The fifth annual Psychic Pair will b. held in Oshawa Oct. 18 to 20. Lectures and demonstrationsa will feature such, toics as 'Deve- lopn Yur SP 'Astrolog~, cy emdadFast ILvi.. Numeroué demonsiitratUionh- vite audience participation.'The fair als o faturesan array of crystals, books, tapes and related prodUcta. "W. offor lectures and demnonstrations throughout the weekend, free with admissions» asoraizer Paul Fuicher. Topie can observe the psy- chic abilities of our readers fpr themselves and, if they want to, they have the oVporunity to deveélop their own. <The fair will be held at the insmien, Club, 109 Coiborne St. W. Oshawa. Nýiur5are non to 10 p.m. on Friday, il arn. to 10 p.m. to Saturday and il a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday. wiIh CIBC 0/0* 18EotGI -Lmte rm Of.l CIBC's 18 Month- GIC... Now you can earn a "Special BONUS Rate" on your investment! Cet the advantage of a high,, guaranteed interest rate in a secure, fixed termn investment,, today! But hurry... bonus offer ends Novemiber 15, 1991. .and MORE! Whatever your investment goals, CIBC has a product for you! Whether you want security, high rates, easy access to your funds, or a fixed, guaranteed return on your investment, a CIBC Savings Specialist will show you the options to consider! For example: - CIBC GICs Cet high, guaranteed rates fromn 30 days to 9.25%* 5 years. ..your choice!.5ya u CIBC INVESTOR'S RATE ACCOUNTO* Combine investment rates with On orioncfbalnc instant access to your funds!t. excWeing $100,000 CIBC TERM,,DEPOSITS Lock-in an attractive rate with the option8 v to redeem your 'investment before niaturityl 5 yeartffm (Penalty may apply.) Talk to a CIBC Savings Specialist today! Excellent rates, security, selection, flexibility. CIK»Bx.M h mr than GreamKt Ra-twims' G7e t us' work ing/OryO u For more information cail CIBC'Contactw 1-800-465-2422;- in Toronto area, 980-2422. *Rae den199 199.ts jea t à ange without norwe. ~CBC G 1 ye and naaic CIOCMSMrS RATE AOUNT ne à Reby CIBCMco tim a à i wdiyofCE, a 4*ReMise arkofGfMC tNÃomlp -sidodayswbenoebdibekw$5Aoe. FAIR Free lectures& Demonstrations 3 DAYSONLY] 19lbone. St. Re Readers Books Crystals Fri. 12-lOpm Sat. 11 -1Opm Sun. 11-7pm It$e à rI 7 ý7 7w- 7L.77- 7 , , .7-7 .7, z-77 v a 1 m 1 , F eor>up À MI mmang --ièîîéý ý Y-Y, À 'FULL M L tom N-wOnlyl V 3xiec .30.1 91 I~~~~S 103DnaS.E F.6 +25axOFF I i Tou'bu*as Sto. < l 1240 DundacaSt.oE. Whitby I~~ 66-892F -1- - - --- 1rtspd SHOE REPAiRIM *~~~mufe EvrdyLwPiceof$5 82 0 na t.lcE.on Rd S 668o-8392tWooco V r..PakigAeor SHOE EPAI l'ma