew Daniels, the groupa tenor one. "It was suggested by the management there.» Liocally, the go recently plydat the Uni-tJ WaLy funi- draiingrj uncheon in Oshawa and at airvie Lodge's summer festival. The gou' members met each other wohile attending Denis O'Connor High School inAax. Bi asof, the Nylons and music m general, their vocal training included the school choir. While they have made sub- stantial strdes;the group hopes the near future will offerbi ticket venues. THE TOP 10 CD'S 0F THE WEEK ARE: 1.Dire Straits ON EVERY STREET - Poly 2. Robbie Robertson STORYVILLE - MCA 3. Hanry Connick Jr. BLUE UGHT - CBS 4. Guns N' Roes USE YOUR ILLUSION Il - MCA 5. SimplyRed STARS -Wamner 6. Modey Crue DECADE 0F DECADANCE - Warner 7. Bob Seger THE FIRE INSIDE - CaPitol 8. Bruce Cockbumn NOTHING BUT A BURNING LIGHTSony 9. Bonnie Raidt LUCK 0F THE DRAW - Cap. 10. Mariah Carey EMOTION - SO~ John (Cougar) Melencamp -WHENEVRWE WATED lin Machine -TIN MACHINE Il 25 TICKON D. THREE MENl AN D A BASS entere m es. THE PROSPECT 0F WHITBY LA SER KARA OKE >With Tony &-Roz WVednesday October 9 to Saturday October 12 STARTS AT ?.»00 PM 158 Brock !St. N4. S (At Mary Streéet) Whitby 666!5092 HIDEAWAY BINGO DAILY MATWINEES DAILY EVENINGS Weekend Late Bingos Special Room for Non-smokors 65 Sunray St. (n off Consumers Rd. 1 lock w. of Thickson) 668-9029 MY SISTER'S PLACE, JIM FRASER A Dynamite Las Vegas Entertainer Thurs. -Sat.9 -l1am, Sunday Matinee 3 - 5 PM, Sunday 7 - 11Pm 339 Malaga, Oshawa 576-9121 TEPROSPEcIT 0F WHIITBY SUNDA YNIGHT JAZZ 6:00 pm -10:00 pnli féatuing, 'The John Deehan Quartèt' as seen on TV 158Brock St. N. (At Mary Stréet) Whitby 666iL5092 TuE LION & UNICORN JEFF WISEMAN Friday Oct. 11lth and Saù.àrday Oct., l2th 42 iCg boi'ne St. E. Whitby 666-3034 CASEY'S BAJ & GRILL Thur day October 10 COIJ NTRYNIGHT w1t Daniel Mark Frid y October il &Sat.qrday Octoberl2ý ROCK *th Llz Aldertoin 1100 1)undas st. E. Whit y .666-3300» A COOL I ITHANKSGIVINGI TREA-r I$2.00 Off any lS cream akeI 1003 Dundas St E. 668-5342I MLW - o o 0[*-. - ~ OFF I SPRINGS I IYou'ieASombo4 j, i htnot just apromise. 1ts aguarante. Iffer king' I 1240 Dundas St. E. Whitby I L '668-8392 EVRTWAN: i ERP I-I * LADIES LIFTS *Everyday Low Price of $5.75 I Preciion Skate SharpeNingI I .Hockey Skates $3.0I * Figure Skates $4.00 80 Trhlcioon Rd.S. (Acroas from Woolico)* Fre. Parking A MheDoor 77QJ3d 1 WHITBYERE PRESS, 1V)J3NSDAY, OCTOBER 9,199t1 ,11Ei It's your turn to speak out' ByRné Soons Ontalrlo rldlng MP ft's aur turn to sp.ak out. That's what the document "Shaping Canadians'Future *Tagether" Isa about.. ft is also about governiments working tagether. ta strengthen' your local ecanomy and pravide a go standard aof livng for ai Canadians; - a Senate and House of Cammons that are. mors,- respansive ta the peaple; less govemment w aste and dupllcatlon; maklng declslans doàser ta the peaple and building a country ln which ail Canadiens feel respected and et home. Yau have the oppartunity ta become part af this, constitutional process. 1 have Invited nine constituants ta join me in what we are callinq the wPeoples' Forum For Constitutional Dkaloue:' Through a se ,ries af public meetings ta ho held aver the next two, mantha, we wlll encaurape yau ta review the gavernment's current proposais, digest ts intent, cansider its merits and itsflaws. What gaod will this do? Throgh, aur discussions wth you, we will put tagether a repart which reflects your vlews. This report wlll then ho presenited ta the Joint Commlttee on the Consrâttton. In short, yau will ho able ta have your views heard and have an opportunty ta shape aur Constitution. As 1 autlined in last week's column, nation building dld not end with Canfederation. This country us the second largeet on earth, and according ta the United Nations, one of the twa best cauntdies in which ta live. The chailenge for us now le ta make it second ta none. You have a chance ta make this happen. -if y au wauld like a -capy af 'Shaping Canadias ' Future Togeter,' they are available thraugh my canstltuency office by calling 686-0432. 1 encourage yauta become familier with thes. proposais.

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