WHrrBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1991, PAGE 17 FALL MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL!!* ROUND TRIP NIRFARE TO HAWAII, FOR TO Singl98epSuahand Fitnegs Membership .........$245-00 Couple Squash,,an[d Fitrness Menrshmip......$315.00 FamiIy Squasëh and Ftness Mebrhp.....$33500C Single Ftness Mentbership................$1195M0 Couple, Ftness Membership................ $245-00 Single, Pre Paid..............$495.00ý Memberships Incude:' e 5 Squash Courts - Free Weights * Tournaments - Whirlpoolý * Aerobic Classes *Social Functions - Saunas - Towel Service * Live Entertainment - Weight Room,, * Squash Lessons * Darts - Fitness*Testing (Rick Stevens) *WingNights- * Lifecycles* House Leagues * And Much More! SQUASHISSsU BY1-GOSH' __ _ _ *NewOlympic- Free 'Weights And Benches- 1991 COLT 100 4DR. 1989 DODGE SHADOW 1990 DYOASEB 9VYGRS 90SPIRIT 4 DR.. 1991 DYNASTY 4b)R. LE' mci.p.s, p.., utoAM/M ml. PS. B rear-detroster - OADD ml., auto, big V6, PS, PB, air, 7 mIci 4 cyI. aul o. p.s., Pb.. aircond., tilt,p.,AMFcs, AliF css .1 sunroot, cioth lil.251itreturbo, ato.P.s. p.b,p.w.. pass., running boards, dua crufse. AMFM cass.. buokets. onsole,. nl uo .. pbA&Mcs. casplus much more. Bal, buckets plis'muchi more. 1 owner, p.d I. tilt, cruise, air, sec. system. mirrors, roof rack,ý tilt, cruise, defrostei. fold down rear seat. duai 50/50 seats, tilt, cruise, p.w., of tact. warr. avai. P3505 bal. o! tct . wrr. avail. ' enthusiasîts, bucket seats, AMIFM AM/FM cass., one owner. bal. ot mirrors, tinted glass & mnore. Bal. ot fac. 1d.l ,alp.lmirr., ai $1 11 ' Stk #T131 cass., equalizer & more. Stk. #P3487 tact. warr. avail t. 5* #T240A, - warr. avait. Stk. #P3348 l.of ac. warr. avai t..Sk. Ol$91 18 e ONLY $150.29prmno. war.avile. $131995 Sal-epced at$13,995 SALE $11 ,175 #p53SALE$15,995 199 OBARON GTCCOPE - - . 19OD RN 199CRAA4'1991 -R CHARGER LE 4X4 LOAOED '1 991- SHADOW4DR. 1991. CARAVAN SE CONVERTIBLE c c. uo V SPtitcrie Load d', r auto,"p',p.9b.,.2.2L intericdoledturbo, 5-'spd.,;' é. *c. aut:o. PSý,PB, lght pkg., delay -mIci. 7 pass., auto, PS, PB, 3.3L 'Auto,- V-6, air, p.wi. tilt, us arIF c auoV7 s., di. t, ing: .d.i, r oigpgticus*.. .. .. A/Mcs. es MF sekr i V6, air. roof rackc,.I-I'suspension, AM/FM cass., power roof, W~, ea dtrstrrer ipr uncre glass Mcd,~uizr im witîa~ nted glass, con sole. Bal. of tact. tne glass plus nic more. Bal. ç pls an ohe otins î -weraluni weeis..& moreStk., air cond., & more.,Stlc #P3486. CQthb mL, rear def., p.us much Funi otac otn. 1 waert #6 4.pe e-A :MBi o'ac ar.avlwarr. avait. Stkc#P3478. -of tact.warr. avit.l Stk#P3481 mor. Sk.#3)O PRCET S Tm, .ÈL .SALE$1,99 ,,,'I * # A & t,,. I ¶1' t i I t t * êa 4, I * kit S I *$~I* *êtd t>. i, l, ý 1 1 1 qw r, len es We do fences, c a s de:cks, interlocck brick & change rooms