WHITBY FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 16,19919 PAE'23 in or eiwe - 1 -i MOVe * in a p Whitby Maksteel minor peewee &UA team extended its- win streak to six games on Oct. 9 when it overcame a tenacioua York-Simcoe squad 8-5 at Iroquols Arena. With three players missing in the lmneup due-to imjury, the gae was a roller-coaster, affair with.Whitby trailing 5-3 after two periods. Kerri Death's coniim n program enabled the Steelera to endure and triumph in a rigorus third period. Mark Haynes, Jason Hotchkiss, Dah Ricica, Ryjan O'leary and. SteveDeath -were gal-scorers ,and aest-getters,. ile'.Mike Robertson and Brout Layary provided other assisa. Bantams led by Biais. TEANNUAL Golden Stick awards Ward (peewee A), Josh Colley and banquet was a huge succes Jaît ERyle Wailes (tyke A), Casey Dupont week. Iisi year four provincial (novice A) and Stephen Hoar (novice ca ionship teams were honoured. B). F«1 ht From7left are thefr captains, Jason F. r ht Whitby Sorbara Group minor bantains recentiy beat Oshawa 9.1 at- Children's. Arena' in Oshawa. Jn the first period, Whitby's Steve Biais scored a pair. Whitby led 4-0 after two perioda with goals by Matt Cardwell and Biais. Third period action, saw Whitby add five more goals with Oshawa scoring late in the period AGode' ribute tomi nor -lacrosse heBChsBoi The1~I Wity Minor Lecèrosse Association's Golden Stick awarda banquet cerne off with li"the pizzazzof the Aca- demy Awerds. Provmng that Durham Région is truly the lacrosse hot-bed, over 600 attended tins yeer's function. Payi"g tribut. ta al luvolved in 19, the fetivities luciuded th ' four provincial champion Thecham ionship teama indu- ded Peacock-Spots&- Trophies peewee A, Brooki. Redmen tyke A, Brookin Kinsmen novice A and the Durham Régional Police Assoc novice B. Speciali award were presne tathetapsin the asocation. thnnifer Johnson reoeived honours as the ieague's moat sportamanlike player. Wes. Suddons was selected as the layer moot likely ta succeed inlaâcrosse and De bie. Schlitt waa chosen as the person who contributed tii.most ta, lacrosse iu the 1991 seasn. 0'niy, one guest speaker couid have ben seiected on this ni lit: Jim Bîshoqp known ta al ast. Lacrosse. Bishop guided the Oshawa Green Gaelista seven consecutive Minta Cup lecrosse. champion- ahi Ps (1963-69). H o helped ta start two profes- sional leagues -- the. National Lacrosse Leéague in 1968 and the Canadien Lacrosse League in 1973. A member of the Canadien Lecrosse Hall of Faine, Bishop is also a past winner of the Michael Pearson award for excellente in the sport of lacrosse. _________ _____........ST.....WHIT. Bishop addreaaed the many parents and coaches mnvolved., «Until recentiy- B.C.ý or Mary-, land might b. caied the.,lecrosse capital of the world. No. longer aur show han juat begmn," sai Bishop. The lacrosse great referred ta the p arentscoachesaend organi- zero as the true roi. models. «"Young people need roi. modela", lie said. Oid guys like *myself need roi. modela, too. My roile modela are the executive that make this thing go.» Atoms off* to strong start Whitby's minor atoin A teain, this year. sponsored by Elacint Canada Ltd., is off to a fine start in their 1991/92 hockey season with seven wins and on. tie. The team's performance in, exhibition hes been very succesaful, with victories ovpr the Rexdale A Nordiques 13-1, Merkham AA 6-0, the. Scarborough Bruina AA 6-2, Wexford AA 9-1, Uxbridge A r-4 and a tie with Gouling Park AA Rangers 1-1. In regular seaw~n play, the teemx sports a 2-0 record with victories over Bowmanvile .5-2 and Ajax 4-1, with two gaines coning up this week, with Pickering and a second gaine againat Ajax. Goatendera Ryan CaI'ag-"- and Scott Wyiie have ben sar in their starta so fer tis year and bave eerned a 1.50 goals againat average. Teain memberis included Scott Berrey, Jared Brown, Jef Church, R=i Dancey, Scott Dennio, Jor Fitzgibbon, Jauie Gilea, Paul Goldsmith, Mike Hamilton, David Kubryné1ki, Greg LéBlanc, Danny Small and Mark Unwin. The teem is coached by Robert Fitzgibbon, asssted by Troy May, trainer Joe Goldsmith and managed by Sylvia Dancey. Whitby hockey W L TY A P MalanePringlsa 3 0 0 21 9 6 Atteraley Tire 3 0GO 158 6 OTfoole 3 1 0 1915.6a C.L Auto Body a 1 O 19 17 a Custom uto 2 2 0 22 17 4 Davldon Cluae 2 2 0 12 13 4 Woodyrcreat 2 2 01013 4 BoyaEnufrprisaes 1 2 099 2 Hclland Lwbe 1 2 01014 2 mREemlty 1 20 12 20 2 Caey 0830 7 14 0 Cliff imnePlumbing 0 4 O 9 18 0 Woo4ycrect 1I lffLaa 0 Dfaut winlnCatoe hpaymra> CJL Auto 5CaenAt Larzyljoyd 2 Brian aDeqaa2 Don Frech MI7 Mula ToeiMBrsadmr OregLa Damia radimr O'ftoes B Davidm nChxraIe! 3 Mark Houdotn 8 Georg a Léa JohnAtta Guay Hanaford laiHaTUt Bob Snafl Jlm WlIbur to break Whitby goalie Rob Fodor's shutout. Goals for Whitby were scored by Steve Holbiskçi with a r while Jeremy Schott, «t Bongard and Biais added singles.- That gave Biais a game total of four goals and two assista. The team's next pane will b. Wedneaday, Oct. 16,at Iroquois against Quinte at 8:15 p.m. Broolfin. Whitby hockey Av& 24 OmL12, AdaMlAW Bob Shtt SeL18. Wtby, 8. Tomnt.Mariua a BEPL 18 Whitby 38 cloempuana 2 Tannoeumm Ai. amnnm Whithb 8a Dct cWD 1 .&pL 21 Whitby 6 Qu5t. 9 AJ. Uaca. Whitby 2 Ma*l.am 2 N1NOBA 1OM 'Wity 18 Noediquaa1 NUMVamlo 2% GO ael2 J.ri Prtgam2 mut Unwln Jaru Bau Whitby I axkb0 un 'VmnpIw SSUIooehf 29 Imwmý ý