Whitby Free Press, 9 Oct 1991, p. 8

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$98,531i for conv ersion Thée Town' han received $98,531 from Ontario Hydro after converting to- enfrgy effi- cient street lights. The' amount represents one quart of the cost of convorting from eisting street iights to energ.y efficient lights. T'he Town had originally paid to Hydro the full cost of convert- ing t hehghta. It is estimated the conversion wili nave the Town $70,000 annually. It wiil aiso help Hydro to save 271 kilowatts or 300 tonnes of coal. 'System with différence' 'System With a Difforene wil b. presented at' St. Bernard Cathlic School, 1000 Dryden Bivd ,Whitby on Wednesday, Oct. 167:30 te, 9:30 p.m. The meeting open te ail resi- dents, will present'an overviow of «What is happening in' the Rtesidonts can meet with. trus- tees, administrators, teachers and students. Areas in which separato schools are uni qswill be high- lighted. Rosientswill also have aný oppprtunity to present opinions.. 1 Ontario Tax Coalition FROM PAGE 4 increased from 7.- per oent in 1986 te, 13.5 per cent m 1990. This year, more than hall of the-tax dollars from Whitby tax- paýyera have been given te the school boards, ho says. Ih. totals are 54.1 per cent for the sehool boardsn 26.9 per cent for the Town of V/itby and 19.0 per cent for-Durham ReioÎn,, ho Shea says the Whitby operat- imgbudget has increased from $13,8371,005 te $24,463,310 this yea r. «People dom't take enou h interest im municipal politicn,» says, otmng municipal govern- monts often make some of the mont importanýt docisions. .Shea says that some residents in Whitby pay up te, $15,000 in =ere alwas, a need for facilities but lot tho public vote on some o! these thinga," says Shea. 'They nhould spend just what's necessary, ho says. A freeze on salaries for council- lors shouid ho the frent step, ho Baya. 'The usual low tax increase in an élection year should ho an annual- thing,. instoad of an occurrence every three years, h. *Shea says the coalition is aà go wing movement with.over 70. cha s acros the jroince, in- The coalition anticipates an increase in its mombership of between 75,000 te 100,000 over the next few monthe Shea.S He says the- coali an s ive major Objectives: -.Pub lic vote on miii rates and capital budgets; ' - limiting the number of terms for ail eiected municipal officiais; - limitations imponed'onman- datery progais ordered by hig- her love&s 1ovemment- - recorded vote on ail mono- tary matters by councillors and board of oducation trustees; - reducing the duplication of municipal bureaucracies and ser- vice dopartments. Shea says a membersbip drive wiil bogin in Whitby on Oct. 19 in the area north of Rossiand Rd., between Gardon St. and Anderson St. Thore is a public meeting tenight at 7:30 p.m. at the Kins- mon community centre, 109 Col- borne St. W. in Oshawa. _ ,_ _- For mnore information, caîl the. Ontario Taxpayers Coalition at 683-6184. The Wbitby Chamber of Com- merce will hold the awards lun- cheon for Business Porson of the Year and Corporate Citizen of the Year on Thursday, Oct. 24. Miller H. Ayre, chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Com- merce, wili be gnest speaker P, the luncheon te bo heid'atley- denshore Pavilion Whitb.0 Ayre is ,presidont ofAyres- Ltd.p of St. Jh',Newfour- diand. The business award isglve, t ana in*divý'idual ',outst-auidingfr business and cmuiycontri- butions.'The individuai will -have shown, innovation and- ýentre-» preemourshp iii-the opération of mihi uiess. Theo-corporaeaward is ~Iven to ,a cmay ,.whonè busies achieveots 'have conitrllùted*4 tthe àocnmic and social well bing htby. Soci'ali interests '.linked 'with housing 1The social agenda of the NDP can ho made compatible with the intereste of the home-bufiding That= is tihe message Ai iàbfeld, out-going presidont of the Ontario Home Builders? Association, gave te over 300 delegates at the ,asaoiatiom's annual conforence reoently. Saying that there is' more than on.eway te achieve social goas, Lbeid eMia>edthat "welfare dos not bavete mean socal uecurity and susdized ~housing. Ho said tbat putting people te work in wel-.paying constrcn jobs that crate quality housing will produce property n improve the standr of living fur everyone. Industry statistics show that three ful-timo jobs are created for evexy house that is built in Ontario. The reent recesfion bas seen houuing startB drop firom over 93,000 tnits in '1989 te 623,649 units last year. Starta tis year are expected to fail again te appromautely 52,000. The dedline bas resulted in the los of over 100,000 jobs., Libfeld spmcfically urged the Boufford chairmno Jacqueline J. Boufford of Whitby han boom eiected chairman of the Durham chapter' of the Certified General Accounts Association o! Ontario. Boufford, manager Of administrative services with Durham Region's Department of Health Services, became a CGA in 1986. She han been a member of the chapter board of directors since 18,and han served terme ýas; program director, treasurer and vice-chairman. Boufford is a member of the cornmittee, of Our Home Project for Community Living, and, the past chairman of the United Way campaign for Durham Region ODRER: m arket stili Ar youg pan'g a..ced ff Mm Greater prlla tdost hgppen by acdtTh 0$Pin g for SmallJ ses gaiyuke to resm*** PLANNIG IMEMTATION o 120 hours of quality instruction o 20 hours of personal consultation o 4 of Durham Region s top consultants *Durhamn Region ACT funded For more ini'ormation eall: (4,16)-430-85ý11 Oxàham Reglan Canada SMintry of SIS Developmefl Statistics reieased by the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board show that 366 homes were' soid by ODREB members in the month of September. That's 13 per cent. over the. same time asat yearand 10.5 per cenit sales- for the- month <f August. mhe yoar te date increase romains high at 64.7 per cent. "But despite thos increass says, Anme Briscoe, ODREB president, "the market is stihi not strong. In order te sustain those current sales levels, the overahl economy must'iniprove. Buying a homo is the. isggost imvestment mont peolomake; nd cnue confi'ence, in aml sectors cf the economy, in low." The average price of ihomes oid in September is $1g98 down 4.1 per cent fr-om las# year at this timo. '«Me. majority <f home s old this month were under $150,000." says Briso. "Ini fact 52.e per cent were under this mark, wich expiains the drop in the average price. Activity in the other ares is broken down; 32.5 per c4ont <f the homes sold wereý- in the $150p000 - $200,,000 range, and 15 pr cent were over $200,00.« 'Tgtnow there is a large selection -of homes, ini ail price ranges. lOur -board believes in the imorace of home ownership and te zn tto own property.WeP are very pieased to se. that the federal government inciuded the entrenchment of property rights ini the constitutionai package, which was tabled in the House»,of Commons last week." The Oshawa & District Real* Estate Board is a trade Aiberto Laull is gueSt speaker Aibertoltofthe Industrial 4 cident ViJtimd Group Of Otario, wiii be guest speaker at a meeting in Oshawa on. Oct. 23. Theé meeting, heid by'the Dur- ham Region Injured Workers Grou,wiil ho beheld on: Wednos- d ay,Oc.23,7to-9 pm at the Itaian Recreation ClU, 245 Simcoe st. S. JfÀgff0ff0ÀDi~ WAST! SYSTEMW LTDe' For the most comprehensive office recycling program in Durham Region. Call DerickTylz273 govern ment, te go ahead with its plans te esabish a sewVer and water corporation. This investmnent in,7 infra-' structure', suh'as watèr pipelines and sewage treatment faclite woul hep kcksartthe industry, and pr*de for orderly futurel grwhe-said. He also asked the governmerift to follow through on its planito streamline the approvais procewnsý that ,regàlates .developmenit. rA, more efficient .procens - would.- increase the suppiy of serviced lots and,. in turn, would help hold the lime on the cost of housing, -he. Other officers of the 199iM. Durham board* include D)ennfis E.. Donovan, first vc-hairms,; Julie K. Whito, socretary; and Ali- Azard, treasurer. Past. chairman,' is Sandra M. Chase. The Cerie.d, Gene.raf; Accontazts Asocitioù ,OÉitario 8 a~~~ation io meet. tue' assocti mXW, rigoro ýrequirenýita < f proessonaI- -competence; are, bound' té , uioM sadr fconduot; and ý are .entitled, uÜnder Acteof 'botI the .Parliamient of, Canada and 'the Leisiature f thé Province o!, .Ontario, te tho designation CGA.-ý not srng about 'l 200, realtors tougoutI Durham Region. Tho Ontario Home Builders'- Association, ,,reprenpntn p proxi-' mately '4;0007..comipanies in 34- local associ«ations 'aéroos Omtario:'_ Its membersbufld, 8.0,per centÇo the housing in Ontario. An incorrect caption appeared undor a1 photegraph in -lantf week's odition. Shown i the jphote, relating te Lear Soating Canadahinc. and. the Mark o!J Excellence Award' the compayrcevdfrom GM wero oh rbnc (loft), drco of car and. asse mbiy operations for GM, Canadai and Larr HaEs- koil (riht, *gonai plant mana- ger for La The Fre. Eres wishes te apo-ý logizo for th. error. JACQUEINE BOUFFORD I usines.s whiatb.y, b m

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