Whitby Free Press, 16 Oct 1991, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WHTBY PME PRESS,_ WEDNESDAY OG'FOBER 16,1991 BOME SECURflY How. dosa your home measure up? On Thurs;da, Oct. 171, 7:30 p.m., at the McLaughhin Public Library auditorium, 65 Bagot St., Odmbwa, Constable Mike Bevan of, the. Durhanr Regional Police Force MHildiscusa various socurity measures that- can ho taken to safeguard your home against intruders. A question and answer period wil foilow. Admission is free and tickets are available at the library hum Oct. 3. DNNERMTING CAPICï-,Durham"chaptetr, will hold aiinnr ëeetng -on- Thu'rsday Oct.;'17 ât the Earl -of Durýham, yp 227 Brock St. S., Whitby. Steve Butler of Tribeta' Systemnswii speak on 'The Ton' Commandments -of Manufac- turing Resource .-Planin.For regElistuto nandftirthor detals, eil,576-0210 (s. 479). IMiANALYSIS Meisanalyst, JSeCallas, wilbe mn-store'on Friday, Oct. 18 and appointments wiil b. taken up. ta Oct.- 17. A « Back Car. class will b. beld on Oct. 25 for thae who sufer firm back or nock *am or those who would you like ta prevenýt nuries. Rejister before Oct. 22 ut Go Natural Health & Beauty, Centre, 121 Brock St.N. toephone 668-2661. whatm FIBOSrrIS' Ontario Fibrositis Association Durham chapter meeting wil ho held Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 7:30 p.m. at Oshawa Goneral Hospital, lecture room .1002. Guest speaker * will ho 'Day. Chatham, tai-chi mîstructor. For more information cali, Lloyd at 623-1702, Gay at 728-0981 or Susan at 430-8255. MAYO1VS FRAYER The eighth annual 'Mayor%. Prayer Breakfast Iwil ho held on Saturday, Oct 19, 8 ta 9:30 a.m., ,at Heydenshore Pavilion, Witb. Guest speaker wiil ho erald Vandezande, public affaira director of Citizons for Public Justice, who i. weil-versed ini current affaire and issues that affect bathi the Christian communit~y and the larger socioty. Admission ($7) wil ho by ticket only'and are available at local churches or through the'offlce of st. -maries United Church, Whitby (668-3091). 0 WODWORINGTOOLS & MACHINERV ~fl> À J INISHING PRODUCTS 0 SUPPLIES 0 BOOKS & UITERATURE 0 CARVING SUPPLIES & ACCESSORIES 0 SEMINARS C CARVING COMPETITIONS & DEMOS 0 LOG HOMES C GUINNESS WORLD BOOK 0F RECORDS 0 EXOTIC & DOMESTIC WOODS C WOODTIJRNING COMPETITIONS e WOODcRAPTS<S BOOMERANGS C CANADIAN MARQUETRY, -S ANTIQUE TOOLS a WOOD FURNITURE- C -EHIGH SCHOOL STUDENT'COMPETITONS HOBBIES &GAMES CINTL.WOOD COLLECTORS SOCIETY MEET THE WOODWORKING PROS! ,Mike & Carolyn Russel. *Jeif Parsons & Paul ROèSS.. Rodger Cûris. ... RickRosendahl .. ,Michael Frtune.'. :Davld rwin.(INTARSIA),.*.ý.-HaI McGray (CARVING) *Ross Crapp (SCROLL SA. Eldon HUMphreys (CARICATURE) -Benlain Ruhe (BOOMERANG) Sharponing Techniqùes(Lee Valley) *Brock Rd N.- Just off HwY. 401 PICKERING, ONT. FR1., OCTr. 18 SATr., OCT. 191 SUN., OCT. 20 4-10* Il1-fI1- À dmission, $5, under 12 FREE STEP GROUP The fall session of theSTEP Faniily Education Group is being arranged. This group is for families and'friends of prons whose diagnosis i. schzophrnia. The objectives of the group wiil ho ta provide a forum where these families can gain basic education on tho topic of schizophrenia and discuse issues of mutuel concern related ta coping with mental illnoss. The group wiil ho held in zth corom ottage 10 at Wl rycluatric Hospital on Wednesdayo- fron 7:30 - 9 p.m. bgnngWednesday, Oct. 16 and wilrim for soven weoks, ending Nov. 27. Fer referrals ta this group, lolaso call 668-5881 for Ane a1le ext. 5673 or Pr. MM. Fi ext. 5672. oeESS Chossplayers of Whitby, A.ax and Pickering are invited ta some friondly compotitio froni rivais of Oshawa, W MR Hil and Agincourt-Malvern. The iinter- regional AWHPAWO, Chesa Association offers ratod slow-play and active-play taurnamûents, spoed chou. and casuel' play on Tuesdays and Thursdays., 7 ta il1 p.m., ut Sir Oliver Mowat Coloegiate (staff room), 540 Lawrence Ave. E, on. block wost, of Port Union Rd. Wlomonn, juniors' and seniors are welcomo. For information, cail Brian ut 723-9529. JUNDEISINGDANCB Whitby Psychiabric Hosia will hold the annual UnitewdWaj fundraising danc eat -Col.R. McLàaughlïn Airmoury, 53 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa on I'riday, Oct. 18,8 pan.tol1am. Ther Will be door prizes raffles, and a light lunch will Ub evd Music by The Entertainers. Tickets, $10 per persn, may ho purchae at the door or fron Lafontaine Trading Post, 122 Brock- St. N., Whitby. Roeeds will go to the Unit day. COPE COPE, a com it mental healh pogrm srving Durham Rleion, wiilbhut a preeentation by Denise Houa., Oshawa, Oct. 22 at 7 to, 10 P.m. ut Faith Place, 44 Willam St. W, Oshawa. Available parking ut Oshawa Times. Speaker. are Joan, Wmdover and Diana Decosta. Free admission with refresh- ments. For- more infor ati uoi Ajax/Plckering 686-3248, Oshawa, /WMhy 434-1693 and Newcastle 623-2261. PEANUT CAMPAIGN The. Durham unit of the Ktidney Foundation of Cana4a recently cracked open its 1991 Peanut Campaign - a fundraiser aimed at improvinà the quaityof. life for local idney patients. Te campaign runis until Oct. 31, and hopes ta raise $22,500 by selling 300 cases of peanuts. Baop of peanuts soUl for $3 and contain 17 snack packeta ideal for Efaloween and lunchbox treats. There are 25 Ibapinech case. For more infrmtio, aUMargaret Crees at 985-4584. Ainual Craft Sale Port Perry Hligh Sehool- Saturday October,26th 1Oam -4pm, Non-poIt hlharobasediln =htb or have a' dueal aiWhIIby place their ý upooming meetings or activides on this page at no cost. I n 8 EALTEI FAIR On Thursday, Oct.- 17 betwesn 2 and 4 p.m., Farvew Lodge, in coiijunction with the Durham Reg*on Departmoènt qf Health, wilhst 'od Your Heart Smart,' aspart -of the. Health Fair. Les Hung wil ho giving a cooing domonstration for hoaùl eating and providlng tn Aliig samples ta taste. Public health .nutritionist Mil Ryan .Hmahman, Durham Regbn Deprtmont of -Hoalth Sevieowfitakabout -lnoe healthy faad choices and'o labels. Thorm will hotipe onsmart shopping and how good eating habits can ho fun. For -mors information, contact Heather TIm ut 668-55. WRKK'SUPER The- Westminster United Church Women- wiil hold a tur- kysuppe t the. church 25 .ManigRd. (botween icson .and Gard roads), on Saturday, Oct. 26. There will ho*sitigst 4, 5and 6 p.CoetiMs$9 for adulte, $4 for those undor age 12 (freo for, pre-schoolers). To reservo, oil Grace at 728-0417, Helen at 576-2615 or Elizabeth et 576-82e~. NEUROAMAID Tlhe annual general mes' the Neurofiramatosis Soci Ontario will ho hold at the day Inn, south of Hwiy 4 Warden Ave., Toronta, on ~Oct.20, :5 am. ta, ulty MyorBobAttersi make-a draw atS P , F information cail 68-91506 6141. CENTRALONTABIO WVOOD» The Central Ontario. Wood. Show gets underway 'on 'Fidays Oct. 18 (4 ta 10 p-T..Saur py Oct. 19 (11 a.m. ta 9 P.m)sd Sunday, Oct. 20 (11 am. ta 6 p.m.) at"the Mtro East Trade Centre, Brock Rd.IN Plckering (just off ti 401). AJiission ta the sho w il hoe $5 for adults, $3 for students (with ID)cardse) sud children aged 12 sud under ane free. ONTARIO LBAYWE OCT. 12,. 1 Each time you go ta Witby Public Library durngthe .week Oct. 12 to19 droçton tath e chilreds ad' J'tfiction desk and M1 out a slip, taonter the. book dra:w. Winners will ho announced on Saturday, Oct. 19. YOUNG PARENTS SUPPORT SERVICES' The annuial general meeting of theRoeof Purham'Young Parents Support .er.ices wil ho held Monday, Oct.21,i 8 p.m., at St. John the Evaneiist -Roman Catholic, ChZurchr MhHal Whitby. Ouest speaer wil ho TerryKelly. WALK-A.*fHON The Fre. Fro i FearFounda- tion wiil hold a 10km 'walk- a-thon on Oct. 19 in Picker ing to rais. funds ta caver the financial neods of the support group that helps individuels who suifer frofn probleme ascieted with anie y, panic disordèes sud'pho- bis torpledge sheéesasd more iniformatioin cail Deboreh Wil- liams at 416-831-3877. ig of SUPPT!GBUP dyOf Head hjury.AscitOp f eloli- DurhaZm Rogin ujp4 t groWp 01, off meetings wiil ho enWonsdy a Sùn- Oct. 16, 7:30 pm. at 459 BoFnd St. 4 p.E., Oshawa. Parking in- rear. eyilfamily and fMonds are wolcme. r more Survivosw,.goup ,on Main -floor br430- sund family and cargiv«osrUmp upstairs. IfassistaSnce eded with trasporatio oei 723-2732. wmows A» ib OKR A plosant so"cal clb for widows and widowers will:ho held Simdayl, Oct. 20a 73 p in the. 420. Wnn& -Oshewa hrt -Dancinu. suffleboardp darts sud ormore ifR mation oei Ermie et 683-204, Forbos et 430-0130 or Marion 683-3855 MEEiNG North Oshewa chapter, one Parent Fanilie AsoWain wi hold ameoting on Oct. 16 8 Pm et Christ Churcb, Mary sud HmlrofoSts.9 Oshawa. Ouest speaker, Maijorie Vimiair, wiil give a talk n colloctiblos sud what-nots. New membor wolcome. For ifoCalnoil 432-2259 or .576-5853. FAMHON SHOW The Whitby Seniors Activity Contre, 801 Brook St. S., wiil hold a fall fatshionÙ show on Sunday, Oct. 20, et 1 pam. Mèensd women's fashioiýs ll hWpovdéd rthe .Mercatile. ur mn Fnnrie wiil also ho showýn. lh. cost of the show is $4 and includes a lunchoon. Ail are invitec For tickets, ei 668-1424. INTERNATIONAL TRAINING IN COUMMUNCATION The. First -Oshawa Club ITC wiil meet on Ttiesday.,Oct. 22, 6 M.m t Hong Kong Houas, 89 SicoSt. S., Oshawa. Cst of dinner is $14. The theme wil ho 'To Explore the Unknown.' For more informatio,CalilPat et 725-9375 or Joyce at 668-5504. . . . . . . . . . . j INTER-FAMNATIONAL CONFERENCE The Canadian Youth Pro-Life Orgnization (CYPLO) wil hold its l7th annual inter-faith national conforence'from Oct. 18 to 20 utFr. ILeo J.TAustin High School in Whithy. It wil ho hosted by, Msgr. Paul Dwyer Youth For Life. Over 500 hgh achool and university-age students from all acroos Canada are e~otdto attend, along with internationaily-known speakers. For further information or interviewsý, contactTq Scotchburn at (416)' l94J e7l1, Elizabeth Connol at (416) 985-9102 or Doug- Rckotts at <416),72r-2516.- 142ND ANNESW Burns PrshytrianChurch, Ashburn, wii clerate thoir 142nd annivorsary 'on Sunday, Oct. 20 froin 11a.n. to 7:30, Guest minister will b. the : Bon VanAuken.- Theewill b. spocial music bhy Dobbie Batten and Sharmen Porterý and 'The Clebratioei CherF lead b~y Lillian and Darmy Reesor. Ail are welcome. LUNG ASSOCIATION' Thore is sMMl time ta registor for the Lung Assoiationv's Botter Broathing . Course, to bogin Tuesdays Oct. 22 at the Senior Citizens Centre, 45 John St. W., Oshawa. This hmre. am for adulte with asthina, gor omphysema will run for soven sesons, consocutive Tuosdays and Frdays fron 11:30 a.m. ta 1, p.m. For more inomation oei 436-1046.. À

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