WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 169,1991, PAGE.25 'Bea t the ,b ug --et fu so Byi J mL rioet cfC.nAugL-ht" Lhuit.<I 'Tho flu' bas becomie .omething of a catèii.all wo apply ta, just about gny illness- that maies us, MiYRTLE CONR*AD Myrtie Olive Conrad of WhitbZ ciid on Tuesday, -September 2, 1991 at Whitby- Genîeral Hospi- tai. She *as 84.-_ Sh. was born* Cobourg, Ont. on June 6 1907daliter of Charles anf Eva (lüowittTaylr Sho marniod'Arthur RB. Con- rad on september 2, 1936 i Cobourg. A resdent..of Whi*tby sice 1958,1 Mrs. -Conrad. was a mom- ber of St. George ' nglican Church'in Oshawa, was a form;er president Of Ail Saints Evoning Guild m iWhitby, wa a mmbr of the. <Jnadiah' Club of Durham Region, .Rt 'y 1Inner Wheel, WhtyCurlifi >Club and Dupli- She in. eurvived by her daugiiter Rutii Latulipe (and her héadPeter Caehmon) 0of Oeh- awa od son ichord C.-Conrad of Wýe@eTmuIt, Quebec."..grand~ children Vaùà m.a -anid G.offrey Conrad, sieter Ivy Bradley of Cobourg, sister-in-Iaw Daisy Cor- kum of ILaHavç;, Nova Scotia, sevoral -nieceer,ý.ond nWhiewe friende Loonâ and Hà rolà S9muck, BettyWiiiters and bridge club momber*ý*- i3he was .predca. by her huÉband. A memoriai service wae lield frdm Ail Saint AnglicanClurch on, F 1da,.ptombor 27, 1991, Canon iDPevid Peaegood of St! George' Anglican Church offi- ciating. Interment of ashes at St. Petor's cemetery., Cobourg. TEMSFINEGAN Thomas ..Patrick, Finnegon of Whitby- died- at :-his home on Septemýber 30,-1991. Ho was 96i Ho was born.in, Ontario on June 18, 1895, son of Patrick and Kathleen Francisý (Long) Finne- f e, i mrablo during the. wrnter ,monthe, from a 'comoà n cold tai ongâ nubr rfmnor viuses. Hoeethere reaUi ean iilnes thats caed the. 1hz, its propernom. is infuenza ond it gan. Mr. "Finnogan was a-railroad paymiasterbefore retiring- H o is eurvived by son Claude of, Corbyville. and daughter. Loyola (Mrs, Vioent -Long) of Trenton..: HRe was predeceased by sieters Annie Hogan, Edna Casement, BoRtta Wagr,.-Gladys Newton, brothere John, EarlLeo, Wil- liam, Thadeus anddCloreice., me funeral service was hold at St. John the Evangoliet ChurchP Whitby on Thusday, -October 3, 1991. Intermont at St. Mary's com6eter, port Hope. D!SMOND HOAEDMAN Deamond Thomas Hardmon of Whitby died at hie homo on October 4,1991. He was 67. Hie waZ born-on Mayr 31, 1924 i England.. A -tleviion pocr and director, ond a war veteran, h. lived hi Vancouver and Toronto before moving te, Whitby two years mgo. Hoeis survived by sons Sean Christopher, David, Brett anc Jiru, daughter Hilary,>grandchil- dren .9,l ea, Elzabeth, Rachel, Jesse and Aloi, and brother Ver- non ofEngland. ILEEN LAGUE Ilon Mae Ligue 0f Oshawa died on Soptembor 28, 1991 at Oshawa Gênerà 'H d -ta:She was 80. She waà s'.bornin 1CasIeton, Ont. on- October 15 1910, dtr f HeretD. ~orc -Aformer nurse, se is survived" byher husband- Joseph William fLage, ýdaughters, Mrs. Jean Dinma 10fCoborne, Mre. Caro-* lyn MUcCutciieon of Owen Sound, sons Clarence Harnden of Port Perry, Donald, Harnden of Orono, steRpson Dale" Lague of Cam- bridge, 16 grandchildren and 12'. great-grandchildren.' S Th e funeral service IWas held from Hîilsdale Wesleyan Methodl- ist Church in Oshawa on Tues- day, Oct. 1, 1991, Rev. Wayne. Briggs officiating. Interment at Mount Lawn oemetery. JOSEPH LUCIANO Joseph Lucianoa landecaper from Oshawa, diec on Septembe 28, 1991 at Oshawa General Hospital. Ho was 60. Ho was borninhiScarborough, Ont. on June 7, 1931, son of Mfrs. poses a roui threat ta. our health. .Influa je a virus that makes us a lot sicker thon the more common winter viruse. At firet, we're unawaro w. even have it but lafter a few dae, we begin to and Mrs. Anthony Luciano. He is survived by wifo, Betty, sosJsph of Saskatoon, Sask., Tony of Oshawa, KovinofÎOsh- awa, daughter Tina Marie of Oshawa, and grandchildren. The fimeral service was held from the Funeral Home Chapel on October 1, 1991. Burial at Groveside cemetery. WILMONT SHANE Wilmnont Ernest Shane died at Oshawa General H itaelo Thursday, October -"10. 1. Ho was 68.- Ho je survived by daughters Darla Goroux and her husband Garnet of Oshawa, Pamela Power and her huéband- Paul of Oshawa, sons Michael and hie wifo Carole of Whitby and Fronk and hie wife Susan of Hamrton, ~andchildrenWayne, cotg, ark nd Seyl eroux, Uà sa, Michael Jr. and Laura Shane, Christinie and Timoth McDonald, great-grandcildren Steven, .Ho was predecesed by hie broth erRaxo The fuieral, service was held from the Armstrong Funeral Home in Oshawa on Saturday, October 12. Interment at Thorn- ton-cemetery. Donations to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation. LAZZARO Tindaro Molica-Lazzaro of Whitby died. on October 5, 1991 in Oshawa. Ho was 91. Ho was born on September 6, 1900 in Gioiosa, Marea, son of Frank and ýNancy Molica-Laz- zoro. Ho married Giov anna ini Gioiosa in 1921. A resident of Whitby fer 25 yeare, ho was a miember of St. John's Church. Ho is survived by son Frank and hie wife Clementina son Joe and hie wife Pina, âaughter Nancy Costintino and her hue- bond Santo, son Tom and, hie* wife Filici, soni Domenico and hie wife Bessie, son Fred and hie wife Lucy. The. funeral service was held from the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on October 8, 199 1. develop thinge liko chile, burning watery eyesi a bad cough, unifles, headache, overail body ache, stomach ache, nausea, weakness, diarniioea and a foyer sas high e 38-40 degrees C. Itsi easy ta se rwh ti.flu b laves even yong hiealthy 'people feelingexausted in some cases, for Meee fligh otagion. -Influenza is als on. 0f the. moot contaglous- viruse known to medicol science. Juet being in the room with -smeone Who bas it, mèanis you con easlliy get- it. Wh.n a flu victim' ougha, sneezes or oven taike, the. virus is sent into tii.,air wh.re it con oaà ll* ho brmatied iby.someono oie. nd sinco i. flu ie activýe in our bodies days befor. wero eveni aware of it, w. con b. eading it around . Loin. 0 Smail -wondor that Iduring ýa severe *outbroak' 30 pSr cent 0f the. popilation con.b. aff.ctod. The flu con make anyone vory sick, but according" ff" to the Conadian Public Hoalth Asocat i t con ho d.adly to people in >what. th.y ý'coU Ilhigli-riek groupe,' .including peopie ovor 6&. those with chronic SEE PAGE 31- If the thing that goles bm in the nlght is your tire cal Van Hemmen ,Tires Radial T/A, *Superior tread lite from advariod tread and boit configurations. " Roadgrppina wet, dry and snow traction from ail-season tread design - branded. M&S for mu and snow. " Quick steering response due to two IulI-width stacked steel.beits and polyester sidewaii piles " Full depth lateral grooves shed water to resist hydroptaning. 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Plan vcur givinig dîcsanlie wv i lan iotiiet filyl aehiiities. *1-tdk about tie nptionir antd the w1% s ynrfiîilv ci lielp vyotr e uiînitunùv. Make giving 111fpar ti nr farîîih budget. 'tbu'll Ai e I oeal J Icroes. 1 slkl clag OPEN HOUSE' 2M h*p Sunday Oct. 20th. 1 Oam - 4pm 1 00 Discount on memberships GREAT SKI SHOP, DiSG Su hips Night Pass $170.00 SHO 686«-3207 or 649-2002 V sObituarie.si 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust *Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After H7ours 668-4460 or 666-1513 - Home appointmenta gladly arranged