PAGE 28, WEMTY FREE PRESS, WED)NESDAY. OCTOBER 9,1991 I "."'.*'*'."'*"'*'*".*'*'..""'.'."'.'.'..."*".'."*.*.'. O~ATJOM FOR' SALE ARTICLES I _________H FOR SALE"' MnhI~~L.m~ H _________________________________ ROOM MATES WANTED ta share beautfful 4-bodroom home noar Rossland/Anderson. Asking $400,- includesý evoryting. Ca l, 436-0909 or 666-5288. . RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE. Creativo rentai arrangements. 668-1468,> 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (JTHE 'v:1A TORY% Rates From 9.49% Lower Than The Banks On Prime Deals Debts Out 0f Control? Bad Credit? No Income? Our Speciality For Fast Professional Service Teresa or Jenneli 666-4986 PRIVATE MORTGAGES- the place to go when your bank says NO." Srving Whitby since 193 668-7200. A NU BIS INVESTMVENTS. LANDSCAPING,. LAWN main- tenance, pruning, seeding, sadding. Fait clean-ups, planting, gardon renovations, rockorîes, ýlnigbu 'lbs, f irowood. Odd jobs. re stimates (416) 649-3183, Dutchway Landscaping. DO VOUR OWN LANDSCAPING Bue spruco, 4 ft., reasonably priced. 655-8088. MINIATURE POODLE for breoin eie g. R *ited mature, whte,2 years aid. $200. 668-1895. FUL SIZE PICKUP bod linor, 90 gai. f ish tank. and stand, cherry wood tea wagon, othor household goods. Phono 666-5448. FRIDGE with Icémaker 150.00, Electric stove 125.00, water cooler 175.00. Phono 430-1422. LARGE. GOLD FRIDGE 200.00, Kenmore heavy duty dryer 150.00. Cail 666-8590. CHROME TABLE, 4 high back chairs 35.00, chest of drawers, 25.00, pi nite tables 25.00, Iamps, toaster, coffee maker, pots, dishes, tools and mare. Phone 668-3975. ERIC UNDROS 1990-91 -- O.H.L. complote sets. 58.00. Oshawa Generals sets 15.00. Other O.H.L. teams 4.00. Joo Carter 1985 Tops rookie cards 3.50. Cati (evenings) 666-3043. ANTIQUE BELL PUMP organ and stool. Good working condition. Made in Guelph Ont. (1912) 500.00 or,'best off or cati 668-4223. MOVING SALE watorcooler, Panasonic T.V., mcrowave, washer and dryer, gara ge door opener, furniture and much more. 655-3642. QUARTER CUT oak antique bedroomn suite 1250.00, OId Vionna Wallclock 550.00, drap loaf g âteleg table/I acknife extension oc). 00-. Cati 6668-7944. ELECTRIC PIANO - Wurlitzor g9od condition askig 300.00 or bstaoffer. if interestodý calI Jan at 668-4621. FOMAN'S FRUIT MARKET grapes for wune or j uico, oquipment.. Pumpkins wholosale for schoois, for evoryano. 728-5207 or 655-4394. FRIDGE& STOVE like new, $200. Also many other household items. Cali 668-4833. BATEMAN, LUMBERIS, Trisha Rlomance Limitod Editions. Oid or now lilI find for y ou. Other artists' availablo too. 668-,1223.. CLARINET, SAXOPHONE, flute, guitar, trombone - ail in excellent condition. Pricos nogotiablo. must soit or trado. (416) 985-8967. MATTRESSES and box springs at hait price. McKeen Furnituro, 524 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- soats, sectionals, Iess than hait rico. Large seloction. McKeen Furnituro, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. MOVING SALE .- Everything must go - waterbed, triple dresser, 3-pc. sofa set, table& 4 chairs, 3-pc. dining roam walI unit, TV, Kirbyvacuum with shampooer, 199 Sunray with 50 HP Mercury& tratiler - low hours. 666-0988. GENUINE TEAK - Oval Dining Room Table. Beautiful. 65 x 44 + 22w leaf.- $300.00. Phono 430-3005 afler 6 pm. ALMOND STOVE & FRIDGE - Wiii soit separately. $500 for pair. Cati 668-6375. Excellent condition. HANK'S APPLIANCES. New 2-door fridges $460 & up. New bar fridges $210 & up. Also low pricos on new freezers, stoves, rngottes and range hoods. Used f ridg o & stove sots $375 & up. BBQ burners, rebuilt timers from $30. One year guaranteo. 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6, Oshawa. 728-4043. Sewing Machine Repairs AHY Makes Complete Tune-up $39.95 Reconditioned Sewing Machines from $59.00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 K(ing St W. Oshawa. -A-1 GIANT GARAGE 1. yard sale Furniture, dishes, office furniture and supplies, bar fridge, ta ys, books, clthing and more. Friday Oct. 10 tii Manda y Oct.l3th. lOa.m. - 4p.m. Daiiy. 7692 Ashburn Raad Brookiin. GARAGE SALE dishes, furiniture, books, records and much more. Sat. & Suni. Oct. llth& l2th. lOa.m. - 4p.m. 15ýýViond Road Brdoklin. GARAGE SALE- toys, bilýos, clothos, housohoîd items and more. 15 Woodîawn Court, Whitby. SAT. OCT. l2th, 9a.m. - lp.m. YARD SALE SEASON is almost ovorî Don"t forget to advertise in The Whitby Free Press. 668-0594. 1975 FORD GRENADA. $250 or best offer. 668-4760. 1981 SILVER VW RABBIT- standard, spotss, navy piush interior. 'Depondable wintor- start. $1,300 or best offor. 430-3366., 77 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME, va, 350w. New tires, veryoad body. Runs weli. $80 firm. 668-9470. 1983' CAVALIER Hatchback P.B/P.S. in goo condition. Asking $1200.00 as is or best off or. 668-0246. * 1987 PONTIAC 6000 P&IPB, Air, AMIFM sterea, extended warranty 150,000 1993. Lady driven, one owner, certified, luke new $6350.00 666-1069. Need a ca r*- Credit problems? "W. have lease take.overs (mepossessons) " Lase 0 own any make or mpodel 'Cash for trade -*Calnow ferfraquotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 436-9837 - Gary GIVE THE+ GIFT 0F LIFE CORNEILS AUCTrION BARN FRIDAY, OCT. 11 - 6:00 p.m. 3 MILES EAST 0F LITTLE BRiTAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Findiay Oval Cookstove, Antique dresers, 6 matdching press back chairs, antique telophane swftch board, chesterfioids, 3 pc. and 40c., bodroom suites, qguantity of odd wooden chairs, kitchon chairs, Maytag wringer washer, wash- stand, coffes and end tables, wooden rocking chairs, refinishod' oak dressers, walnut parlour tables, chromo kitchen suites, Ingils apartment size dryer,- table and floar temps, walnut V12 moon tables, Brookiin air tlght stavo, horse drawn buggy, Stevens shat gun, Winchester Codey 22 rifle with scope, Score 90-91 Canadian hockey cards plus other cards, plus a quantity of china, glass, brasslamnps, picture trames and cotiect*bte items. DON& GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R.R.#, LITTLE BRITIAN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 >OCTOBER 12-0:0 p.m. "ýSATURDAY'S AUCTIONÜ EVERY SATl,.NIGfT AT 630, PETHICK AUCTION BARN 10*1MI. NORTH EAST'0F OSHAWA- This week we have ta offer a large cansignment of merch, tram tocal dept.- store of ocff season, ods stock, damfaged container, car parts, sporting goods, househoid and other pcr . as weil as aur regutar antique and modemn furniture, appliances,. tools, lawn and gardonmng equip., and much mare. Corne and have a look et aur ThanksgMvng day sade. Terms are cash choque or Visa. For more info cati 1(4162633-4252 SALE MANAGED AND SOLD BY GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS MUNAUCTION Rifes and abotgn Viewlng fmm 3ý.8 y v cie, No resereý (1lmile weutof Llnadm o Little Britain ROMd AUCTION -SALE THANKSGIVING MONDAY OCTOBER 14 AT10:30 &A. AT LEMONVILLE COMMUNITY CENTRE ON McCOWAN RD.. Fumturoý,* antiques, coiteclibles, basebal, hockey cards, pictures, gîassware & dishes Terms cash. EARL GAUSLIN, AUCTIONEER 640-3079 THANKSGIVING DAY SALE MON.,' OCT. 14TH - 11 A.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON, 10 MlI. N.E. 0F il >OSHAW& 401 east ta exit 431 WaverlyRd narth 8 miles ta B8th concession of Newcastle and foitaw signs. This sale promises ta have somo 'of the best pcs. we- haveë offeréd this.yoar, ta iniclude, a ,10 jpc. mahogany dining rom suite, mahoganiy recod abinet, superb oak haI stand with lion head hoaks, 48" and 60" round ýoak tables and chairs, oak.beau-front china cabinet, oak flat-front china cabinet, new 3 pc. chesterfieid suite, oak, pineand ash servers, dressers, wash stands, Jacques and Hayes settee sets, and chairs, parlour tables, unusual oak frpaemantde with leaded glass doors, platform rockers, and lots of other furniture pcs. Glass. and china ta include Nippon, Royal Crown Derby, Royal Doultan, Deprossian,, Carnival, Pinwheeî, Limoge, Cornfiower, Spodo, lots of English china. Smgned Iimited edition 'prints by A. Casson, Robt. Batoman, Trish 1433-14721